• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

Hoster OTS Hosting Service 2023 w/DDoS Protection

How much would i have to pay for a windows host for a realmap server?
Obviously more than a Linux host. If you use Windows host you have to pay for more server resources then you need to buy a windows server license. (Which is ofc included in the host.) But it will cost more than a regular Linux host.
Obviously more than a Linux host. If you use Windows host you have to pay for more server resources then you need to buy a windows server license. (Which is ofc included in the host.) But it will cost more than a regular Linux host.
Thing is i have no idea how to use linux host, when i accidentally bought a host from Don Daniello i accidentally bought linux and i was just gonna waste the host and wait till it ends and buy a windows host but he let me get a windows host, the windows host is easier ;d cause i cant see the screen and i dont remember if linux has that, if it doesn't then that is why i want a windows host. I would just ask HalfAway to host (after i pay him the money i owe him) but i am 70% sure after i pay him he will just ignore me. All humans make mistakes and i have made one mistake of not paying someone, but when ever i have paid for a service or anything i NEVER scammed anyone, forgetting to pay someone its not scamming its called a simple mistake, maybe if he messaged me every day or so i wouldn't forget but he waits months then says "hey you didn't pay me, you scammed me" that is what annoys me. I even TOLD him to message me and remind me but he didn't.
@God Mythera - It makes me sad that you even bring these words towards HalfAway.
@HalfAway and @Ninja is the 2 most honest and nicest persons that I have had the honour to speak with. They are humble, calm, nice and do what they can for this Community, do you know how much Money they could earn if they wanted to and took advantage of us deadly people with less knowledge?

What HalfAway will do is for sure to take Money in advance next time, nothing more and nothing less.

If you honestly forgot to pay HalfAway for a deal you had and a service he helped you with in advance, how come you didn't pay him before thinking of a 90 EUR (!?) countdown?
An OTserver is not garanteed a big income to bring back your 90 EUR and to pay HalfAway and/or other costs that you may have, spend what you are willing to loose, not in hope to gain even more, thats lotto, not OpenTibia.
See it as a loan, and banks take interest, stay away from not paying your debts, todays lesson for Life.

Kind Regards,
@God Mythera - It makes me sad that you even bring these words towards HalfAway.
@HalfAway and @Ninja is the 2 most honest and nicest persons that I have had the honour to speak with. They are humble, calm, nice and do what they can for this Community, do you know how much Money they could earn if they wanted to and took advantage of us deadly people with less knowledge?

What HalfAway will do is for sure to take Money in advance next time, nothing more and nothing less.

If you honestly forgot to pay HalfAway for a deal you had and a service he helped you with in advance, how come you didn't pay him before thinking of a 90 EUR (!?) countdown?
An OTserver is not garanteed a big income to bring back your 90 EUR and to pay HalfAway and/or other costs that you may have, spend what you are willing to loose, not in hope to gain even more, thats lotto, not OpenTibia.
See it as a loan, and banks take interest, stay away from not paying your debts, todays lesson for Life.

Kind Regards,
The only problem is i only have enough money for the countdown, i have been saving it for around 3 months because i wanted to save up for a countdown because apperantly its the only way to get players to play on a server. And i didn't think i would have to post this but i sent @HalfAway a message just a few monents ago..

I hope you know I didn't scam you, I simply forgot. I plan to pay you but PLEASE just try to keep in contact because I have problems remembering stuff, you might think of it as an excuse but I have brain damage which fucked up a part of my brain (memory) so I forget easily, I even forget family & friends birthdays which is sad, I want to pay you back because I have never scammed anyone from Otland (You can ask ANY active outlander)., I am simply admitting that I forgot to pay and I promise I will pay you once my server up...

Of course i remember about the countdown because that is something i planned on doing, i would of paid him back if he would remind me its just my mind is fucked. I even told him i will gladly pay him once i get my server up, why should i pause on my dream to pay someone money when i can do this then pay them back? My dream was to have alot of players on my server and i try so hard and i work so hard but it gets me no wheres, the only thing i have left to do is work on a server then get a countdown (its what everyone recommends) after someone putting so much work into a server. I still got less then a month to fix all the stuff on my server and it gets exhausting because i do EVERYTHING myself :\ i have no idea how to script or php but i get the job done because i try my hardest to fix something when it doesn't work.

edit: also why tag ninja if i said nothing about him? I have said they are good people and help people and they are one of the most helpful people on otland, i never said any bad things about them...I also find it sad just cause i forget and he doesn't remind me im in the wrong, in the first place if he would of reminded me i would of paid him. Last month in Feb i spent around 100$ for myself because its hard for me to make money in the position that i am right now, and if he messaged me back in Feb i would of paid him the money i owe him.
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@God Mythera
A real map would need at least 6-8 GB RAM. For a 6 GB server that would cost you 240 PLN/month for Linux or 360 PLN/month for Windows host.
because apperantly its the only way to get players to play on a server.
Pretty sure I told you before that I have friends that had 100+ players on their servers without advertisement. So it's not the only way.
Also I don't see why you just wasted your linux host last time? If I were you I'd taken that chance to learn a bit about linux and possibly(some times it can really be a pain in the ass) made a linux starter.
That option is still open for you. As long as you're not using tfs 0.4 r3884 making a linux starter isn't that much of a hassle
Pretty sure I told you before that I have friends that had 100+ players on their servers without advertisement. So it's not the only way.
Also I don't see why you just wasted your linux host last time? If I were you I'd taken that chance to learn a bit about linux and possibly(some times it can really be a pain in the ass) made a linux starter.
That option is still open for you. As long as you're not using tfs 0.4 r3884 making a linux starter isn't that much of a hassle
i didnt waste it, i WAS gonna but he let me change to windows ;d
Do you see? @God Mythera You will earn 120 PLN by choosing a linux server/host.
yes but i dont know how to use linux host ;\ if there is no screen share i want no part of it.

edit: i will no longer be posting on here because i dont wanna disrespect Don Daniello's thread. His windows host is great i just dont like linux because i myself use windows.
So can i run my windows TFS 1.2 in a linux server? I dont want to buy a month of it if i cant, i have no experience with linux but its cheaper
So can i run my windows TFS 1.2 in a linux server? I dont want to buy a month of it if i cant, i have no experience with linux but its cheaper
If you are using TFS 1.2, you can run the native Linux version. Your data pack that can be run on both Linux and Windows without any changes.
First time trying to move my ot to a dedicated server, i have to say this is an awesome ots hosting company. I had some troubles at first, but nothing hard to work out, especially since they have a wiki on all commands and how to run/import your server.

I really recommend this service, all my clients from the ots are happy with knowing they have a stable connection/low ping/and DDoS protection!

Thank you for your support! Never left me alone!
If I was to require a 5GB Ram service, I'd have to pay 50 EUR / Month ?
We are temporarily out of stock on servers in America. They should be available again later today or tomorrow! If you'd like to purchase one now, send me a message!

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