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Linux Debian Start Server

GOD Hitman

New Member
May 1, 2018
Reaction score
I seriously like fixed Everything on my VPS but now when I wanna open the TFS I write in on (putty) screen -r and I get this error "There is no screen to be resumed." if there's somebody that could help me it'll appreciated REP++
Do you want me to make a coffee for you too, Mr. GOD Hitman?

Just stop being a scaredy cat, sit down and READ THE OUTPUT!!!!!!!

screen -r cannot resume any screen because there isn't any running!!!1111eleven!!111

What about you first run tfs? If you can't do it then just follow the link @bayview posted two posts above, there are enough informations for you to start your server.

Kindest Regards,

Nothing of all this didn't help me :/
It seems like you never had any linux before, I don't feel like bowing to someone that cannot look for a tutorial in our forum (we have many, e.g.: VIDEO TUTORIAL: From nothing to a fully working OT server, website and shop system)

I don't believe anyone here would sacrifice their time to get something so simple done for you, it's as easy as learn and do! We've all been there, if you don't learn you won't progress and the goal of this community is not to support lazy people but to help each other out.

Don't get me wrong if this was anything really complicated like I would totally understand but you're creating a snowball out of an ice cube.

This may help you to navigate around and find the TFS binary: Basic Linux Navigation and File Management | DigitalOcean

To start it just make sure to be in the same directory and run ./tfs or ./theforgottenserver depending on the name of the compiled binary.

Best wishes,
Okay me and my friend was fixing it and we got Another problem, I hope somebody can help me with this problem

> ERROR: The database you have specified in config.lua is empty, please import schemas/<engine>.sql to the database.
Okay me and my friend was fixing it and we got Another problem, I hope somebody can help me with this problem

> ERROR: The database you have specified in config.lua is empty, please import schemas/<engine>.sql to the database.
The error message literally says whats wrong.
"please import schemas/<engine>.sql to the database."

otland/forgottenserver < You should have the .sql file inside your servers directory, in case you don't get the one from the link.

I'm not trolling you, i just want you to do it yourself instead of getting people to do that for you, it's your server nonetheless!
Dude, I swear to god I have done it. But I still getting this ERROR. I Think it's giving me error because I importanted the .SQL from desktop. No idea.
Show us some pictures of your work so we can take a look at it and tell you what you've done wrong.

I request a picture of your database and your config.lua file.
Show us some pictures of your work so we can take a look at it and tell you what you've done wrong.

I request a picture of your database and your config.lua file.

Here's my config.lua

accountManager = false

namelockManager = false

newPlayerChooseVoc = true

newPlayerSpawnPosX = 998

newPlayerSpawnPosY = 1000

newPlayerSpawnPosZ = 7

newPlayerTownId = 1

newPlayerLevel = 20

newPlayerMagicLevel = 0

generateAccountNumber = false

enableCast = true

useFragHandler = true

redSkullLength = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60

blackSkullLength = 45 * 24 * 60 * 60

dailyFragsToRedSkull = 40000000

weeklyFragsToRedSkull = 100000000

monthlyFragsToRedSkull = 150000000

dailyFragsToBlackSkull = dailyFragsToRedSkull

weeklyFragsToBlackSkull = weeklyFragsToRedSkull

monthlyFragsToBlackSkull = monthlyFragsToRedSkull

dailyFragsToBanishment = dailyFragsToRedSkull

weeklyFragsToBanishment = weeklyFragsToRedSkull

monthlyFragsToBanishment = monthlyFragsToRedSkull

blackSkulledDeathHealth = 40

blackSkulledDeathMana = 0

useBlackSkull = true

advancedFragList = false

notationsToBan = 2

warningsToFinalBan = 2

warningsToDeletion = 3

banLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60

killsBanLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60

finalBanLength = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60

ipBanishmentLength = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60

broadcastBanishments = true

maxViolationCommentSize = 200

violationNameReportActionType = 2

autoBanishUnknownBytes = false

worldType = "open"

protectionLevel = 50000

pvpTileIgnoreLevelAndVocationProtection = true

pzLocked = 6 * 1000

huntingDuration = 60 * 1000

criticalHitChance = 7

criticalHitMultiplier = 1

displayCriticalHitNotify = true

removeWeaponAmmunition = false

removeWeaponCharges = false

removeRuneCharges = false

whiteSkullTime = 0.2 * 60 * 1000

noDamageToSameLookfeet = false

showHealingDamage = true

showHealingDamageForMonsters = true

fieldOwnershipDuration = 5 * 1000

stopAttackingAtExit = false

loginProtectionPeriod = 1 * 1000

deathLostPercent = 7

stairhopDelay = 1

pushCreatureDelay = 0.1 * 1000

allowedMaxSizedPackets = 3

deathContainerId = 1987

gainExperienceColor = 215

addManaSpentInPvPZone = true

squareColor = 0

allowFightback = true

fistBaseAttack = 7

worldId = 0

ip = ""

bindOnlyConfiguredIpAddress = true

loginPort = 7171

gamePort = 7172

loginTries = 10

retryTimeout = 5 * 1000

loginTimeout = 60 * 1000

maxPlayers = 500

motd = "Welcome to Evolera! You can always use the help-channel or Forum for help. Enjoy your stay on Evolera."

displayOnOrOffAtCharlist = false

onePlayerOnlinePerAccount = false

allowClones = false

serverName = "Evolera"

loginMessage = "Welcome to Evolera!"

statusTimeout = 0

replaceKickOnLogin = true

forceSlowConnectionsToDisconnect = false

loginOnlyWithLoginServer = false

premiumPlayerSkipWaitList = false

sqlType = "mysql"

sqlHost = "localhost"

sqlPort = 3306

sqlUser = "root"

sqlPass = ""

sqlDatabase = ""

sqlFile = "theforgottenserver.s3db"

sqlKeepAlive = 0

mysqlReadTimeout = 10

mysqlWriteTimeout = 10

encryptionType = "sha1"

deathListEnabled = true

deathListRequiredTime = 1 * 60 * 1000

deathAssistCount = 4

maxDeathRecords = 10

ingameGuildManagement = false

levelToFormGuild = 8

premiumDaysToFormGuild = 0

guildNameMinLength = 4

guildNameMaxLength = 20

highscoreDisplayPlayers = 15

updateHighscoresAfterMinutes = 60

buyableAndSellableHouses = true

houseNeedPremium = true

bedsRequirePremium = true

levelToBuyHouse = 100000

housesPerAccount = 1

houseRentAsPrice = false

housePriceAsRent = false

housePriceEachSquare = 4

houseRentPeriod = "never"

houseCleanOld = 0

guildHalls = true

timeBetweenActions = 200

timeBetweenExActions = 1000

hotkeyAimbotEnabled = true

mapName = "Evolution.otbm"

mapAuthor = "Hitman"

randomizeTiles = true

storeTrash = true

cleanProtectedZones = true

mailboxDisabledTowns = ""

niceLevel = 0

coresUsed = "-1"

startupDatabaseOptimization = false

updatePremiumStateAtStartup = true

confirmOutdatedVersion = false

formulaLevel = 5.0

formulaMagic = 1.0

bufferMutedOnSpellFailure = false

spellNameInsteadOfWords = false

emoteSpells = true

allowChangeOutfit = true

allowChangeColors = true

allowChangeAddons = true

disableOutfitsForPrivilegedPlayers = false

addonsOnlyPremium = true

dataDirectory = "data/"

logsDirectory = "data/logs/"

bankSystem = true

displaySkillLevelOnAdvance = true

promptExceptionTracerErrorBox = true

maximumDoorLevel = 500

maxMessageBuffer = 8

separateVipListPerCharacter = false

vipListDefaultLimit = 20

vipListDefaultPremiumLimit = 100

saveGlobalStorage = true

useHouseDataStorage = true

storePlayerDirection = false

checkCorpseOwner = true

monsterLootMessage = 3

monsterLootMessageType = 25

ghostModeInvisibleEffect = true

ghostModeSpellEffects = true

idleWarningTime = 15 * 3600 * 1000

idleKickTime = 16 * 3600 * 1000

reportsExpirationAfterReads = 1

playerQueryDeepness = 2

tileLimit = 9

protectionTileLimit = 9

houseTileLimit = 9

freePremium = true

premiumForPromotion = true

blessings = true

blessingOnlyPremium = false

blessingReductionBase = 30

blessingReductionDecrement = 5

eachBlessReduction = 8

experienceStages = true

pvpStages = false

rateExperience = 20

rateExperienceFromPlayers = 0.2

rateSkill = 35

rateMagic = 20

rateLoot = 4

rateSpawn = 3

rateMonsterHealth = 1.0

rateMonsterMana = 1.0

rateMonsterAttack = 0.94

rateMonsterDefense = 1.0

minLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 0

maxLevelThresholdForKilledPlayer = 0

rateStaminaLoss = 1

rateStaminaGain = 3

rateStaminaThresholdGain = 12

staminaRatingLimitTop = 40 * 60

staminaRatingLimitBottom = 14 * 60

staminaLootLimit = 14 * 60

rateStaminaAboveNormal = 1.5

rateStaminaUnderNormal = 0.5

staminaThresholdOnlyPremium = true

experienceShareRadiusX = 0

experienceShareRadiusY = 0

experienceShareRadiusZ = 0

extraPartyExperienceLimit = 0

extraPartyExperiencePercent = 0

experienceShareActivity = 2 * 60 * 1000

globalSaveEnabled = false

globalSaveHour = 0

globalSaveMinute = 0

shutdownAtGlobalSave = false

cleanMapAtGlobalSave = false

deSpawnRange = 2

deSpawnRadius = 50

maxPlayerSummons = 1

teleportAllSummons = true

teleportPlayerSummons = true

statusPort = 7173

ownerName = "Hitman"

ownerEmail = "[email protected]"

url = "http://evolera.gq"

location = "Sweden"

displayGamemastersWithOnlineCommand = false

displayPlayersLogging = true

prefixChannelLogs = ""

runFile = ""

outputLog = ""

truncateLogsOnStartup = true

managerPort = 7173

managerLogs = true

managerPassword = ""

managerLocalhostOnly = true

managerConnectionsLimit = 1

adminPort = 7173

adminLogs = true

adminPassword = ""

adminLocalhostOnly = true

adminConnectionsLimit = 1

adminRequireLogin = true

adminEncryption = ""

adminEncryptionData = ""
and here's my database a Picture of it
Well, you should really really watch a tutorial on how to start a server yourself, I see in the config.lua file that you haven't specified any database.
Well, you should really really watch a tutorial on how to start a server yourself, I see in the config.lua file that you haven't specified any database.

omg, I just removed the database and the codes I don't wanna give you information about my VPS..
First of all you didn't even read on how to ask for help in this forum, until now I haven't seen any information about the distribution you're running.

There was no information about your VPS, if you're having problems with the database and I ask you for the config.lua and a picture of your database, which you didn't even manage to post right it's clearly that I want to check information about the database it is wanting to connect to, I'm unwatching this thread, above I posted a link with a tutorial on how to get your stuff running, the video is one hour long, you could've watched it instead of arguing, at this point you would probably be done.

Sorry but helping you is not a possible task for me.
First of all you didn't even read on how to ask for help in this forum, until now I haven't seen any information about the distribution you're running.

There was no information about your VPS, if you're having problems with the database and I ask you for the config.lua and a picture of your database, which you didn't even manage to post right it's clearly that I want to check information about the database it is wanting to connect to, I'm unwatching this thread, above I posted a link with a tutorial on how to get your stuff running, the video is one hour long, you could've watched it instead of arguing, at this point you would probably be done.

Sorry but helping you is not a possible task for me.

I just gave you the error a couple times how many times do you need it? I can give you again
"ERROR: The database you have specified in config.lua is empty, please import schemas/<engine>.sql to the database."
Lets learn how to interprete error messages:

"ERROR: The database you have specified in config.lua is empty, please import schemas/<engine>.sql to the database."

Mhmmm, what to do here? have I imported the schema to the database? Yes. Mhmmm what could be wrong? maybe I haven't specified the right database name in the config.lua file? Probably not since it's telling me the one I specified is empty, let me try specifying the correct one then and see what happens...

Lets learn how to interprete error messages:

"ERROR: The database you have specified in config.lua is empty, please import schemas/<engine>.sql to the database."

Mhmmm, what to do here? have I imported the schema to the database? Yes. Mhmmm what could be wrong? maybe I haven't specified the right database name in the config.lua file? Probably not since it's telling me the one I specified is empty, let me try specifying the correct one then and see what happens...


I just Think that I have importanted it wrong I did from my .SQL that were in desktop. I need to know somehow how to import the .SQL in putty.