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I appologize


New Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Some of you might say I make a fool out of myself making this thread. And before I start I just want to say that my intention of this thread is not to join Pierce, but simply stop all the childish shit talking here.

A lot of the ppl that has been/ is with Pierce at this moment, has been my friends for ages. And I wish it would be like that. I know I have been saying childish stuff/insults, doing stupid stuff and a lot of other bad things, but now I am here to apologize.

I've realized that it was really no point of doing that, because this is just a game, and in my opinion bro's goes before levels, cash, power and all of that.

So once again, I apologize my behavior for everyone except Pierce. And I certainly hope that you won't reply this thread with useless insults or threats etc. And I hope that we can all keep a better tone here. After all it's just a game!

17:37 GM Talaturen has taken the action "Deletion" against: Razino (Warnings: 5), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "Multiclient & Cavebot".
17:37 GM Talaturen has taken the action "Banishment" against: Lorenzo Dark (Warnings: 2), with reason: "Using Unofficial Software to Play", and comment: "Multiclient".

Maybe next time you should apologize to someone who matters <3
I agree with stop the stupid shit but you did say in your post Everyone Except Pierce. Pierce is the person that no matter what, does not let shit go and no offense but that didn't make it any better.
^ I didn't ask for peace, I asked for ppl to calm down lol
"Then we are on the same page"


couldn't stop laughing :D

nice inglez