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Pokémon Online!

it's r0x server?

  • Yeszsz! ;)

    Votes: 422 65.8%
  • Nooooo! ;(

    Votes: 219 34.2%

  • Total voters
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It's really hard to even get on the waiting list, and when you are on theres a 50/50 chance you'll disconnect. Also what happended to the poke statistic pictures?
But I am in waiting list 16.

Worth playing right now?

Too laggy?
When I was online about 30 minutes ago, there was very little lag.. Cept got kicked, due to lag.. I think it should be fine.
8 on the waiting list so i'm praying 8 noobs die so i can continue my pg.:thumbup:
199 on waiting list! And I just noticied a kick. Only about 30 mroe minutes till I get on! Most likely i'll be kicked!

Edit: Is server going through problems? Just went from 199 to 126.
I have capitalized both "F's". Yes, this is not school but, I think you need more school. Now you know the diffrence between Fun and Funny. A typical brazilian mistake, which I see nearly every time I read a forum or log into a Tibian game.

Oh, so you are that kind of people who like to stereotype the others, right? Just because you see a in game which less than 0,001% of our population - Brazilian population - play, you assume that this is a common Brazilian mistake.

Well, I'm kind of sad for you. You think you're right in being a teacher in a forum that's not even about Tibia, it's about Open Tibia. Well, people don't want you to correct them, just put it into your miserable mind. They learn with life, not with hypocrite people.
Well for one, did I say I was a teacher? I was just annoyed of a common mistake that I've seen brazilians do. Look at most the pvp servers in Tibia. Most of them are controlled by no lifing, power abusing, kill first talk later, brazilians. Some on this online game brazilians seem to be the "bad people". I'm not saying all of them are bad. I met one a few days ago that was actually nice. That's a first! Not racist, just seeing what most brazilians do and how they act.. Unless that's racism?
20:44 Server is shutting down in 2 minutes. Go to a safe zone.
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