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Update 01-28.

Is it just on my pc the new homepage looks like crap? (frames are fucked in firefox here.. works in IE.)
New template looks just great! But why dont you add top50 players in highscores instead of only 15?

this is how it looks for me in firefox.. am I the only one with this problem?

this is how it looks for me in firefox.. am I the only one with this problem?

The session cookie was probably still stored for the old style, it should be fixed now.
See you have edited the info about the update.. Why is it that its still nothing about the new spells? Isn't it time to fix that, instead of unimportant stuff like giving a knight spirit potions. (Which I think is a very bad move, but thats me..) (Know im repeating myself, but I don't think I am the only one waiting for that to get updated.)
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no knights cant use great spirit potion

I got the impression they were gonna fix so knights can do that.. I hope I missunderstood.. Seems it was edited since the first time I read it though ;)
I got the impression they were gonna fix so knights can do that.. I hope I missunderstood.. Seems it was edited since the first time I read it though ;)

No, they were able to use it before. Thats the update about that..
The 8.4 spells will be on the server later on, but not yet as some of the spells does not work correctly on TFS 0.2.
We will run a "test server" soon with TFS 0.3 so we can check if its stable enough for us to run it on SoftCores. When that happen, we will put in the new spells, otherwise we might have to code extra stuffs to implant the new spells into TFS 0.2, but more information about this will be announced later.
I actually think you should increase the exp rate.. just a little bit, not much !! lil bit.. its to much like rl atm.
I want to make some map updates later =) If I'm allowed? :)
Nah it's good now. Not many people belong to be 150+, like in real tibia.

Personally I think it's a good idea to let knights use great spirit potions. They won't use it in war since it heals to less, but with hunting it's nice for them.

Also I think there should be a new, own made potion, for knights.
My idea is the following: Let the potions have the strenght of a normal ultimate health potion --> Around 750. Then, you allow the potion to also get 100 mana each turn. On this way knights can keep casting the potion and exana mort without getting out of mana.

U can cry that they'll get overpowered, but you got to know one thing. At this moment paladins are better blockers as knights. A level 200 pally can outheal really much people with exura san + gsp, around 1,5k or even more. And knights heal max 1k now. So tell me, who's the blocker?
Nah it's good now. Not many people belong to be 150+, like in real tibia.

Personally I think it's a good idea to let knights use great spirit potions. They won't use it in war since it heals to less, but with hunting it's nice for them.

Also I think there should be a new, own made potion, for knights.
My idea is the following: Let the potions have the strenght of a normal ultimate health potion --> Around 750. Then, you allow the potion to also get 100 mana each turn. On this way knights can keep casting the potion and exana mort without getting out of mana.

U can cry that they'll get overpowered, but you got to know one thing. At this moment paladins are better blockers as knights. A level 200 pally can outheal really much people with exura san + gsp, around 1,5k or even more. And knights heal max 1k now. So tell me, who's the blocker?

word but then the knights will be impossible to kill if you ain't like 10 people, i just think you should nerf paladins. But then we'll have a problem with the low lvl pallys since they suck, pallys just own on 200+
I'm sorry to say that my work will be delayed until 01-29 20:00.
All the things stated above under Vanderlay will be launched tomorrow.