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[USA] [7.4 / Custom] Realesta - Recania [July 5th at 20:00 CEST] A New World | Real Map!

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its troll gm didnt give anything to punio everybody knows that realesta is punio server and he can add as much points as he wants and then sell

in this case 250k is equal to 700 points xD

and yes server is corrupted on one edition punio got few lvls and mlvs without even being online so whats the problem?
Server is corrupted and Punio plays only for money now. Hes buying char after 2weeks, never making it himself. Its funny becouse you aiming at low rate 60+ 2x exp only and server is full of bots and corrupted, thats sick. Do whatever you want on higher rates but dont open low rates if you cant handle it properly.
its troll gm didnt give anything to punio everybody knows that realesta is punio server and he can add as much points as he wants and then sell

in this case 250k is equal to 700 points xD

and yes server is corrupted on one edition punio got few lvls and mlvs without even being online so whats the problem?

With your knowledge that may be slightly outdated in mind, I would like to remind that not only Punio receives points for promoting our server, but also other streamers.

I won't comment on general rumors, but if I have to address you, everyone knows that you attempted to exploit the so-called "money bug" publicly on the stream, even though it was honestly earned money. Fortunately, people didn't fall for such cheap tricks.
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Server is corrupted and Punio plays only for money now. Hes buying char after 2weeks, never making it himself. Its funny becouse you aiming at low rate 60+ 2x exp only and server is full of bots and corrupted, thats sick. Do whatever you want on higher rates but dont open low rates if you cant handle it properly.
This is perfect example how we deal with botters Realesta74.net - Free Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (https://realesta74.net/active-bans)
Wow, im retiring from this corruption server, im moving now to Tibiantis. GL all
Tibiantis you can make some runes, sell on online auctions and nothing else, it is not suitable for gaming.

On Realesta with corruption and bots, you have a better server for pvp than on Tibiantis without bots and lvl 200 on a low rate server where you make runes all week, some idiot comes to the fight and kills you with one hit and lose week game when some no hands can kill you one hit , only because they buying runes on auctions internet and shared accounts at high lvls.

Realesta you get free spells and travels on facc, and tibiantis loot x 1 and you have to buy pacc for spells and travels and you have 10 frags a month or red skull and the end of your game... when have by lvl 150 or 200 at server...

Think about it, Tibiantis, you run around with your bare ass without a good war backpack and any noob can kill you even though he has no pvp skills because he bought premium and a ton of runes on online auctions for many dollars.

Low-rate servers are the worst type of server that can be created because they are the most p2win, of the two evils servers and so Realesta is the least p2win server on the market among the current servers, it has a better frags and pvp enforced system, that's why Tibiantis will never be as good as realesta regardless of the corruption of bots on the server, because it is just boring trash for creating runes.
With your knowledge that may be slightly outdated in mind, I would like to remind that not only Punio receives points for promoting our server, but also other streamers.
yeah ppl getting 300 points some guild leaders probably more like on every trash one week server but punio got unlimited access to points and everybody know it

I won't comment on general rumors, but if I have to address you, everyone knows that you attempted to exploit the so-called "money bug" publicly on the stream, even though it was honestly earned money. Fortunately, people didn't fall for such cheap tricks.
no i didnt it was just a joke do you really believe we would just throw 250k and quit if theres a cash bug?

yeah teach these filthy botters a WEEK banishment is really harsh on LOW RATE edition maybe you should warn them first or try with 24h ban? they will learn right?

btw u get week banishment for frags same as for botting xdxd luckily theres unban in store for 500 points
Wow, im retiring from this corruption server, im moving now to Tibiantis. GL all
So you're stupid nerd and you decided to share this info with us? xd tibiantis xdddddddddddddd

Server is corrupted and Punio plays only for money now. Hes buying char after 2weeks, never making it himself. Its funny becouse you aiming at low rate 60+ 2x exp only and server is full of bots and corrupted, thats sick. Do whatever you want on higher rates but dont open low rates if you cant handle it properly.
What is bad in buying chars in tibia? Are you retarded? Ofc there is lot of bots making runes like on all seasonal war servers, why you think this is bad? You make 50 bp gfb/day and you always have runes for exp. This is how war server works, fast exp to 100 lvl and wars. You don't get it? You are sad nerd and you prefer making 2 bp runes daily on tibiantis xdddd - ok, but stfu kid... You like boring, sad and nostaligic playstyle - nice, but you must know that we, normal people, prefer fast gameplay, a lot of wars and full action. You are mad, because there is only like 10 sick people like you (prefer exping 100 lvl on dwarfs) and no more poeple want join your stupid club xddd die nerd
Most corrupted ots ever, "punio" Loots a dead body 1 day in to the server with a guy loosing 250k in backpack. Makes sense, the server is resetting every month and people still play this retard server! Goodluck LOL.
hahaha what a kid xdd sad torg-no-brain idiot xdd realesta is actually top 1 seasonal war server 7.4 so cry more
That sucks, glad i just played for a few hours, i died once and cameback to darkrest.
another idiot, you dont play on best 7.4 war servers, but you are proud because you play fckn darkrest xdddd 30 people online? xdd sad guy, sad life, typical forum brainded nerd
only good on realesta
non existing everywhere else
you kinda answered yourself
without inf supplies he cannot do shit
he even reported mass pk to GM that was allowed and GM banned everybody on screen who killed him on ramonia xD
pk player who can't play properly, half of ppl are equal to his lvl with hands right now, it's not 201x year anymore
without wazelina, punio was one of the best tibia 7.4 players tbh, and you should be thankful that punio is streaming, without his streams your sad life would be even worse looser xddd ohhh, you are profesorek's fan and you play with szarancza on ramonia and after 2 years you are still sad because punio asked gm to ban you for mass pk xddd what a sad guy :D go play with szarancza, you are 0, massively killing 8 lvls and looting 10 gp+rope+shovel. Good job. This is fun for you? Ehh, tibia players are so stupid and sad people... This is illness.
shit server
hahaha, you hating realesta and you promote odenia XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD plz ban this sick idiot xdddd btw. realesta is top 1 seasonal war server 7.4, if not, tell me better server xd odenia?
thats the only way how i can comment it
Server is corrupted and Punio plays only for money now. Hes buying char after 2weeks, never making it himself. Its funny becouse you aiming at low rate 60+ 2x exp only and server is full of bots and corrupted, thats sick. Do whatever you want on higher rates but dont open low rates if you cant handle it properly.
Thats why u know which server is only worth to play 😇
a few issues make you wanna play on tibiantis
  • not belonging to streamers
  • not supporting streamers
  • executing punishment for cheating
  • splendid thinking of economy of server (no macros, nerfed quests)
  • not interrupting into the game (gms dont give a shit about pk's groups, which is valid)
a few issues make you wanna play on tibiantis
  • not belonging to streamers
  • not supporting streamers
  • executing punishment for cheating
  • splendid thinking of economy of server (no macros, nerfed quests)
  • not interrupting into the game (gms dont give a shit about pk's groups, which is valid)

also if u block desert quest gm wont spawn teleport to reward room at -1 without lvl req
I've never understood why Punio will only play on servers in which the owners give him and his team all the advantages. He's that good at this game, surely he would want a challenge?
Because punio is owner of realesta/realera together with Ruth.. da'h
WTF ? On this video we can see thet Punio take 25 CC to his BP and IT disappearing ...
After this he Has 25 CC in DP??

Not disappear it lands on first place but the backpack is scrolled down, watch carefully :D

Professor's Team tried to deceive people by suggesting that Punio supposedly received 25cc from the administration. The truth, however, is that for 3 days, their entire team diligently collected this money by hunting Bonebeasts and Mummies in Coldwind, skinning bodies, and selling the acquired loot. As a result, they managed to accumulate 25cc more quickly and deliberately fielded a colleague from their own team to open the body and find the money publicly on Punio's stream.
We have logs of everything, so we can easily prove it if necessary, but for now, I don't see the need.

Provement cam:
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Because punio is owner of realesta/realera together with Ruth.. da'h

Because Punio, as a player, has many enemies and haters, there is a risk that they may try to subtly influence his audience by exploiting the fact that he streams live, using tactics like those described a few posts above. The person who should be hated now are the people who release these types of videos.
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Not disappear it lands on first place but the backpack is scrolled down, watch carefully :D

Professor's Team tried to deceive people by suggesting that Punio supposedly received 25cc from the administration. The truth, however, is that for 3 days, their entire team diligently collected this money by hunting Bonebeasts and Mummies in Coldwind, skinning bodies, and selling the acquired loot. As a result, they managed to accumulate 25cc more quickly and deliberately fielded a colleague from their own team to open the body and find the money publicly on Punio's stream.
We have logs of everything, so we can easily prove it if necessary, but for now, I don't see the need.

Provement cam:
So they struggled for days to collect 25cc and then let this one dude have it in his backpack (without an aol) and go afk in a tomb and not just any tomb but precisely the same tomb at the same time that Punio was there.. Bro we all know Realera is corrupted, has always been and will always be its a moneygrab thats why punio is a part of this server. Its only fanboys of punio who plays here. get rekt ppl like u ruin the ot community
Not disappear it lands on first place but the backpack is scrolled down, watch carefully :D

Professor's Team tried to deceive people by suggesting that Punio supposedly received 25cc from the administration. The truth, however, is that for 3 days, their entire team diligently collected this money by hunting Bonebeasts and Mummies in Coldwind, skinning bodies, and selling the acquired loot. As a result, they managed to accumulate 25cc more quickly and deliberately fielded a colleague from their own team to open the body and find the money publicly on Punio's stream.
We have logs of everything, so we can easily prove it if necessary, but for now, I don't see the need.

Provement cam:
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Because Punio, as a player, has many enemies and haters, there is a risk that they may try to subtly influence his audience by exploiting the fact that he streams live, using tactics like those described a few posts above. The person who should be hated now are the people who release these types of videos.
Chill, that was only a joke, the people that said it's from GM are his viewers, not us.
he truth, however, is that for 3 days, their entire team diligently collected this money by hunting Bonebeasts and Mummies in Coldwind, skinning bodies, and selling the acquired loot.
stop lying zemsta limborga died less than 48h after server start
2023-10-29 17:59:45Killed at level 60 bya mummy230358

also he went to hunt bonebeasts for few hours to recover after buying obsidian knife and other shit from store req to play properly on this p2w trash "low" rate server

e.g obsidian knife, postman scroll (who will spent 4h to make quest on start when u can get 1.2kk xp which is equal to lvl up from 40 to 53 it took us less than 5 hours to make 250k in 4 voc at 30lvls morning after server start

cherry on top of this shit server is that you can cavebot 3 chars at once and even if u get caught (u must be reported and theres no gm at night xD) is a week banishment however u gm doesnt check other chars u are logged in so u can bot 3 chars at once and theres really really low chance to get banned on all of em

btw ban for frags is also a week and u can buy unban in store for 500 points xDDDDDD