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[Poland] [8.00] Treasura |Long term x1| Start 12/04/2024 at 18:00 CEST

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why this server sucks so fk much omg i cant understand why the fk the struggle to get the shit together and make it done&right is so big.
it has large audience, its generating income - still looks like its not enough to make some1 work on it properly and stick to the promises made before start
large audience, its generating income - still looks like its not enough to make some1 work on it
u mean get scammed sold and leaked for free
why the fk the struggle to get the shit together and make it done&right is so big
because $= √evil
why this server sucks so fk much omg i cant understand
open tibia closed
You have Stockholm syndrome, cheers
#swe too
its been almost 3 months since server start

envenome rune despite reports still doing insane dmg (starting at 25 ticking REALLY fast) doesnt scale with mlv/lvl as it should
soulfire rune doesnt scale with lvl/mlv u can shoot it at 8lvl with 7mlv and do 2400 dmg over 12 minutes ticking really fast we killed 48 knight just by soulfiring him at spawn and when he ran to dp we soulfire him again he ran out of supplies and didnt know how to stop fire so yea... 48 knight killed by noob char shooting 4 soulfire runes in total over 40min

antibot system is a gm spamming you orange text "HELLO ARE U THERE?" atleast they ban more people now and they are slighty more active however ppl still bot bedmages and u can feel some ppl are their friends

its still impossible to contact gm if u dont have them as friends on discord (or if u are banned on treasura discord) ctrl+r is COMPLETLY ignored

drop rate of items is kinda weird i made couple characters 8-15lvls just to desintegrate lootbags/throw them to water/block spots steal loots at npc etc and died over 100 times on these in last month i have 7-8 slots taken on inventory and i lose ONE item per 4-5 deads its kinda weird for supposed 10% drop item rate but this might be just pure luck need further testing with some 1lvl rook char that i will do if i get silver necklace here

you still cant recover account if u didnt register recovery key even if u have e mail, character name and account number

since its real 8.0 tibia experience i found guy doing MAGEBOMB with e fields in venore shop using botted characters gm ban them but well... its first time i've seen real mage bomb since long time on server other than war ot and he killed couple 40lvls with headshot

fun fact you still cant buy poison field rune spell on thais as druid/sorcerer despite npc telling you he can teach that spell and theres few other spells like those reported on TEST server and on day one reportoed few times on ctrl+r and on discord still not fixed you have to travel to darashia if u want to learn these spells
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Breaking news poi is NOT WORKING ppl waiting for gm to fix it xD

its been almost 2 weeks since ppl know that poi is bugged and gm said that he will follow team doing poi and fix every bug during quest xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD and exactly the same team said its not a big problem because its holidays and they understand staff will be less active XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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If this OTS is so bad why you play there ?
Maybe time left and they will repair all bugs?
If this OTS is so bad why you play there ?
Maybe time left and they will repair all bugs?
i just report these bugs on otland since im banned on discord since test server and ctrl+r is ignored completly

its super funny to play cuz 3/4 of ppl playing this server is completly clueless gorgo viewers making red skulls on 10lvls then dying with full sets we already made ATLEAST 50 red skulls in last month if not more and gods know how many ppl quit because we pk here probably close to 100 ppl

best loot so far:

he would buy soft boots if not for fact nobody finished it cuz its bugged

People started reporting on dc bug with soulfire rune and envenome rune (cuz we killed hundreds of ppl with these some without frag cuz u can suicide on 13lvl noob and wait for victim to die from damage over time effects xD) despite them spamming world chat, trade ctrl+r and discord its still not fixed but staff is doing GREAT WORK banning people on discord for talking about soulfire runes holy shit

I legit make soulfire runes on mfs and throw these on everyone on sight on my 15lvl waste chars if people take pz on me they are done cuz i can follow them forever keeping soulfire rune on them unless somebody make for these poor ppl (then both will be soulfired lmao)
soulfire effect can be taken down when you stand on fire bomb, which is another huge bug ofcourse
nope it stacks u will get two damage over time effects if u try it same with envenome

they "fixed" soulfire rune now it ticks every 5s instead of 2.5s and for 9min instead of 12min still op as fuck