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[CANADA][CUSTOM] Darkrest Online - Lumara

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Legendary OT User
TFS Developer
Sep 7, 2015
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Darkrest.Online Lumara

Welcome to Darkrest.Online - Lumara
Lumara Launch date: 31.05.2024, 5 PM CEST (12 PM GMT-3 [BRAZIL])

Darkrest is an MMO RPG where you conquer dungeons and slay monsters.
In Lumara, old problems meet new solutions, casting a fresh light across the server. Here, every challenge is an opportunity for innovation, turning yesterday's struggles into tomorrow's triumphs.

Create an account/character: https://darkrest.online

Important information:
  • Exp Rate: x2
  • Skills: x2
  • Magic: x1
  • Loot: x1.1
  • Regeneration: x1
  • Promotion: Free

  • No MC allowed;
  • No Bots allowed;
  • No VM allowed;
  • No Macros allowed;
  • RMT allowed but not supported in-game/discord;

What is Darkrest?
Darkrest is a unique custom server based on 7.4-8.0 Tibia protocols. It’s an old-school, slow-paced server with incomparable features. Players often refer to our features and systems in various Discord communities as examples for server owners to implement them here and there.

World Map
Darkrest started with Real Map from the 7.72 era and evolved with time. For now, our map includes 3 custom islands (Iskastad, Pearadise, Wetwood) and custom spawns on the well-known Real Tibia Map. For instance, Edron is almost twice as big in land area! Additionally, our map saves items on the ground, making it easier to create a nice loot bag—even close to the server saving hours.

Game Health
Our systems align with the economy, so the game is stable in the long run. Over two months of not changing prices on the marketplace have proven this. Additionally, your progress is secure- accounts and characters created in September 2023 are still with us and available to their owners.

What has changed
Lumara is our fresh start, a new server with new features and adventures for our great players to explore. However, let’s talk about the basics we have discussed with our player base for months.
  1. Creature spawns - we have tweaked creature spawns that players reported to us during Historia peak, such as Dragons on Fibula or custom spawns of Scarabs under the Jakundaf Desert. These changes should bring more balance between custom and original content, which, at the end of the day, improves the experience of the whole player base.
  2. Creature behavior (AI) - we worked hard to improve our creatures’ AI, responsiveness, and reaction times. It is important to remember that while fleeing, monsters cast abilities more often on Darkrest, but did not change.
  3. Creature loot - based on surveys and data gathered from Historia, we made critical tweaks to some loot tables. Changes here are not significant in most cases; it is often a 1% change on an item with a 10% drop chance, but it makes some hunt places actually viable or makes others less “must go to.”
  4. Loot rates - changed from x1 to x1.1. Our surveys gave us great constructive negative and positive feedback about item prices and loot. After analyzing data and players' experiences, we decided to increase loot rates. This is in line with creature loot changes, and we believe it should make gameplay even more enjoyable.
  5. Hotkeys - the biggest and most often repeated issue with our gameplay was the gathering system. This is a small step for hotkeys but a massive step for our adventurous crafters and gatherers. You will be able to map a hotkey to a new special action, “Gather resources.”
  6. Anti Cheat System - we have a good reputation for fighting with bots. However, it was imperfect, as some people could cheat for a while, even though we did our best. This time, we drastically improved our detection and automatic report system.
  7. Website - we have rewritten our website from scratch. We are one of the few servers with a custom CMS website built with React and top-notch code quality. This means that we also support a multi-world system, which was required. You do not need to have a new account to play on Lumara, you can use your old account, and you can have characters on Historia and Lumara on one account, you can share premium time and your coins from Historia work on Lumara.
  8. Professions - we had balance problems, especially with custom vocations. Barbarian and Guardian have been merged, as have Hunter and Marksman. However, you can still play the “Barbarian” style with the help of our new Traits system.
  9. Mana and spells system - we have completely rebuilt the spells system. It has been received positively on the test server, and we hope it will significantly improve gameplay.
New and Rebalanced Systems
We worked really hard to implement new systems. Again, 100% one-of-a-kind experiences just for our players. More on our wiki.

Create an account/character: https://darkrest.online
Join us on this amazing adventure.
Darkrest.Online Team
Real Money Trade

Did you hear our Lumara launch song?
phineas and ferb GIF

prawdziwy i know what we are gonna do on 31st may
+1h waiting email confirmation and never arrive...
+1h waiting email confirmation and never arrive...
Hi, just checked and my register confirmation arrived after 5 minutes (using gmail), what email provider do you use?
Why not host the server in the US so european players can have decent ping too?

I would think more players would play if it was not hosted in Brazil 🤔
Why not host the server in the US so european players can have decent ping too?

I would think more players would play if it was not hosted in Brazil 🤔
This server will be hosted in Canada, not Brazil.
Looks great, i will come 100% and play!
Can i ask if rook has good custom content for rookstayers? :)

Announcing: Meteor Shower Event
Event start: 31 May 2024, 5 PM CEST
Location: Rookgaard, outside the city

Create account/character: https://darkrest.online

Timezone: 5 PM CEST
Meteor Type: Meteor of Suffering (low level)
Activity: Meteors will land outside the city. This is a fantastic opportunity for newcomers and veterans alike!

Loot: Grab attribute bags which are great addition for crafting superior items early in the game.
Equipment: Gather basic starting equipment to boost your journey.
Level Up: Accelerate your leveling process by taking part in this celestial event.

Note: You can leave the city at level 1, so this event is perfect for new players looking to make a strong start!

Don't miss this stellar event! Gear up, head out, and let's make the most of this meteor shower together!

Darkrest.Online Team
so simple make bots undetectables*
We do everything to make our game client as secure as possible regarding any form of cheating. The fight between game and cheat developers is never-ending, but we are confident enough to say that we will surprise you for sure.

If that is not enough, we will still work on improving our automated blocking, detecting, and enforcing our strict 0-policy towards botters.