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Compilation Otcv8 - OpenAL32


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2021
Reaction score
I'm facing an error that I tried to resolve, but as soon as I resolve one, a new one appears.

I'm trying to Compile Otcv8 Under Visual studio 2019,

Easy until here, vcpkg folder is linked, extract, boostrap, integrate, then install all dependencies.
But when pressing compile an Error about OpenAL32
This error remember me the crypto error, that was a corrupted lib file, and just replacing it will work, but.. here..

View attachment 78801

Checked on terminal (i am using windows) vcpkg list and they are here installed.
I Find many posts here on otland, like create an vcpkg.json link a manifest, others change here, there...
Has anyone encountered the same problem?


I Solve the problem, i contact a friend on discord who give me from DirectX folder compiled, the openAL32 obj, that give the possibility to compile without problems.
Last edited:
I had the same problem... I solved by openning with Visual Studio 2022 and updating the project
The github page of tutorial is not up to date , last vcpkg is for the last server project not for tfs 1.4, so you need Check the release date of TFS and select 1/2 month earlier the vcpkg release , and not the last one. It will work.
For me vcpkg commit 3b3bd424827a1f7f4813216f6b32b6c61e386b2e recommended by OTCv8 for Windows does not install (it points to some C++ libraries which were deleted from 3b3bd424827a1f7f4813216f6b32b6c61e386b2e commit hosts).
Anyway, I've made a copy of my vcpkg folder with all libraries installed and Android libraries installed by VS2019 (Android SDK/NDK downloaded by VS2019 is different than official SDK 25/NDK r21d - it contains 'ant' build toolset, which is required to compile in VS2022 [remember to change SDK to 25, not default 31/33]):
I'm facing an error that I tried to resolve, but as soon as I resolve one, a new one appears.

I'm trying to Compile Otcv8 Under Visual studio 2019,

Easy until here, vcpkg folder is linked, extract, boostrap, integrate, then install all dependencies.
But when pressing compile an Error about OpenAL32
This error remember me the crypto error, that was a corrupted lib file, and just replacing it will work, but.. here..

View attachment 78801

Checked on terminal (i am using windows) vcpkg list and they are here installed.
I Find many posts here on otland, like create an vcpkg.json link a manifest, others change here, there...
Has anyone encountered the same problem?


I Solve the problem, i contact a friend on discord who give me from DirectX folder compiled, the openAL32 obj, that give the possibility to compile without problems.
This is the old repo

The new one is located on OTA's github