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Complaint Posts that criticize mods' favorite servers are deleted now?

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Truth teller
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
A great amount of my posts have been deleted over the time. Most of them had swear words. I don't see why they were deleted since swearing doesn't break the rules, but I somewhat understand since they were controversial.
What I'm complaining about however is my last post which was deleted. It was literally the following: "Botters and donators, can't wait.". Now please explain to me how is this a post worthy of deletion. Is now criticizing a server an offense to the rules? I didn't even criticize the server, the developer of the server himself allowed and encourages botters and donations. This is just proof of how any post that criticizes the servers the mods like is removed.

I also wanted to use this space to say that pretty much every complaint or criticism is deleted, all over the forum. Even the "shitty community" was locked despite the fact that the guy was right (and he was flamed all throughout the thread, even by mods). Is it so hard to understand that criticism and complaints aren't something bad?
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I cannot tell you if the post was "worth deletion" but I can tell you it was not "worth to stay".
Why, exactly? Just because it criticizes a server? There was nothing inflammatory, discriminatory or hateful about that post. There wasn't even an opinion, just facts. Aren't the players allowed to know facts about a server they're going to be playing?
Not to mention that there have been worse posts in many other threads and they weren't deleted.
A great amount of my posts have been deleted over the time. Most of them had swear words. I don't see why they were deleted since swearing doesn't break the rules, but I somewhat understand since they were controversial.

Firstly, I was the one who deleted the post "Botters, can't wait". It was reported, I felt the post deserved deletion, however in respect to it sure, it wasn't offensive etcetera.
I agree with Don Daniello that it was not worth staying, you could have re-worded it somehow to make it sound like proper feedback.

Anyway, onto the swearing posts. I tolerate some swearing, depending on which context you've used it in, e.g. If you're using to offend someone e.g "F**k off you f*****g piece of sh*t", I'll delete it for sure and almost guarantee you a warning or an infraction depending on severity. However if you were using swears like "Haha the latest TFS Distro is going to be f*cking off the hook!", I'll leave it since it wasn't offensive, people in New Zealand talk like this all the time.

@Your post about the 'worse' posts, report them. I'm not going to check every thread, just to delete something. I have priorities, however if it's in the same thread, I usually look over it but there's always that chance I'll miss something, I am human after all!

Anyway, this was somewhat of a rushed answer, quite busy at the moment, feel free to add my skype (Peroxid31) if you want to discuss it with me further.

P.S: I don't even play OT, so how can I have a favorite (in reference to the thread title)
Your posts do nothing but harass servers for botting. You act like a piece of shit to people on this community because you think you are some professional criticizer. If you were worth anything on these forums, you are just a troll. You see a server that you haven't played, and you complain about it like you have played 3 years of it. You don't know shit about the server you are criticizing, which DOES NOT make it criticism. Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something or someone in an intelligible (or articulate) way. The way you do it.. one sentence with the word 'botter'. If anything, we are criticizing you for your shitty contributions to this forum. If your posts are getting deleted over and over, it's because there is something wrong with them. The moderators here aren't stupid.
I appreciate your response. Could you explain to me why do you feel the post deserved deletion? Maybe it wasn't polite, but that's the only "crime" I committed. The developer of the server didn't mention at all in the thread that botting in his server was allowed. Many people find this to be a dealbreaker. I did mention it. Shortly after that, my post was deleted. If that isn't deliberate censorship, I don't know what is.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. The servers I criticize, most usually for botting or donations, it's because they explicitly support these "features". I don't need to know anything else about the server to criticize that specific part of them. Many people criticize servers for being real map, despite not knowing anything else about those servers, and this is perfectly valid, since they're only criticizing one aspect of it (the real map). And whether I do it with one or a thousand words doesn't make any difference, my point doesn't change.
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If "Botters and donators, can't wait." is your constructive criticism, then you probably forgot to add an argument.
It it's not, that's why it is deleted.

I don't even know what you're complaining about. The title says about favourite servers (wtf?!), in the first post (of this thread) you quoted your post that was deleted, and an explanation regarding swearing... which doesn't really have any relation to this post. So I think you just felt like complaining.

Btw, (and now referring to your fourth(?) problem abou the "shitty community"): if his thread got locked, you agree with him and post the same again... you seriously think your thread won't get locked? And by the way, it's called "closed".
First of all, and most importantly, "botters and donators" isn't really criticism due to the fact that I'm not giving an opinion. I'm just stating facts. The server has botters and donators. The developer of the server encourages it. All I did was mention that. I'm just asking for an explanation of why that post was deleted, since as I said, it's not hateful, not discriminatory, no anything. I was just stating facts about a server. Deleting something like that is just plain censorship.
Second, please re-read my post. I said that multiple posts of mine were deleted. All of the posts that were deleted were posts criticizing that specific server. Hence the favoritism allegations.
Lastly, why would my thread be closed simply because I agree with someone else? Why do you hate people criticizing the forum so much? If people are complaining about something, it's not because they're "trolls" or whatever you may call them, it's because there is a problem, otherwise they wouldn't be complaining in the first place.
If mods favoured people and servers etc, I'd rule otland :hehe:
First of all, and most importantly, "botters and donators" isn't really criticism due to the fact that I'm not giving an opinion. I'm just stating facts.
You are not an authority here about the server, so you are incapable of stating facts. An opinion is all you can do.
The server has botters and donators. The developer of the server encourages it. All I did was mention that.
So you didn't post anything new, then it's either trolling or spamming.

I'm just asking for an explanation of why that post was deleted, since as I said, it's not hateful, not discriminatory, no anything.
Exactly, it's not anything.

I was just stating facts about a server. Deleting something like that is just plain censorship.
It's called preventing information silos.

Second, please re-read my post. I said that multiple posts of mine were deleted. All of the posts that were deleted were posts criticizing that specific server. Hence the favoritism allegations.
Maybe not the criticizm was a problem? If you still don't know what was, "Open your eyes. Look up to the skies and see.".

Lastly, why would my thread be closed simply because I agree with someone else? Why do you hate people criticizing the forum so much? If people are complaining about something, it's not because they're "trolls" or whatever you may call them, it's because there is a problem, otherwise they wouldn't be complaining in the first place.
Maybe it's a problem in them? It's not because you agree with someone else. You always understand things as you want to. Open your... mind, this time.


Even the "shitty community" was locked despite the fact that the guy was right (and he was flamed all throughout the thread, even by mods).
The plain reason it got closed is because it led to nowhere. No realistic solution or whatever. He just saw "lulz community is shit let's make a complaint about it" -> So what to do about it?

Is it so hard to understand that criticism and complaints aren't something bad?
The reason things get locked/removed is because they lead to nothing. It's just some stupid useless statement you made without anything to do about it behind it.

Just like this post, what the hell is this going to lead to?
I'm sorry that I offended your feelings, but it's true, your picture is really garbage and it really gives the server a terrible reputation. Naruto? Seriously? How old are you? And the fact that you're using retarded made up words is just more pathetic.
Wow, that's even more pathetic. I really pity your parents, they must be so ashamed of having raised a failure.
Why don't you release the server already instead of adding all this useless shit?
among others that I won't bother searching

Just any any regular of this thread -> DeathZot ( The Restoration Project)
They'll tell you that jpghard posts were nothing but useless and trolling ones

@Favorite servers
I don't play tibia, I don't have favorite servers
You are not an authority here about the server, so you are incapable of stating facts. An opinion is all you can do.
Wow, this is just so ignorant I can't believe it. Do you even know what a fact is? I'm sorry but this is just so stupid. Wow. Why would I have to be an authority to state a fact? What does that have to do with anything? I'm sorry but what you said doesn't make any sense.

Just like this post, what the hell is this going to lead to?
I want to know why that post was deleted. That's it. I'm not asking for much. As I said, the post wasn't discriminatory, hateful, or anything bad, so I don't see why it would possibly be deleted. I asked Peroxide why he thought that the server needed a deletion and so far he hasn't even answered.
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Because if you don't know what's really going on then you don't know the facts, as he said all you can do is make opinions or personal statements.
Because if you don't know what's really going on then you don't know the facts, as he said all you can do is make opinions or personal statements.
Please, tell me how I was wrong. The developer himself said that he would allow botters and donations.

Edit: Wow, I just checked and my post was deleted again? What the hell is wrong with you mods? Why can't you tolerate someone pointing out facts about a server?
And that's how flaming in advertisement threads begin.
Don't call it a fact when you write something random without proving it.
I think its clear to everyone that this Complaint isn't valid, so I'm closing this
if anyone(anyone but jpghard) has anything else to add to this, PM me and I'll open it again.

\/ He opened it again I suppose
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