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[Germany] Tibianic 7.4 | 2 Tibia clients + one custom to login with!

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BUMP! Im playing again this great server, and for all haters... 20 premium days for all NEW accs!
but he should change the exp to 1.20 /20x/ 21-50 /13x/ 51-70 /5x/ 71-+ /1-2-3x/ + premium should be free like traveling with boats and spells dont needed to buy.He can add pacc system then it should be like mastercores party exp+outfits+light+u can add what ever u want but it should not be OP and the server will have so much people like mastercores had+ your ot stays very long

agree. perfect. :)
I propose to higher exp a little in rook. Its pretty hard for newbies
no, it is climat which was on 7.4 global -.- wanna easier rookgard go to other servers -.-
ok, dont change the exp but free premium with another pacc system would be good both in low exp server and on high exp server
BUMP! Many people/teams are coming back here, come on ppl join!
tibianic needs urgently a u.s.a proxy server ffs
tibianic is tibianic fact is there will be a reset on tibianic. so your a idiot.
omg yes i know but tibianic-hr and tibianic-low is tibianic.. the same owner idiot ..l.. fact is there will be a reset on tibianic
The fact is, They should they should deleted highrate one, and start focusing getting people onto the lowrate.
@Three stooges above, not everyone wants to spend time on a lowrate.

Get. It. Into. Your. Heads. Already.
Who left from Tibianic low rate and will play when will be reset? tell me.... playing with 25-40 players is boring, we need reset if more players will play after reset
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