• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Windows Why that happens?


Legend Of Everything
Feb 3, 2009
Reaction score
In The Jungle
In the signature.php. i modified the database/password and info but still when i use the signature genrator a msg pop up "a character with that name does not exist" although it does and i tried other names too but same result any idea?
Oh, post here your signature.php without the line of the pass etc of the database.

Or maybe you didn't configured that line, you must put there the password of database, database name, etc.
I added the password and databse but didn't work still same error :/


	class signature
    	# v-- CONFIGURATION BELOW --v #
    	var $config = array
<Database Here>
	        'vocations'   => array ( "No Vocation" , "Sorcerer" , "Druid" , "Paladin" , "Knight" , "Master Sorcerer" , "Elder Druid" , "Royal Paladin" , "Elite Knight" ),
	        'towns'       => array ( 1 => 'thias', 2 => "Akrehmion", 3 => "Junglus City", 4 => 'Svargrond', 5 => 'Rising Isle', 6 => 'Yalahar', 7 => 'Kraza', 8 => 'Karama' ),
	        'groups'      => array ( 2 => "Tutor" , 3 => "Senior Tutor" , 4 => "Gamemaster" , 5 => "Community Manager" , 6 => "God" ),
	        'hidechars'   => array ( 'Account Manager' , 'Rook Sample' , 'Sorcerer Sample' , 'Druid Sample' , 'Paladin Sample' , 'Knight Sample' ),
	        'backgrounds' => array ( 'signatures/blue' , 'signatures/red' , 'signatures/green' ),
	        'color'       => "#FFFFFF",
	        'statuscolor' => array ( "#358f0d" /* online */ , "#c40808" /* offline */ ),
	        'font'        => "signatures/arial.ttf",
	        'size'        => array ( 2 /* without font */ , 8 /* with font */ )
    	# ^-- CONFIGURATION ABOVE --^ #
        // Database functions.
        function connectDatabase ( $database ) { @mysql_connect ( $database[0] , $database[1] , $database[2] ); @mysql_select_db ( $database[3] ); }
        function query ( $query ) { return @mysql_query ( $query ); }
        function fetchArray ( $query ) { return @mysql_fetch_array ( $query ); }
        function secure ( $query ) { return @mysql_real_escape_string ( $query ); }
        function numRows ( $query ) { return @mysql_num_rows ( $query ); }
        function convertHex ( $hex )
			$hex   = ereg_replace ( "#" , "" , $hex );
			$color = array();
			if ( strlen ( $hex ) == 6 ):
				$color['r'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 0 , 2 ) );
				$color['g'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 2 , 2 ) );
				$color['b'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 4 , 2 ) );
			return $color;

        // Signature functions.
        function character ( $character )
            // Define presets.
            $query     = "SELECT `id` , `account_id` , `group_id` , `name` , `sex` , `promotion` , `vocation` , `town_id` , `rank_id` , `online` , `level` , `lastlogin` FROM `players` WHERE `name` = '{$character}'";
            $fetchRow  = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( $query ) );
            $numRows   = $this -> numRows    ( $this -> query ( $query ) );
            $rank      = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `guild_id` , `name` FROM `guild_ranks` WHERE `id` = '{$fetchRow[rank_id]}'" ) );
            $guild     = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = '{$rank[guild_id]}'" ) );
            $premium   = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `premdays` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = '{$fetchRow[account_id]}'" ) );
            // Define certain arrays into one variable.
            $arrays['status']   = ( $fetchRow['online'] == 1 ? ' ONLINE' : 'OFFLINE' );
            $arrays['gender']   = ( $fetchRow['sex'] == 1 ? 'Male' : 'Female' );
            $arrays['vocation'] = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Profession: " . ( $fetchRow['promotion'] != 0 ? $this -> config['vocations'][$fetchRow['vocation'] + ( 4 * $fetchRow['promotion'] )] : $this -> config['vocations'][$fetchRow['vocation']] ) . "\q" : NULL;
            $arrays['guild']    = ( ( $fetchRow['rank_id'] > 0 and $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Guild: " . ( $fetchRow['sex'] == 1 ? 'He' : 'She' ) . " is " . $rank['name'] . " of the " . $guild['name'] . "\q" : NULL );
            $arrays['position'] = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] > 1 ? "Position: " . $this -> config['groups'][$fetchRow['group_id']] . "\q" : NULL );
			$arrays['lastlogin']= ( $fetchRow['lastlogin'] != 0 ? date ( "M d Y, H:i:s" , $fetchRow['lastlogin'] ) : 'Never logged in' );
			$arrays['premium']  = ( ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? $premium['premdays'] > 0 ? '(Premium Account)' : '(Free Account)' : NULL );
            $arrays['level']    = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ? "Level: " . $fetchRow['level'] . "\q" : NULL );
            // Showable fields (\q equals new line, had to create my own shortcut as I clear all whitespaces further down in the script).
            $return = "
				Name: 		{$fetchRow[name]} 	{$arrays[premium]}			\q
				Sex: 		{$arrays[gender]}								\q
				Residence: 	{$this -> config[towns][$fetchRow[town_id]]}	\q
				Last Login: {$arrays[lastlogin]}
			// Make certain fields bold.
			$bolds = "Name: \nSex: \n" . ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ? "Level: \n" : NULL ) . ( ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Profession: \n" : NULL ) . "Residence: \n" . ( ( $fetchRow['rank_id'] > 0 and $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Guild: \n" : NULL ) . ( $fetchRow['group_id'] > 1 ? "Position: \n" : NULL ) . "Last Login:";
			// Return output.
            if ( $numRows == 1 and !in_array ( $fetchRow['name'] , $this -> config['hidechars'] ) )
                return $return . "|||" . $bolds . "|||" . $arrays['status'];
                return "A  character with that name does not exist.";
        // Create a function to generate the signature.
        function generate ( $character , $background )
	    	// Connect to the database.
	    	$this -> connectDatabase ( $this -> config['database'] );
	        $split = explode ( "|||" , $this -> character ( $this -> secure ( $character ) ) );
	        if ( strtolower ( substr ( $split[2] , -5 , 1 ) ) == 'n' )
	        	$statuscolor = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['statuscolor'][0] );
	        	$statuscolor = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['statuscolor'][1] );
	    	header ( "Content-type: image/png" );
	        // Check if the background exists, if not - create one.
	        if ( file_exists ( "{$this -> config[backgrounds][$background]}.png" ) != 1 ):
	            $image = imagecreatetruecolor ( 500 , 120 );
	            imagefilledrectangle ( $image , 0 , 0 , 500 , 120 , imagecolorallocate ( $image , 255 , 255 , 255 ) );
	            $color = imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 );
	            imagesetthickness ( $image , 1 );
	            imagerectangle ( $image , 0 , 0 , 499 , 119 , $color );
	            $split[0] = "The requested image does not exist.";
	            $split[1] = NULL;
	            $image = imagecreatefrompng ( $this -> config['backgrounds'][$background] . ".png" );
	        	$color	 = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['color'] );
	        $content = explode ( "\q" , str_replace ( array ( "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\o" , "\xOB" ) , '' , $split[0] ) );
	        $bolds   = explode ( "\n" , str_replace ( array ( "\r" , "\t" , "\o" , "\xOB" ) , '' , $split[1] ) );
	        // Print text.
	        if ( $this -> config['font'] != "" ):
		        for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $content ); $i++ ):
		        	$o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 2.4 : $i + 2.4;
		        	imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 7, 12 * $o , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , "    " . $content[$i] );
				for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $bolds ); $i++ ):
		        	$o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 2.4 : $i + 2.4;
		        	imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 8, 12 * $o , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , "    " . $bolds[$i] );
				if ( $split[0] != "The requested image does not exist." ):
					imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 250 , 10+round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) ) , imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , $split[2] );
					imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 249 , 10+round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-1 , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $statuscolor['r'] , $statuscolor['g'] , $statuscolor['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , $split[2] );
				for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $content ); $i++ ):
					$o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 1.5 : $i + 1.5;
					imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , -4, 12 * $o, "    " . $content[$i], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) );
				for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $bolds ); $i++ ):
					$o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 1.5 : $i + 1.5;
					imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , -3, 12 * $o, "    " . $bolds[$i], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) );
				if ( $split[0] != "The requested image does not exist." ):
					imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , 250, round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-1, $split[2], imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 ) );
		        	imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , 249, round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-2, $split[2], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $statuscolor['r'] , $statuscolor['g'] , $statuscolor['b'] ) );
	        imagepng ( $image );
	        imagedestroy ( $image );
    $signature = new signature();
	if ( !empty ( $_GET ) ):
		$signature -> generate ( $_GET['character'] , $_GET['image'] );
Last edited:
Hums, try:


	class signature
    	# v-- CONFIGURATION BELOW --v #
    	var $config = array
	        'database'    => array ( "localhost" , "root" , "PASSWORD" , "DB_NAME" ),
	        'vocations'   => array ( "No Vocation" , "Sorcerer" , "Druid" , "Paladin" , "Knight" , "Master Sorcerer" , "Elder Druid" , "Royal Paladin" , "Elite Knight" ),
	        'towns'       => array ( 1 => 'thias', 2 => "Akrehmion", 3 => "Junglus City", 4 => 'Svargrond', 5 => 'Rising Isle', 6 => 'Yalahar', 7 => 'Kraza', 8 => 'Karama' ),
	        'groups'      => array ( 2 => "Tutor" , 3 => "Senior Tutor" , 4 => "Gamemaster" , 5 => "Community Manager" , 6 => "God" ), 
	        'hidechars'   => array ( 'Account Manager' , 'Rook Sample' , 'Sorcerer Sample' , 'Druid Sample' , 'Paladin Sample' , 'Knight Sample' ),
	        'backgrounds' => array ( 'signatures/blue' , 'signatures/red' , 'signatures/green' ),
	        'color'       => "#FFFFFF",
	        'statuscolor' => array ( "#358f0d" /* online */ , "#c40808" /* offline */ ),
	        'font'        => "signatures/arial.ttf",
	        'size'        => array ( 2 /* without font */ , 8 /* with font */ )
    	# ^-- CONFIGURATION ABOVE --^ #
        // Database functions.
        function connectDatabase ( $database ) { @mysql_connect ( $database[0] , $database[1] , $database[2] ); @mysql_select_db ( $database[3] ); }
        function query ( $query ) { return @mysql_query ( $query ); }
        function fetchArray ( $query ) { return @mysql_fetch_array ( $query ); }
        function secure ( $query ) { return @mysql_real_escape_string ( $query ); }
        function numRows ( $query ) { return @mysql_num_rows ( $query ); }
        function convertHex ( $hex )
			$hex   = ereg_replace ( "#" , "" , $hex );
			$color = array();
			if ( strlen ( $hex ) == 6 ):
				$color['r'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 0 , 2 ) );
				$color['g'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 2 , 2 ) );
				$color['b'] = hexdec ( substr ( $hex , 4 , 2 ) );
			return $color;

        // Signature functions.
        function character ( $character )
            // Define presets.
            $query     = "SELECT `id` , `account_id` , `group_id` , `name` , `sex` , `promotion` , `vocation` , `town_id` , `rank_id` , `online` , `level` , `lastlogin` FROM `players` WHERE `name` = '{$character}'";
            $fetchRow  = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( $query ) );
            $numRows   = $this -> numRows    ( $this -> query ( $query ) );
            $rank      = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `guild_id` , `name` FROM `guild_ranks` WHERE `id` = '{$fetchRow[rank_id]}'" ) );
            $guild     = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `name` FROM `guilds` WHERE `id` = '{$rank[guild_id]}'" ) );
            $premium   = $this -> fetchArray ( $this -> query ( "SELECT `premdays` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = '{$fetchRow[account_id]}'" ) );
            // Define certain arrays into one variable.
            $arrays['name']		= ( addslashes ( $fetchRow["name"] ) );
            $arrays['status']   = ( $fetchRow['online'] == 1 ? ' ONLINE' : 'OFFLINE' );
            $arrays['gender']   = ( $fetchRow['sex'] == 1 ? 'Male' : 'Female' );
            $arrays['vocation'] = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Profession: " . ( $fetchRow['promotion'] != 0 ? $this -> config['vocations'][$fetchRow['vocation'] + ( 4 * $fetchRow['promotion'] )] : $this -> config['vocations'][$fetchRow['vocation']] ) . "\q" : NULL;
            $arrays['guild']    = ( ( $fetchRow['rank_id'] > 0 and $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Guild: " . ( $fetchRow['sex'] == 1 ? 'He' : 'She' ) . " is " . $rank['name'] . " of the " . $guild['name'] . "\q" : NULL );
            $arrays['position'] = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] > 1 ? "Position: " . $this -> config['groups'][$fetchRow['group_id']] . "\q" : NULL );
			$arrays['lastlogin']= ( $fetchRow['lastlogin'] != 0 ? date ( "M d Y, H:i:s" , $fetchRow['lastlogin'] ) : 'Never logged in' );
			$arrays['premium']  = ( ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? $premium['premdays'] > 0 ? '(Premium Account)' : '(Free Account)' : NULL );
            $arrays['level']    = ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ? "Level: " . $fetchRow['level'] . "\q" : NULL );
            // Showable fields (\q equals new line, had to create my own shortcut as I clear all whitespaces further down in the script).
            $return = "
				Name: 		{$arrays[name]} 	{$arrays[premium]}			\q
				Sex: 		{$arrays[gender]}								\q
				Residence: 	{$this -> config[towns][$fetchRow[town_id]]}	\q
				Last Login: {$arrays[lastlogin]}
			// Make certain fields bold.
			$bolds = "Name: \nSex: \n" . ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ? "Level: \n" : NULL ) . ( ( $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Profession: \n" : NULL ) . "Residence: \n" . ( ( $fetchRow['rank_id'] > 0 and $fetchRow['group_id'] < 2 ) ? "Guild: \n" : NULL ) . ( $fetchRow['group_id'] > 1 ? "Position: \n" : NULL ) . "Last Login:";
			// Return output.
            if ( $numRows == 1 and !in_array ( $fetchRow['name'] , $this -> config['hidechars'] ) )
                return $return . "|||" . $bolds . "|||" . $arrays['status'];
                return "A character with that name does not exist.";
        // Create a function to generate the signature.
        function generate ( $character , $background )
	    	// Connect to the database.
	    	$this -> connectDatabase ( $this -> config['database'] );
	        $split = explode ( "|||" , $this -> character ( $this -> secure ( $character ) ) );
	        if ( strtolower ( substr ( $split[2] , -5 , 1 ) ) == 'n' )
	        	$statuscolor = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['statuscolor'][0] );
	        	$statuscolor = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['statuscolor'][1] );
	    	header ( "Content-type: image/png" );
	        // Check if the background exists, if not - create one.
	        if ( file_exists ( "{$this -> config[backgrounds][$background]}.png" ) != 1 ):
	            $image = imagecreatetruecolor ( 500 , 120 );
	            imagefilledrectangle ( $image , 0 , 0 , 500 , 120 , imagecolorallocate ( $image , 255 , 255 , 255 ) );
	            $color = imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 );
	            imagesetthickness ( $image , 1 );
	            imagerectangle ( $image , 0 , 0 , 499 , 119 , $color );
	            $split[0] = "The requested image does not exist.";
	            $split[1] = NULL;
	            $image = imagecreatefrompng ( $this -> config['backgrounds'][$background] . ".png" );
	        	$color	 = $this -> convertHex ( $this -> config['color'] );
	        $content = explode ( "\q" , str_replace ( array ( "\n" , "\r" , "\t" , "\o" , "\xOB" ) , '' , $split[0] ) );
	        $bolds   = explode ( "\n" , str_replace ( array ( "\r" , "\t" , "\o" , "\xOB" ) , '' , $split[1] ) );
	        // Print text.
	        if ( $this -> config['font'] != "" ):
		        for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $content ); $i++ ):
		        	$o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 2.4 : $i + 2.4;
		        	imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 7, 12 * $o , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , "    " . $content[$i] );
				for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $bolds ); $i++ ):
		        	$o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 2.4 : $i + 2.4;
		        	imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 8, 12 * $o , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , "    " . $bolds[$i] );
				if ( $split[0] != "The requested image does not exist." ):
					imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 250 , 10+round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) ) , imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , $split[2] );
					imagettftext ( $image , $this -> config['size'][1] , 0 , 249 , 10+round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-1 , imagecolorallocate ( $image , $statuscolor['r'] , $statuscolor['g'] , $statuscolor['b'] ) , "./{$this -> config[font]}" , $split[2] );
				for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $content ); $i++ ):
					$o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 1.5 : $i + 1.5;
					imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , -4, 12 * $o, "    " . $content[$i], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) );
				for ( $i = 0; $i <= count ( $bolds ); $i++ ):
					$o = ( $i == 0 ) ? 1.5 : $i + 1.5;
					imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , -3, 12 * $o, "    " . $bolds[$i], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $color['r'] , $color['g'] , $color['b'] ) );
				if ( $split[0] != "The requested image does not exist." ):
					imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , 250, round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-1, $split[2], imagecolorallocate ( $image , 0 , 0 , 0 ) );
		        	imagestring ( $image, $this -> config['size'][0] , 249, round ( ( imagesy ( $image ) / 2 ) - ( imagefontheight ( $this -> config['size'][1] ) / 2 ) )-2, $split[2], imagecolorallocate ( $image , $statuscolor['r'] , $statuscolor['g'] , $statuscolor['b'] ) );
	        imagepng ( $image );
	        imagedestroy ( $image );
    $signature = new signature();
	if ( !empty ( $_GET ) ):
		$signature -> generate ( $_GET['character'] , $_GET['image'] );
Omg, it must work... Are you sure you wrote the correct password? Or you maybe are using another user with less permissions that cannot see database info or smth?
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