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Reporting GM Tertius


New Member
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score

Im reporting GM Tertius for banning me on the character:
Mage Stormwing
After a fight with a pl pk team, we owned them badly they didnt liked it verymuch cuz they were with 8 and we were with 2.
After loseing pz after the second fight, I laughed them out.

Getting threats with like: Stfu or You get banned.

I kept on laughing and 30 seconds later GM Tertius for "Keep Target".

Nice abduse of GM. Whats the reason for what i got banned?
Keep Target?

Keep going :thumbup: with thise nice Abdusing of GM and banning people who owned you for no reason.


Mage Stormwing
I'm sure Robert can explain why he made this decision to the community.

Yours, Krigaren.
för det första så är vi svenskar och vi va bara 7 pers.
ingen va högre lvl än 100 och själv hade jag en lvl 56, och ja du använde fusk om du inte kan markera target på 0,1 sec hela tiden.Så va glad om du tyckte att du ägde oss när det var du som dog med fusk mot lowlvls, grattis!!
(in eng)we are Swedish and we was only 7 pers.
nobody was higher lvl than 100 and I had one lvl 56, and yes you used cheats beacuse i dont think you can indicate target on 0,1 sec all the time. So be happy if you thought that you owned us when it was you that died with cheats against lowlvls, congratulations !!
Anyway, Mage Stormwing, this just proves nothing, i KNOW you cheated with the keep target (NG bot) becouse i saw it with my own eyes, the ban you deserved had nothing with my friends to do, besides that you used the cheat on them and they reported it, so dont try to make me look bad.

So thats the story and have fun theese 2 days.

P.S just to let you know, you dident "own" me so i cant see how i could ban you for owning me. -.-
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Anyway, Mage Stormwing, this just proves nothing, i KNOW you cheated with the keep target (NG bot) becouse i saw it with my own eyes, the ban you deserved had nothing with my friends to do, besides that you used the cheat on them and they reported it, so dont try to make me look bad.

So thats the story and have fun theese 2 days.

P.S just to let you know, you dident "own" me so i cant see how i could ban you for owning me. -.-

Our rules doesn't state that it is illegal to target lock.
But it is illegal to use unofficial software to play the game?

Then you might want to ban pretty much every single player, including me. Since it isn't hard to detect who use a cheat from the serverside (cheats send different stackpos sometimes), I can give you a list of everyone who's cheating. Oh and by the way, you are on that list too..
Then you might want to ban pretty much every single player, including me. Since it isn't hard to detect who use a cheat from the serverside (cheats send different stackpos sometimes), I can give you a list of everyone who's cheating. Oh and by the way, you are on that list too..

Omg, just gotta say it, Richey.

I've seen 4 times how Tertius kicking Talaturens character or his friends,just brillant "Fail Master" :)