@God Mythera - It makes me sad that you even bring these words towards HalfAway.
@HalfAway and
@Ninja is the 2 most honest and nicest persons that I have had the honour to speak with. They are humble, calm, nice and do what they can for this Community, do you know how much Money they could earn if they wanted to and took advantage of us deadly people with less knowledge?
What HalfAway will do is for sure to take Money in advance next time, nothing more and nothing less.
If you honestly forgot to pay HalfAway for a deal you had and a service he helped you with in advance, how come you didn't pay him before thinking of a 90 EUR (!?) countdown?
An OTserver is not garanteed a big income to bring back your 90 EUR and to pay HalfAway and/or other costs that you may have, spend what you are willing to loose, not in hope to gain even more, thats lotto, not OpenTibia.
See it as a loan, and banks take interest, stay away from not paying your debts, todays lesson for Life.
Kind Regards,