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Don't change my title D:


Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
But I'll take the risk anyways.

The most recent war finally made me realize that the PvP here is unique to any other server. However, being unique doesn't mean it's good, far from it in fact. Invincible mages with hundreds of insta-heal pots, paladin god figures, and the click and forget knights.

I don't blame Red for this, it takes balls to try something new and props are given where needed, but it's enough for me. After warring for a while and seeing what people like/dislike from Cyntara's PvP scene, I am confident that I have the ideal balance for my upcoming server. My goal is to have the best wars, the best sneaks, the best overall PvP of any server currently up (except those golden 7.6 servers). Now I can concentrate on what matters, my work and my server.

And before anyone gets the idea that they are not welcome in my server, you're wrong. Anyone and everyone is welcome, but if you bot it will be an instant IP ban. Zero tolerance on steriods. So say good bye to those hold scripts you all have come to love so dearly when you come to Sumaris.

I bid you all good PvP and I'm heading off to work on my linked list program!

Ive been tellin u pvp on here is spammin pots for a while now.
idk its def unique but idk unique in what way. Akalic said it perfictly...

Pallys god figures need 5-6 ppl to drop them.
Mages = 2 pallys on them and their fucked. Actually 1 pally can do it just takes awhile

Knights = shit lol
You have your opinions, I have mine.
But go ahead, go and check out the outcome of your opinion.

red... you have just been anally fucking mages ever since the update.. but this is the worst decision since... now anyone can drop a mage easier than before, like you should keep pots but make their exhaust longer, or lower the healing for them all...
You still playing cyntara? hahah. I still remember your thread in TibiaUG offering free donator items which I never got 'cause you was offline all the time =D
You still playing cyntara? hahah. I still remember your thread in TibiaUG offering free donator items which I never got 'cause you was offline all the time =D

Nope. :eek:
Mages r fine, other than they need tot higherd...

MR exhaust needs to b a bit less, so we cud at least outheal an ek or rp..

+ Lower ek/rps dmg.
But I'll take the risk anyways.

The most recent war finally made me realize that the PvP here is unique to any other server. However, being unique doesn't mean it's good, far from it in fact. Invincible mages with hundreds of insta-heal pots, paladin god figures, and the click and forget knights.

Ive been tellin u pvp on here is spammin pots for a while now.

I've said that about Cyntara for a LONG time. Red assumes unique = good.

Jus get ridda pots. nd its all gud

Live a day with your words.
No pots is Perfect.. Now jus needa fix vocations . . .

Loonatik ~~