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Random PKS

I can't even hunt now, I don't have any cash or AOL. It sucks when you die. I'm about to quit anyways. I wish someone could help me with cash.

Same thing with me im running low on cash and I can't hunt at dragons or with a team on dragon lords because of higher levels either killing us or kicking us all out... And aols are 20k in rl tibia if you buy from the seller and if your buy from players i think 25k.... Half my friends quit tibia because of this $h!t.
Same thing with me im running low on cash and I can't hunt at dragons or with a team on dragon lords because of higher levels either killing us or kicking us all out...And aols are 20k in rl tibia if you buy from the seller and if your buy from players i think 25k.... Half my friends quit tibia because of this $h!t.

WRONG its 50k IRL tibia and i can easily prove it

Same thing with me im running low on cash and I can't hunt at dragons or with a team on dragon lords because of higher levels either killing us or kicking us all out... And aols are 20k in rl tibia if you buy from the seller and if your buy from players i think 25k.... Half my friends quit tibia because of this $h!t.

But there are more dragon spawns then 1? If all taken, there should be something else you could lvl and earn cash on..

This server now have half the population from when i started, and i had no problem with lvling my character. I got thrown out of spawns and killed sometimes to, but i didnt give up anyway.
ye,dont give up just do same... find some team and kill everyone who will attack you
I was selling my first dragon hunt loot (like 15k) my FIRST 15K.
When a guy came and killed me.

try to catch me online,and i'll see if i got anything to give you ;)

you can reach me on Taskn or Task :)
i been random pked so many time on my level 50 ish

and i only been playing one day

i lost all my eq like 4 times over i now have a robe (armor 1) lol

every time it jsut made me laugh and i just kept going back and trying kill them and most time i killed em and looted a few bps of mp =D
So I understand only howl howl all bring me to cry cry cry cry why only then will simply better and kills the pk's