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@ GM Aezol and his unnecessary banishments ^^

My teammets are on your side? :thumbup: hahahaha

Do you even know how good friend we r, me n Why?

I suggest you go get some real facts b4 sayin' anything you don't have a clue about ya niggha :p

/Jonathan Cederlund
My teammets are on your side? :thumbup: hahahaha

Do you even know how good friend we r, me n Why?

I suggest you go get some real facts b4 sayin' anything you don't have a clue about ya niggha :p

/Jonathan Cederlund

Dont drop the n bomb in here you white trailer trash

@ Surarn

I was OUTSIDE your screen, I popped in for ONE second and got comboed the shit out of me so stop bullshittin me aight?

And ty for the boh you just dropped noob died by a fire elemental I rofled my pants off
Dont drop the n bomb in here you white trailer trash

@ Surarn

I was OUTSIDE your screen, I popped in for ONE second and got comboed the shit out of me so stop bullshittin me aight?

And ty for the boh you just dropped noob died by a fire elemental I rofled my pants off

Yea, We say a target in vent and then waits for the target to get inside screen, how hard is it to understand?

And yes, i was afk and u took my whole mana, so when i started to rush i didnt have any mana left but i thought i just loosed mana shield so i did utamo vita, so i was running with no mana and u killed me... U still sux in pvp with all ur boots.
Hahah you use combo, and your leader is Luundiinii...
If we just can bring him you you would run like cowards and then we would show you how real pvp's made :]

// pvp of the year on 6.1 server without BOT!!! :D
Hahah you use combo, and your leader is Luundiinii...
If we just can bring him you you would run like cowards and then we would show you how real pvp's made :]

// pvp of the year on 6.1 server without BOT!!! :D

We have won many Open battles before Luundiinii joined our team and as u see, when Schteekarn shoots one sd it says using on of, bla bla bla sds.

So, nope. Peew is 50% without bots.
lol? Im mage, so how would a bot make any difference? And your mwalling today was perfect. Mwalling yourself inside, and mwalling your friends out is nice pvp..
Yea, We say a target in vent and then waits for the target to get inside screen, how hard is it to understand?

And yes, i was afk and u took my whole mana, so when i started to rush i didnt have any mana left but i thought i just loosed mana shield so i did utamo vita, so i was running with no mana and u killed me... U still sux in pvp with all ur boots.

Hahah you died like a lil bitch and u know, whether it be for u being afk for the first five seconds or for being a complete retard, you got raped by a fire elemental :D

And ye ofc so u say a target in vent (Tyrone Biggumz for the example), Im outside your screen and the SECOND I pop in I get an automatic paralyze on me and a huge combo? Sounds more like elf to me :)
Hahah you died like a lil bitch and u know, whether it be for u being afk for the first five seconds or for being a complete retard, you got raped by a fire elemental :D

And ye ofc so u say a target in vent (Tyrone Biggumz for the example), Im outside your screen and the SECOND I pop in I get an automatic paralyze on me and a huge combo? Sounds more like elf to me :)

When i looked at tibia again i have no mana left.

We said u name everyone keept sd button down and i keept paralyze, then you move in and BANG, our combo is done.
When i looked at tibia again i have no mana left.

We said u name everyone keept sd button down and i keept paralyze, then you move in and BANG, our combo is done.

Ye, why atack any of the other 10 guys when you can wait 20 seconds so Tyrone MAY walk in your screen again and then you all sd him at the exact same second!!
They started the server. Their rules. If they want to ban, they will ban.
This is OT guys. It's not the same as real tibia. In real Tibia, the GM's have obligations. Here on OT, they don't.

And since i'm an admin on counter strike, or was I should say.
I know one thing from that time. Admins don't have to think twice for a ban. Even less, they don't have to argue about it if they don't want to.
Admins/GM's makes the rules, they make sure normal players follows it, and ban's ppl if they feel like it.

Not that hard to understand...but if it is...
Go back to school and do something about your life instead of whining about Tibia OT.

If they ban you, get another acc or quit.

Up to you guys...

But GM can do whatever they want, when they want, how they want withour feeling pitty for their actions.
They started the server. Their rules. If they want to ban, they will ban.
This is OT guys. It's not the same as real tibia. In real Tibia, the GM's have obligations. Here on OT, they don't.

And since i'm an admin on counter strike, or was I should say.
I know one thing from that time. Admins don't have to think twice for a ban. Even less, they don't have to argue about it if they don't want to.
Admins/GM's makes the rules, they make sure normal players follows it, and ban's ppl if they feel like it.

Not that hard to understand...but if it is...
Go back to school and do something about your life instead of whining about Tibia OT.

If they ban you, get another acc or quit.

Up to you guys...

But GM can do whatever they want, when they want, how they want withour feeling pitty for their actions.

Ye well, that is the mentallity of a 5yo boy.

We're talking about what SHOULD happen if the owner of the server is fair; tbh I dont really play for anything else beside war.
This server pretty much finished at lvl 150 with poi and INQ done. And if GM's dont let you fight fairly why the fuck should we play?