• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Gamemaster Inferno-OT is in need of SERIOUS game masters

name and where you come from : Linus and i come from sweden
how do you work with people : Well im a fair staff i never insult players and i dont want to be alone worker
Languages: i talk very good english and also swedish
skills : well i'm not that good mapper or scripter but im a rly good helper ingame
experience : Yea i have been owner of many servers and worked on alot i've been gm on idretsvegen owner of coconut
Hello, I am applying for The Game Master position, I was your best senior tutor, then my cousin fucking ruined it. I will make a new account bro, we were like amazing friends until my fucking cousin. You can even look at my application.
Nickname:Wise Old Wizard
Position:Gm or Cm
Country:United States of America
Language/s:English, but can use google translator
English skills: 10/10
Rate yourself: 10/10:

Contact method 1:[email protected]
Contact method 2:Otland.net

Previus work: 2 ots i was a gm, 1 ot i was a senior tutor
Tibia experience: 7 years
OT experience: 2 years
Favourite Town: Yalahar
I rate you as -10/10
also no more possible to put gm since stian shut down the server.
There was low players with rl map. I changed. 2 days had 17 players on ;x but folowing day off...4ever