• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[USA] [7.4] Dura - A Harder Tibia | Massively Customized | New Meta | Long Term | Regular Updates | Never Reset | For Skilled Players

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Elite System

Party Monsters have finally been fixed, a bug that was troublesome and difficult for a long time.

u From now on Party Monsters will only be generated if you're in party and the criteria for sharing experience are upheld; within distance and level range of each other.
u All monsters which were not previously capable of Elite Abilities when spawned in Elite Form -- now are.
u The Sophisticated Elite System will soon be integrated into the game.
u The spells can come in one-shot, or fields, or pulses.
u They can do various different effects, such as damage, paralyze, drains, CC, and more.
u The current Elite_Hero_Mock has over 220 Custom Elite Spells, similar to these shown below.


Dura Staff
Bug Fixes

u All items that are reserved for the new incoming equipment slot: belt/pouch/artifact, have been deactivated so they do not work being held in hand.
u Ranger's Crossbow as well still does not show it's full range of stats, in this case Health Regeneration, this will be fixed.
u Golden Scimitar should now work in entirety, both normal and quest.
u Incense Burner has been given functionality.

u A bug has been fixed that prevented Incense Burners being sellable to an NPC if they are new.
u A bug with Dwarven Axe has been fixed.
u A bug with Necromantic War Helmet has been fixed.
u A bug with Crawling Hand's Bracelet has been fixed.
u Various bugs where some items were containers have been fixed.

u A bug with a quest has been fixed.
u A bug that caused a crash has been fixed.
u A bug with Focus causing the spell Ultimate Explosion to be bugged has been fixed.
u Slime Ooze has had a slight modification to it's Rapid attack which will be net benefit to players.

Dura Staff
Season of Nature!

As winter recedes, the world awakens in a new found spring. Buds begin small and wary but soon transform into an explosion of green, their tendrils unfurling with the promise of a new layer and memory to the land. Flowers blanket the meadows in colored troves, and the air is heavy with the scent of renewal. Creatures, great and small, emerge from their winter refuges, announced by many a bird song that fill the forests. Amidst this rebirth, the guardians of the grove stand vigilant, their eyes focused and their senses attuned to the pulsing vitality that travels through root and bough. At the center of an ancient forest, where the trees arch high like the vaults of a branched cathedral, a sage druid communes with the the heart of the earth itself. His hands, marked with the verdant sigils of old, channel the burgeoning power that surges with every passing moment. For in this season, when life returns in its fullest, the earth itself seems more powerful than the sun or the waters or the skies. It is a time heralding growth and boundless potential. It is the Season of Nature.


The event, Season of Nature, will occur from Friday April 26th Server Save to Tuesday April 30th Server Save.
  • During this event all earth damage that is dealt from monsters to players is increased by 15%.
  • During this event all earth damage that is dealt by players to monsters is increased by 15%.
  • Player earth damage will not increase against other players.
  • Monsters whose core elemental identity is earth will reward bonus experience and loot. These monsters are Slime Ooze, Giant Spider, Ancient Scarab, Dwarf Geomancer, Elf Scout, Elf, Slime, Scarab, Cobra, Elf Scout, Larva, Elf, Swamp Troll, Wasp, Poison Spider, Bug, Spider, and Snake.
  • Bonus experience for the above will be 7%.
  • Bonus loot for the above will be 7%.
To a new Spring,
Dura Staff
Update: New Dura Client

As of april 23rd we've deactivated the Old Client, making the New Client the only useable client, it coming with many improvements. These improvements include many bug and feature fixes that were needed. As well now that the new client is online and integrated more fixes are possible and will be coming soon. Everyone must download the New Client. Even if you were already using the New Client for months, weeks, or days -- it does not matter. Everyone must go to Downloads - Dura (https://dura-online.com/?downloads) and download Version 6.3

Some things to be aware of:

  • Use Ctrl+Shift+R to reset your User Interface, as it is likely when first using the client and logging in you will encounter some visual problems.
  • If you cannot login then turn off the in-client proxy your using and try after. If you are not using the proxy and cannot login then try using the in-client proxy.
  • If you were already using the New Client your Maps/Hotkeys should be automatically be saved.
  • If you were using the Old client your Maps/Hotkeys are gone, but they are recoverable and you can find out how in ⁠our discord
  • There is a new slot, which is a Light Slot in the bottom left of your equipment inventory, it works like the old 'Arrow' Slot in that you can place any item in it.
    • This slot has a placeholder background image (torch), this will be changed to the real background image soon.
u Added Hide Summons button.
u Fixed many battle list anchoring and ordering issues.
u Added small option on the bottom left corner of containers that allows one to resize them.
u Fixed many client synchronizing issues.

Dura Staff
Monster Changes

u Bedouin Wife had it's small stones loot increased.
u Stone Golem had it's small stones loot increased.
u Fire Devil it's small stones loot increased.
u Stalker had it's small stones loot increased.
u Many monsters have had small stones added to their loot.

u Crawling Hand has slightly reduced armor.
u Demon has slightly reduced armor.
u Dreadseer has slightly moderately reduced armor.
u Pharaoh Priest has very slightly reduced armor.
u Pharaoh has slightly reduced armor.
u Slime Ooze has moderately reduced armor.

u Fire Devil had it's experience points raised from 142 to 170.
u Lion had it's experience points raised from 30 to 40.

Dura Staff
Rock Gardens, Secret Meetings, Tales of the Bard, and a Doll that emits fire when squeezed!


New cosmetic items of various types have been added to our webshop; you can also find them in our in-game-shop.

Dura Staff
Rune changes

Elemental Knives are increased in damage by 4.5%
u Ancient Elemental Knives are increased in damage by 4.5%

u Ancient Great Fireball Rune now has a 'flat minimum' damage, it did not before.
u Ancient Ultimate Healing Rune now has a flat minimum heal, it did not before.
u Fireball Rune has had it's 'flat minimum' damage raised.
u Great Fireball Rune the ancient counterpart's 'formula minimum' is being lowered, this effectively means the 'formula average' is lowered; it was always too high in Dura, for clarity it was much higher than it's original predecessor 7.2 Tibia. 'Formula maximum' remains the exact same.
u Great Fireball Rune's mana-cost is being lowered from 160 to 145.

u Ancient Missile Runes and Ancient Knives are now exchangeable at NPCs.
u A bug with Ancient Envenomed Throwing Knife's damage has been fixed.
u Various bugs with NPCs exchanging runes has been fixed.

Dura Staff
Roleplay Event!

Greetings Durans,

We're going to have a Roleplay Event and in a nutshell this is what that means:
  • Until Server Save on Dura's 4th Year Anniversary, November 15th Friday Server Save 2024, meaning a total of six months, the event will occur.
  • During that event people can Roleplay in any manner they see fit.
    • The roleplaying can occur on only one character, or across multiple characters -- it is the player that is being 'graded', not a character.
    • Of course you don't need to create a new character/persona/roleplay-style/schtick, if you've been already roleplaying you can continue in the same vein by all means.
    • The same characters/personas/roleplaying could be used for future events if you wish.
  • At the end of the event period voting will take place. The community (players) itself voting for who they think did the best Roleplaying.
    • We will be using Ranked Choice Voting. You'll be able to vote for a total of seven people in ranked order. Ranked voting - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting)
    • It is not definitive what process we will use to carry out the vote, but it will most likely take place in Discord for quality control purposes.
    • The counting of the votes will be done by Admins/Gamemasters.
    • Each person, player, will be able to vote for one-ranked-grouping (aka. one time).
    • If a person is found to be trying to vote for more than one-ranked-grouping they will be penalized to the point of deletion.
Anyone can participate in this event, and at the same time you don't have to at all, it's entirely voluntary. However, if you participate you should be doing so because you will have fun and enjoy it for the sake of itself. This event is designed to be foremost fun, and secondly enrich the community and game-experience for all those who do and even don't participate; is our well-meant advice that rewards should not be the sole reason you are participating.

We're aware in some way this will take on a popularity contest, however we still think it is better that players decide who roleplayed best as players have a better insight on what is happening day to day than Gamemasters do; Gamemasters and Admins simply do not spend enough time in the gameworld to have a better pulse, both in the measurable and immeasurable, on who is Roleplaying in the game most richly. Therefore bear this in mind: ultimately it will be players who are voting on who is considered the best. Nonetheless we are holding out that at least to some extent Roleplaying will win the day and people will be objective when casting their vote.

On Rewards itself, it is for Gamemasters to decide what they are, and it will not be revealed what the rewards are until the Event is over. Again this should accentuate that you should not take part in this event if your sole reason is for the Rewards. What we can say is that they will be valuable indeed, perhaps things of real mythos, interpreting that as you will. Roleplaying can include being yourself, but having an RPG spirit.

and above all have fun!
Dura Staff
Tale of Caelith

Caelith was born in the serene village of Ithilwood, nestled on the edge of Cilahaen’s ancient forest. His parents, Elric and Liora, were humble farmers known for their kindness and deep connection to the land. From a young age, Caelith exhibited an extraordinary affinity for nature, often seen wandering the woods, communing with animals, and tending to plants with an almost magical touch. He was curious and eager to learn about the world that so enchanted him. He would sit for hours listening to the elders’ tales of ancient druids and the powerful magic that once flourished in Cilahaen. These stories were like the breaking of a waterfall within him, unleashing torrents of yearning to understand the forces of nature. His parents, recognizing his potential, sought out the renowned healer, Elara, hoping she would take him under her wing.

Elara, a seasoned and wise druid, saw in Caelith a spark she hadn’t seen since her own youth. She agreed to mentor him, guiding him through the intricate arts of druidic magic. Under her tutelage, Caelith’s abilities flourished rapidly. He mastered rudimentary spells with ease and soon delved into more complex and powerful incantations. His dedication and progress astonished Elara, who began to see him not just as a pupil, but as a potential successor. As he grew in skill, his admiration for Elara deepened, and he aspired to follow in her footsteps spending every moment he could learning from his master.

One stormy night, much like the night when Elara had been consecrated by Thalendir, she decided it was time to teach Caelith lifeforce magic, the powerful art that Thalendir had once shared with her. Beneath the sheltering branches of the ancient oak, she initiated the sacred ritual. The air hummed with energy as she guided Caelith through the intricate symphony of words and gestures that connected him to the spirit of the world. In a moment Caelith moved from only sensing this power within and around him to tapping into the very heartbeat of the earth, filling him with an indescribable sense of power and unity with all living things. He had never been more at home in his whole life, he was truly happy. He met his master's eyes with tears of the most profound gratitude.

But this peace and happiness was not to last. Tragedy was waiting in the wind, for in the same night this terror of a storm laid great destruction over Caelith's small village of Ithilwood, bringing down many ancient trees of the forest. One of these fell upon Caelith's house, killing his parents. Caelith was devastated, the boy had never known such pain. After he learned of this he traipsed in blind anger and despair for days in the forest thrashing all that was around him and screaming without end; by the time Elara found him days later his clothes were rended by his own violence. Elara held him and shared his sadness but it was too much for him to bear, this same storm being the embodiment of him going beyond where he came from more than ever he could imagine and at the same time the death of his parents, almost as a sacrificial trade -- he broke from Elara and instantly used his magic of the wind to be carried at great speed through the forest faster than Elara even knew the gusts could carry.


Weeks went by and consumed by grief and anger, Caelith did great harm to the world around him. When his body lay exhausted on the forest floor after such raging violence he would casually use the lifeforce magic Elara recently taught him as a soothing, and as he saw a tree root shrivel at an odd turn in his motioning fingers he at once stood up and looked at his hand carefully and suddenly knew hope.

Caelith sought a way to reverse the cruel hand of fate. Grief twisted his once-pure intentions, he began to experiment with dark and dangerous spells, hoping to bring back his family. Driven by a desire to undo his loss, to make right what was wrong, he discovered a way to siphon lifeforce from others in the coming trails. But no matter what he tried using this new magic it did not give the end he wanted. For years this went on until Caelith knew it was fruitless. Lost and forgotten towards anything his former life wanted he started to use these new lifestealing abilities with less and less restraint, continuously pushing the boundaries further and further as he wandered his cruel world.

Elara, hearing of this cloaked and ragged figure of power was heartbroken; horrified by the path her talented apprentice had taken, she tried desperately to reach him. But Caelith, now blinded by his own pain and power, turned away from her and the teachings she had instilled in him. His once noble heart became clouded with anguish and to numb it he sought seeing his pain mirrored in others. Though Cilahaen's renown was well falling now for centuries this truly marked the end of Cilahaen's golden age.

The event, Tale of Caelith, will occur from Friday May 24th Server Save to Tuesday May 28th Server Save.
  • For every 5 damage a Player deals to a Creature he will receive 1 HP. This means you have 20% Lifesteal.
  • It will also work against summons.
As well, the following will occur though it will not stack:
  • If an attack does 90 damage or more the Player will receive an extra 3 HP.
  • If an attack does 120 damage or more the Player will receive an extra 6 HP.
  • If an attack does 150 damage or more the Player will receive an extra 9 HP.
  • If an attack does 180 damage or more the Player will receive an extra 12 HP.
  • If an attack does 220 damage or more the Player will receive an extra 16 HP.
  • If an attack does 260 damage or more the Player will receive an extra 20 HP.
  • If an attack does 300 damage or more the Player will receive an extra 25 HP.

Dura Staff
Bug Fixes & Corpse changes

u Wolf has had it's weight of corpse lowered.
u Deer has had it's weight of corpse lowered.
u A bug was present where a bear corpse had no weight, this has been fixed.
u A bug was present where a lion corpse had no weight, this has been fixed.
u Crocodile's corpse volume size has been increased.
u Crocodile's corpse duration has been increased.

u Dead Player Corpses are no longer pickupable
u A bug with Player Corpses weight has been fixed
u A bug with human corpses duration, which are not player corpses, has been fixed.

u Creature Parrot is no longer summonable.
u Item Studded Shield is now sellable in Thais, Carlin, and Venore.
u Dark Mushrooms are now sellable in Edron.

Dura Staff
Blood in the Fist

Under the relentless grip of the sweltering sun, even the toughest souls find their resolve faltering. The once vibrant hues of spring now fade to a parched scene, with leaves crumbling underfoot and rivers reduced to mere trickles. Every living being, from the noble lion to the humble sparrow, moves with a sluggish, urgent gait, driven to the brink by the oppressive heat. The very air seems to shimmer from the heat, challenging the endurance of all who dare to traverse the unforgiving landscape.

In this ordeal tempers ignite as easily as dry tinder. Friendships fracture and alliances splinter, as the relentless sun saps patience and stirs latent animosities. Skirmishes erupt with a terrifying frequency, each blow carrying the weight of pent-up frustration and raw survival instinct. The land itself seems to drone with a fevered hum, insects wings being an eternal chorus. The air grows thick with the scent of sweat and blood. Battles are fought not just for survival, but for dominance---the fists of men and the claws of beasts strike with desperation. The blood in the fist flows hotter than ever!


The following effects are to take place in Dura:
  • Regeneration for all vocations, of health and mana, is to be increased substantially for six days.
  • Party Monsters and Legendary Monsters will appear at a much greater rate for six days.
  • All players (and their summons) will do slightly more damage to monsters, not players, for four days. This will occur the first four days of the event.
  • All monsters will do minutely more damage for four days. Keep in mind this will greatly raise their deadliness. This will occur the first four days of the event.
  • Healing will remain normal, no increase or decrease.
Blood in the Fist will begin Friday the 7th of June at 11:00 EST Server Save.
Blood in the Fist will end Thursday the 13th at 11:00 EST Server Save.

Take shade,
Dura Staff
Water under the sun, dragon bones and torture, knowledge and a doll with many eyes!

Water is so sweet under the hot sun. Whether to splash on one's face or to sate a parched throat. The desert contains many things under its sands from bones to treasures to knowledge to torture.


New cosmetic items of various types have been added to our webshop; you can also find them in our in-game-shop.

Dura Staff

Citizens of Dura, heed this urgent proclamation! The peaceful days of our realm are under siege, as monstrous hordes and enemy battalions surge in unprecedented numbers. Our once serene villages now echo with the cries of an outnumbered few and the roar of fearsome invaders. The tranquility of our beloved land hangs by a thread, and our brave defenders are stretched to their limits, battling day and night to protect our homeland...


Reports from the frontier reveal that these raiders are more organized and relentless than ever before. From those that tower over us or creep and slink behind, our enemies come closer with each passing day. Farms are being razed, and caravans ambushed, leaving our supplies dwindling and our people in peril. To all heroes, adventurers, and defenders of Dura -- whet your blades, study your spells, and prepare your hearts for the battles to come! Firmly, bravely, and together we shall prevail!Martin, Scribe of Venore

From June 21st Friday Server Save 11:00 EST, to June 25th Tuesday Server Save 11:00 EST, Dura will have the following active:
All raids be spawning at a much higher frequency

Defense of Land,
Dura Staff
Sellable Items and More

NPC Briasol will now buy what he is supposed to with no bugs.
u Tomb Scrolls will now sell properly to an NPC.
u Bronze Mallet will now sell properly to an NPC.
u Cermonial Khopesh will now sell properly to an NPC.
u Worker's Lament will now sell properly to an NPC.
u Tiara of Khepresh will now sell properly to an NPC.
u Velvet Robe will now sell properly to an NPC.
u Falconer's Gloves will now sell properly to an NPC.

u It is now possible to rotate objects like chairs or boxes anywhere in Dura, not just in houses.
u Boat Captains will now be more clear to the player if he does not have enough gold for passage.
u Enabling 'Share Experience' is now possible within the client action-window regardless if one is in battle.
u Fixed a desync issue.

Dura Staff
Raids and Ambushes

Many new Raids, over 20, of all types of Tiers (difficulty) have been added to Dura.
u Over 80 new ambushes have been added to Dura.

u Various Ambushes have been redesigned, in most cases to be tighter and less sloppy.
u This means some ambushes players are accustomed to will behave differently and possibly even be more dangerous.
u Various ambushes in Shathur Dungeon have been increased in their frequency.


u A bug with a particular raid spawning multiple bosses has been fixed.
u A bug with a few raids not spawning at all, essentially deactivated, has been fixed.
u Some ambushes that were deactivated by way of essentially bugs have been reactivated.
u An ambush in the Shrine of Theristrut has been fixed.
u Ambush in Thais Dragons had a bug, this is now fixed.
u 3 other ambushes throughout the game were fixed.

Dura Staff