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Suggestion Transferring Premium

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Unity Games
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
United States
Hey everyone,

I just randomly thought of this and was hoping you would also find it to be useful or nice to have.

Basically, you can give away your premium time to other members, but with restrictions.

1. For every month you give away, you must wait a month to give again (to minimize loss).
2. You cannot give premium to users which are currently banned (duh).
3. You can only give premium time to members who currently have premium (to prevent leaks of TFS).

How can this be useful?

1. You want to be a nice person and give some premium to another member or a good friend of yours who can't afford it.

It's only a suggestion, what do you think?

Please discuss here, but keep 'flaming and off-topic discussion' to a minimum. Thank you.

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Couldn't have said it better myself than scarlet.
Stuff that already exist, already exist, they are there and done, this is something that would still need to be obtained, if its useless why bother getting it in the first place..
Stuff that already exist, already exist, they are there and done, this is something that would still need to be obtained, if its useless why get it in the first place..

What if I already had the code? Talaturen is capable of many things. Implementing something like this would take him less than a day (if that much...).
What if I already had the code? Talaturen is capable of many things. Implementing something like this would take him less than a day (if that much...).

And a price hike just because of something that I'm never going to use or benefit from.
If you already had the code for that(which I doubt since you probably need to know the database structure behind otland), you'd have to ask Talaturen if he would like to take the time to check/analize/test and finally add your code to otland
I doubt he'd go for it, too much work for a useless feature
And a price hike just because of something that I'm never going to use or benefit from.

It's a suggestion, Evan. You are acting like this is going to happen either way. I am only suggesting possible solutions.
It's a suggestion, Evan. You are acting like this is going to happen either way. I am only suggesting ideas.

I'm not acting like this is happening, I'm preventing it from possibly happening.
I'm just against it, that is all.
To be honest, I expected that there would be a whole bunch of comments suggesting how useless this would be, though I still made the thread with hopes that I would have the opportunity to be able to do what I wish with my donation benefits. This is good though. Anyone who may think it's something we should have or wouldn't mind having, you can freely express your opinions as well.

Edit: I never really expected this to be implemented unless I was able to acquire the right amount of support. Talaturen will most likely see it as "unnecessary," as many of you do. :rolleyes:

It was worth a shot.
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To be honest, I expected that there would be a whole bunch of comments suggesting how useless this would be, though I still made the thread with hopes that I would have the opportunity to be able to do what I wish with my donation benefits. This is good though. Anyone who may think it's something we should have or wouldn't mind having, you can freely express your opinions as well.

Edit: I never really expected this to be implemented unless I was able to acquire the right amount of support. Talaturen will most likely see it as "unnecessary," as many of you do. :rolleyes:

It was worth a shot.

What's the point of having a redundant feature if it requires the time and effort to actually implement it? A lot of the redundant features we have here come as a default with vB, that's why they are here. Adding a feature ourselves would be a big waste of time especially if the feature wouldn't even be appreciated by most of the community. You have to remember that every time new code is added there is the possibility that it could lead to intrusions/bugs and would consume a lot of Talaturen's time (assuming he would be the one to implement it).
What's the point of having a redundant feature if it requires the time and effort to actually implement it? A lot of the redundant features we have here come as a default with vB, that's why they are here. Adding a feature ourselves would be a big waste of time especially if the feature wouldn't even be appreciated by most of the community. You have to remember that every time new code is added there is the possibility that it could lead to intrusions/bugs and would consume a lot of Talaturen's time (assuming he would be the one to implement it).

So, you're basically saying that laziness has overcome the possibility of this being implemented. All of your excuses come down to the fact you don't want to take the time to do this. I understand that it would take some time but there would be no bugs or problems, this feature is quite easy for him to make. If he can make a subversion, he can make a simple feature to transfer Premium. It is clear to me that no one wants this, so I suppose this thread can be closed.

Thank you for hearing my suggestion and discussing it with me.

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