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TheImaginedServer & TheImaginedClient (custom TFS and Client) - Updated 1/16/2015

The NPC parts spunds really interesting.

Kind Regards,
Remove This line in spawns.cpp
to make it better so monsters can spawn even if there is player blocking the spawn.or you can change this
bool Spawn::findPlayer(const Position& pos)
SpectatorVec list;
g_game.getSpectators(list, pos);

Player* tmpPlayer = NULL;
for(SpectatorVec::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
if((tmpPlayer = (*it)->getPlayer()) && !tmpPlayer->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoredByMonsters))
return true;

return false;
bool Spawn::findPlayer(const Position& pos)
SpectatorVec list;
g_game.getSpectators(list, pos);

Player* tmpPlayer = NULL;
for(SpectatorVec::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
if((!g_config.getBool(ConfigManager::PLAYER_BLOCK_SPAWN) && tmpPlayer = (*it)->getPlayer()) && !tmpPlayer->hasFlag(PlayerFlag_IgnoredByMonsters))
return true;

return false;
And ofcourse edit the configmanager.cpp and the .h to add the bool
It it just my idea if you want to add it then ok :)

I'm at work, but ALLOW_BLOCK_SPAWN, is already in my sources. Unless you are saying your functionality is different?
I thought that this proyect were based on 1.0 :O

It was originally going to be, but after using 1.0 for a few weeks I just hate every single thing about it.

It's my personal preference, but I don't like the way 1.0 was scripted.
Plus, just getting 1.0 to match the functionality of 0.3 or 0.4 would take me months. Instead I would rather work on more interesting things.
It was originally going to be, but after using 1.0 for a few weeks I just hate every single thing about it.

It's my personal preference, but I don't like the way 1.0 was scripted.
Anyway, you did an amazing job with this project and I'm sure that the community will be happy with this :) thanks!
Anyway, you did an amazing job with this project and I'm sure that the community will be happy with this :) thanks!
Job just started xP.

There are so many more features that need to be added to this.
Plus I'm also developing a server to Utilize a lot of it's features.
There is one. config.lua.dist

-- The Forgotten Server Config

-- New Features
capSpeedLoss = true
levelGainSpeed = false
defenseMin = 1.0 -- Minimum Defense Multiplier
defenseMax = 1.0 -- Maximum Defense Multiplier
armorMin = 1.0 -- Minimum Armor Multiplier
armorMax = 1.0 -- Maxmimum Armor Multiplier
offenseDamage = 1.0 -- Damage Divider
balancedDamage = 1.0 -- Damage Divider
defenseDamage = 1.0 -- Damage Divider
offenseDefense = 1.0 -- Defense Multiplier
balancedDefense = 1.5 -- Defense Multiplier
defenseDefense = 2.0 -- Defense Multiplier
playerDamageMult = 1.0 -- Multiplier For Damage To Players
useSkills = false -- Use Skills (Fist Fighting, Sword Fighting, etc)
monsterTargetDefault = false -- Use Default Monster Target?
seethroughwalls = false -- Can walls block player sight?
longday = 900 -- How long is a Day (in seconds)
daypercent = 70 -- What percent of a day is light (day/night percent)
nightlight = 150 -- How bright is it at night
daylight = 250 -- How bright is it during the day
lightcolor = 215 -- What color is the sun light (world light)
useShieldBar = true -- Use the Shield Bar?
useBarrierBar = true -- Use the Barrier Bar?
showPlayerVocation = true
showPlayerMarriage = true
showPlayerGuild = true
accountSize = 15

I will be adding it into the source that if you turn on ShieldBar or BarrierBar it will update the SQL to allow these new bars.

For now you just have to add them yourself... (below health, healthmax)

We also plan to make new DOC files to explain all the new features. (There are a TON of new options in monster.xml and soon npc.xml)
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Wow! Great work Flat, it's is very good for a custom server. I think, you can add data folder? In github have only source code and if you can write a doc for someone with no knowledge understand new features also is good. Keep work for make this the best customized server :)
Wow! Great work Flat, it's is very good for a custom server. I think, you can add data folder? In github have only source code and if you can write a doc for someone with no knowledge understand new features also is good. Keep work for make this the best customized server :)

Thinks to-do to help the GitHub:
  1. Make a tutorial on how to compile both the OTClient and TFS.
  2. Make a default Data folder with a small custom server included that shows off the features (With detailed and explained files)
  3. Make new doc files for new functions/script systems/features
I'll try to get these done as soon as I have time.
So it won't be 1.0?
Ahh, then how about modalWindows?

Anything is possible in OTClient. having windows pop up that do or say whatever you want is the easiest thing in the world.

Hell, I just adding in the ability to make small monsters "swarm" and stack.
It's nice if some peoples contribute for this, this is the best custom server :D
Flat, you could add lively npc ( like in your video )
The lively NPCs in my video were all LUA. They were just testing the limitation or what I would like to do.

Once I create my NPC system in the source with all of it's features I will also need to release a GitHub of my edited Remeres Map Editor, so you can set the waypoints, etc for the NPCs.
I'm waiting, u're doing really well.
I'm waiting to tutorial about compilation etc.,
Sorry for my english, it's not my personal language, and I didn't use a translator, cuz i'm training to speak without it.
Good Luck bro ;3
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Your viewRange feature doesn't work without the aggro feature :(?
It should work either way... if you think you found a bug throw the issue up on Github.

I just went through the entire source, it should work with or without Aggro Activated.

On any monster you can set their view range AS FAR as you want using this flag:

<flag viewrange=""/>