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Pokémon Online!

it's r0x server?

  • Yeszsz! ;)

    Votes: 422 65.8%
  • Nooooo! ;(

    Votes: 219 34.2%

  • Total voters
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Level 24 account with 17 days of VIP
Level 5 account with $1200
Normal Pokeball: Machop, Golbat, Sandshrew, Drowzee, Charmander, Doduo, GOldeen, Magnemite, Spearow, Cubone
Great Ball: Drowzee
Ultra Ball: Staryu
Super Ball: Weepingbell
finally caught a pokemon after like 700 great/super balls...and most all of my cash

Level 24 account with 17 days of VIP
Level 5 account with $1200
Normal Pokeball: Machop, Golbat, Sandshrew, Drowzee, Charmander, Doduo, GOldeen, Magnemite, Spearow, Cubone
Great Ball: Drowzee
Ultra Ball: Staryu
Super Ball: Weepingbell

xd server?
Advanced from lvl 39-40, Evolved my Bulba to Ivysaur.
I did Svke box 2 Quest and I got a F**king Ponyta.
mähhhhhh palla börja igen på en ny char uffff segt som

translate ; no kill blx i lief

tråkigt utan PO finns ignet o göra ju

Translate : NO I WILL KILL YOU!


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from wher eu got 600 dollass and pacc?

I play on Lolaye's acc i had 49 days before i left it now i have 33 days and 600 dollars i got from zelph :d also



19:14 You catch a Pokemon! (Poliwag).19:14 You already holding six pokemons, your new pokemon will be teleported to the Pokemon Center! second lol


19:24 You catch a Pokemon! (Poliwag).19:24 You already holding six pokemons, your new pokemon will be teleported to the Pokemon Center! tird
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I bought diamond acc today for pidgeotto + 3,5k. My best poke & all my money, but it's damn worth it! =D
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