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Veziv is just afraid of fighting with even amounts so he will invite retards like Xabor, Umit, Alex, and later on he will cry "Why did I invite them" bla bla bla.
We dont want you. You and Barnus get parcel from north east gate stack to north east gate west side to full trap. Blaming about u dont got magicwalls, but i saw u only make magicwall and never any firebombs ;). Here is your new skype btw: davidakaterror

Seems Like you don't wanna ping other :D "your new skypename is " > yea its not secret, even Xabor had it aswell.

I ran into north east gate westside defence, to trap you guys, you don't even pushed me, just the last Sqms , in the end of def.

Yea, hard to defence for pushing with 5 firebomb, 12 m walls, and without parcels in bp, in my low 200 ek, but still:
Mar 09 2014, 15:37:09Killed at Level 211 by David Gython
and by Barnus Gython
Mar 09 2014, 15:57:02Killed at Level 211 by Mr Muffmunch

Mar 09 2014, 15:58:20Killed at Level 240 by Barnus Gython
and by David Gython

If you wanna talk about north east gate battle , here you are// Yes we had Magicwalls after some1 gave to us, 15sec. before you died.

I'm sure if i want i can fix myself into the team. But no1 cares about it. Seriously.

I'll give it max a day or two until pinging starts, When it does, I will sit in the side lines laughing whilst I eat some popcorn and read the forum arguments.

Have a nice warmode later, You guys will forsure have mucho mucho fun!!!

Feel same...
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Nic innego im nie pozostaje jak spinka przez kabelek bo w mieście nie istnieją ;]


yeaah, i know it

no nie wiem w ktorym miescie bo na pewno nie w lodzi moze w jakims podmiescie aka zgierz czy cos xD dobrze dawidek ale nie tak ofensywnie nastepnym razem bo sie tam przejade do ciebie i bedzie zle ;( a ty omel tirowcu to lepiej tej swojej zmyslonej gochy pilnuj bo znowu w klubie bedzie sprzeglo ciagnela ;d


omel and sensor true leaders from wlampe & wipe again since 2k13 only ŁKS means something in my city
I'm sorry but you're stupid if you believe them Navid, what happened on shadowcores when you played with Lapa? he also gave you his word that he won't ping people and on the next day he did the same shit, you guys are just dumb as fuck, its either you guys are scared to fight with even amounts or I dont know..
I'm sorry but you're stupid if you believe them Navid, what happened on shadowcores when you played with Lapa? he also gave you his word that he won't ping people and on the next day he did the same shit, you guys are just dumb as fuck, its either you guys are scared to fight with even amounts or I dont know..
I never gave any word to navid on shadowcores that i won't ping mr sephus or sacrevosky it was an payback revenge for hejter and 2nd I never ever pinged them it was always Alex I don't even got a pinger since umit stoped play tibia :)
and I won't ping anyon i gave my word today to navid i wanna have fun but about alex I dont know you ahve do fix it ur self but i bet he wont ping any1 since we told him either i did to not ping anyone and he lissen to me since we are loyal to each other
and you calar do not blame me always when something happen what i never did.
It's always like this
Xabor>Umit>Alex>Xabor>Umit>Alex bla bla bla.... Umit isn't playing? that's why hes on Vezivs vent? You said the same shit to Wille, and I never thought Wille would be that dumb to believe you but unfortunately he did. I just thought Veziv would be so stupid to believe you, never thought that Wille or Navid would believe u. I don't care about sacres or sephus, its just funny how you always say you haven't done shit, like that time when we killed veziv on banuta, I got accused for pinging, when you've pinged him. Also how many times did you say that you won't play with veziv? like that time on public vent, "Calar i swear on my mothers life I will never play with that retard veziv again"
It's always like this
Xabor>Umit>Alex>Xabor>Umit>Alex bla bla bla.... Umit isn't playing? that's why hes on Vezivs vent? You said the same shit to Wille, and I never thought Wille would be that dumb to believe you but unfortunately he did. I just thought Veziv would be so stupid to believe you, never thought that Wille or Navid would believe u. I don't care about sacres or sephus, its just funny how you always say you haven't done shit, like that time when we killed veziv on banuta, I got accused for pinging, when you've pinged him. Also how many times did you say that you won't play with veziv? like that time on public vent, "Calar i swear on my mothers life I will never play with that retard veziv again"
***** im telling you about today that i wont ping any1
what happen in the past stays in the past bro
Seems Like you don't wanna ping other :D "your new skypename is " > yea its not secret, even Xabor had it aswell.

I ran into north east gate westside defence, to trap you guys, you don't even pushed me, just the last Sqms , in the end of def.

Yea, hard to defence for pushing with 5 firebomb, 12 m walls, and without parcels in bp, in my low 200 ek, but still:
Mar 09 2014, 15:37:09Killed at Level 211 by David Gython
and by Barnus Gython
Mar 09 2014, 15:57:02Killed at Level 211 by Mr Muffmunch

Mar 09 2014, 15:58:20Killed at Level 240 by Barnus Gython
and by David Gython

If you wanna talk about north east gate battle , here you are// Yes we had Magicwalls after some1 gave to us, 15sec. before you died.

I'm sure if i want i can fix myself into the team. But no1 cares about it. Seriously.

Feel same...

Wait.. 2v3 + you all came on mcs to kill 2 level 200 mages? wait.. we pushed you 11 sqm straight.. for me it looked like you just flied out from the defence. Sadly we didnt have any gmps after 1h of you trying to kill us XDDDD
***** im telling you about today that i wont ping any1
what happen in the past stays in the past bro

hahahah listen I'm not stupid like Navid/Wille or Veziv to believe you. You can tell these stories to them, I'm sure they will sit and listen to you very carefully.

Ahh and also keep recruiting people, I'm sure you will enjoy sneak fights, I see you guys can't fight with even amounts, even at this time u got 30ppl on vent. But keep going maybe u'll be 40 by 18:00.
hahahah listen I'm not stupid like Navid/Wille or Veziv to believe you. You can tell these stories to them, I'm sure they will sit and listen to you very carefully.

Ahh and also keep recruiting people, I'm sure you will enjoy sneak fights, I see you guys can't fight with even amounts, even at this time u got 30ppl on vent. But keep going maybe u'll be 40 by 18:00.
so suck my cock and eat your food bb
so suck my cock and eat your food bb
Okey, this will end my convo with you. We all know that you will ping people, but let Navid and Veziv be dumb to believe u their choice.
I'm sorry but you're stupid if you believe them Navid, what happened on shadowcores when you played with Lapa? he also gave you his word that he won't ping people and on the next day he did the same shit, you guys are just dumb as fuck, its either you guys are scared to fight with even amounts or I dont know..

oh cmon taking me as an example again..seriously i didnt ping anyone and why would I ?
stop this childish shits i wish i would never show umit howto ping bcuz always when someone was killed by umit everyone was like "lapa lapa stop ping"
so retarded...
oh cmon taking me as an example again..seriously i didnt ping anyone and why would I ?
stop this childish shits i wish i would never show umit howto ping bcuz always when someone was killed by umit everyone was like "lapa lapa stop ping"
so retarded...
I was talking about Alex and not you? I said "When you played with Lapa on shadowcores" See? you blame umit, umit blames xabor and xabor blames alex GR8.
@straatuga @Veziv

Idk how You, Veziv can believe in Xabor still, He even call herself "backstabber" , He scammed Veziv. And still.
Yea He fucked me up also, not 1 time, but after i was like now Veziv, ah oke oke we can be friends again, its just a game , Nobody cares about it, kkk. But it was not enought for you, you scammed me again ,cuz i trusted in your "WORD" as Navid doing it..
They say what you wanna hear now, after they changed their mind, or smth bad happen agaist us, they will just backstab, lie, and do even what they want, as they did it so many times before.

Thats all.
Idk im not gonna involve more between this had never something to do with this anyways, im here only to fight.

oh cmon taking me as an example again..seriously i didnt ping anyone and why would I ?
stop this childish shits i wish i would never show umit howto ping bcuz always when someone was killed by umit everyone was like "lapa lapa stop ping"
so retarded...
Lapa you fucking no lifer you never showed me how to ping you told me your rl life "Burcned cd program blah blah" then i found it myself on hackforums so why ur acting so cool and writing bullshits huh? reply please? @Lapa30cm