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About Myth's Maze

Ea Gordo Baila

New Member
Aug 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hello Myth or Red I just finished that maze and found out the box isnt there anymore o_O.

Can i have an explanation or something?

Thanks for your time.

That Maze is fucked, Myth did really a good job on it but he didn't think enough, Red or Myth should add a gate of expertise or something like that, to prevent players to go on noob chars and discover all answers, its messed up now since many players know to do it blindfolded, like me.
Eventually... after every1 alrdy has the quest figured out.
Mabey when I add the door, i'll move around the correct teleports and also make the questions harder... (it isn't hard to do that at all)

Thanks for the suggestion Statik.
The Medal will also be removed so real players will keep theirs ;)

I have a new idea for a reward. I'll shoot you a pm on forums.