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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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Eternal/Renegade/Imortalic pretty much ran the server and they haven't donated a single thing last era.

What does that have to do anything with what he said?

The better question is why do you call those donations?
Eternal/Renegade/Imortalic pretty much ran the server and they haven't donated a single thing last era.

What did they do? After i got my t4 weapon i solo killed all of them so no they didnt.
Even archlord solo killed them when he had his t3 weapon.
What does that have to do anything with what he said?

The better question is why do you call those donations?

Because you get them from donating, here is how it works. You donate, I give you donation points as a thank you. You don't go to a shopping cart, add items to the cart and then click 'Buy'. Regardless, I don't know why you care so much. You've stated you're not interested in the server, so why are you commenting on it?
Because you get them from donating, here is how it works. You donate, I give you donation points as a thank you. You don't go to a shopping cart, add items to the cart and then click 'Buy'. Regardless, I don't know why you care so much. You've stated you're not interested in the server, so why are you commenting on it?

Let me fix it for you.

I donate, you give me donation points as a thank you, I buy the best gear and kill everyone who doesn't donate, they quit and rage because they will never donate something like $200+

Why I am commenting?

Because you're ruining a great server, greediness is what kills all the servers.

Once people stop donating you will close the server, all you care about is money, seemingly from your shop.

Have fun bros getting your ass kicked unless you wanna donate.
Eternal/Renegade/Imortalic pretty much ran the server and they haven't donated a single thing last era.

They played smart, played together to get more sets than everybody. There was a person that quickly passed them from paying money to the server. One day I see him level 100, the next, 3800 with full T4. GG. They didn't really run the server, they just really Pked people that they didn't like ;). If anyone ran the server in terms of level/set it would probably be Xagul or Obama, he solo'd eternal, imortalic and renegade near glacial dragon lol, and then Xevil and him killed me too ^_^.

I don't know if those new amulets are in the donation shop, so I will assume they are and say this: Donators can get 17% more extra experience than non donators, if they choose the right items, although I'm sure that the amulets can be crafted from starstones, which is ALSO more time consuming than paying money to get the exp increasing stuff. Like I've said before, it's just a online game that has energy. When you run out of energy, you can't play, so you must wait for the energy or pay to get that energy. In this case, it's stamina or money irl.
Hes not ruining the server with the donation. He needs the money,and be happy he isn't offering super uber items. Hes only offering items that u can get ingame. I think the donation system is fair.
Let me fix it for you.

I donate, you give me donation points as a thank you, I buy the best gear and kill everyone who doesn't donate, they quit and rage because they will never donate something like $200+

Why I am commenting?

Because you're ruining a great server, greediness is what kills all the servers.

Once people stop donating you will close the server, all you care about is money, seemingly from your shop.

Have fun bros getting your ass kicked unless you wanna donate.

Eternal/Imortalic/Renegade donated nothing, and they ran the server?

All donations are obtainable ingame

It's my server, I can do anything I want to with it
Hes not ruining the server with the donation. He needs the money,and be happy he isn't offering super uber items. Hes only offering items that u can get ingame. I think the donation system is fair.

T4 is pretty uber on a level 500-2000. I didn't get my first t4 piece until level 2700. The second came at 3500, and the third would be coming somewhere around 4700. I could just buy them all at level 500 if I wanted, which would give me a serious headstart at gaining more T1's, T2's because I can block the monsters myself, kill them faster and kill the players that try and kill other bosses that I want to kill.
Hes not ruining the server with the donation. He needs the money,and be happy he isn't offering super uber items. Hes only offering items that u can get ingame. I think the donation system is fair.

You basically said and admitted that he opened this server for money.

Your argument is invalid.

Also Syn_, I'd expect some better attitude from a server owner, it feels like if I was talking to a random guy.
16:18 You see a blackboard.
You read: VIP Account!

14 days for 5$

+10% Bonus Exp

Able to use commands;
!bank (deposit/withdrawl

Rl tibia premium account right there almost, benefits botters a lot :)

16:19 You see a blackboard.
You read: 20 RP

UNIQUE Lucky Amulet!

This amulet gives +7% bonus experience when worn!

This amulet lasts forever!

This also benefits botters, and costs 20$ to get. Good moneymaker.

- - - Updated - - -

16:20 You see a blackboard.
You read: 50 RP

Custom House:
Get a custom house that you map yourself! (If you want GM Synthetic to map it, it costs more)!

PM GM Synthetic for more details on spawns, depots, or trainers! (cost extra!).

Noxious OT, Collapser OT are both known for having houses that take botters away from the normal spawns and put them in their own little private spawns to bot.
16:18 You see a blackboard.
You read: VIP Account!

14 days for 5$

+10% Bonus Exp

Able to use commands;
!bank (deposit/withdrawl

Rl tibia premium account right there almost, benefits botters a lot :)

16:19 You see a blackboard.
You read: 20 RP

UNIQUE Lucky Amulet!

This amulet gives +7% bonus experience when worn!

This amulet lasts forever!

This also benefits botters, and costs 20$ to get. Good moneymaker.

- - - Updated - - -

16:20 You see a blackboard.
You read: 50 RP

Custom House:
Get a custom house that you map yourself! (If you want GM Synthetic to map it, it costs more)!

PM GM Synthetic for more details on spawns, depots, or trainers! (cost extra!).

Noxious OT, Collapser OT are both known for having houses that take botters away from the normal spawns and put them in their own little private spawns to bot.

So basically he is trying to find any possible way to gain money from it?

16:18 You see a blackboard.
You read: VIP Account!

14 days for 5$

+10% Bonus Exp

Able to use commands;
!bank (deposit/withdrawl

Rl tibia premium account right there almost, benefits botters a lot :)

16:19 You see a blackboard.
You read: 20 RP

UNIQUE Lucky Amulet!

This amulet gives +7% bonus experience when worn!

This amulet lasts forever!

This also benefits botters, and costs 20$ to get. Good moneymaker.

- - - Updated - - -

16:20 You see a blackboard.
You read: 50 RP

Custom House:
Get a custom house that you map yourself! (If you want GM Synthetic to map it, it costs more)!

PM GM Synthetic for more details on spawns, depots, or trainers! (cost extra!).

Noxious OT, Collapser OT are both known for having houses that take botters away from the normal spawns and put them in their own little private spawns to bot.

You botted on my server so you're being a huge hypocrite right now. And you realize all the items are obtainable in-game? Go to any other server and try to find fair donations. 15% additional exp? watch out now! You're being really ignorant, and I would have never expected this from you. But I guess this is a good way for you to indirectly show how upset you are about the wipe, being all sarcastic and stuff, it's clever, to say the least.
You botted on my server so you're being a huge hypocrite right now. And you realize all the items are obtainable in-game? Go to any other server and try to find fair donations. 15% additional exp? watch out now! You're being really ignorant, and I would have never expected this from you. But I guess this is a good way for you to indirectly show how upset you are about the wipe, being all sarcastic and stuff, it's clever, to say the least.

Hours wasted with an owner who doesn't realize that some people actually play this game manually.

Not everyone bots, and it seems you have enough people donating enough money for your real life entertainment, so you don't basically care about few players if they quit.
You botted on my server so you're being a huge hypocrite right now. And you realize all the items are obtainable in-game? Go to any other server and try to find fair donations. 15% additional exp? watch out now! You're being really ignorant, and I would have never expected this from you. But I guess this is a good way for you to indirectly show how upset you are about the wipe, being all sarcastic and stuff, it's clever, to say the least.

Yea I botted. Everyone botted. I don't want botters, but to keep up with everyone else, you will have to bot :), I wouldn't expect these sort of donations from you.

I sound hypocritical, but I've told you before that botters SHOULD NOT be allowed on this server. You say there is no way to stop them, and you try nothing at all to stop them. You have 2 GM's now. That's double activity from Gms, make a jail system where you stay there for 24 hours if caught botting. That goes for botters only. Giving them these tools to get more xp while they bot is retarded. I don't know if you want botters or if you don't. It seems to me that you think that if your server's botters are jailed for botting, that they will just quit and you won't be able to make money. Not a big problem to say the least, Dzot's community was usually pretty small anyway.

Yes I realize that all items are obtainable in-game, which also doesn't mean anything, because they are also obtainable more easily through donating.

Yep, I am upset about a wipe, I worked on a character for a while that got deleted because low levels wanted a wipe (idc if you werent a high level and wanted a wipe)

I am pretty clever. Thanks.

- - - Updated - - -


I'm pretty sure he ignored me.
Nice throw there syn, Why the fuck would i want a gm, I changed cuz u throw this server to donations, U never listen when u did u listen to xagul none else. I supported u 24/7 i backed u up in every single thread even ingame when someone tryed to get help. So sayin i changed my attitude is pretty fucking pathetic, i got pissed cuz of this wipe plus that u once again give donators the biggest advatage someone could give them. First u put down t4 set to 150 from 225. And both of us know 1 week aint enough to let players ATLEAST 1 player get 1 tier 4. Cuz none had a tier 4 after 2 weeks. So hopefully you will realise u just made this server for your greedy fucking ass. Its like u force your players to donate to be enable to kill bosses etc without getting fucked by other donaters. Sorry don but i wont waste my time on this guy, He was fucking awesome til he did this.
It's fine, when someone has alot of players he doesn't care about few players, but once the server goes down to 10~ players he will start crying for few players.
Look at all you kids cry about botting like lets be real.... its 8.6, google elfbot 8.6.... GG
Hours wasted with an owner who doesn't realize that some people actually play this game manually.

Not everyone bots, and it seems you have enough people donating enough money for your real life entertainment, so you don't basically care about few players if they quit.

If you can't accept the fact that Tibia is a dead game, and it's pretty much a bot-fest then you really need to open your eyes. A lot has changed to open-tibia, it's not the same and I think you're having a hard time accepting what has happened to it. You're stuck in the past, TIBIA WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. I think you need to move on with your life, because it's pretty obvious how oblivious you are to the fact that it's a dead game. Also if I really wanted to make money I'd just make a donation set and call it a day. I could make more money working a 6$ an hour job then I would from an OTServer. The thing is, you've been on OTLand for how long and yet you probably have no idea how to anything in open tibia. You think you literally download scripts and copy and paste. It's pretty hilarious if you think OTServers are some crazy income. Also, there's 3 of you bitching about my server, 2 players and I don't even know you, who are you again? anyways, it doesn't seem like there's a lot of people upset with how the server is going.
If you can't accept the fact that Tibia is a dead game, and it's pretty much a bot-fest then you really need to open your eyes. A lot has changed to open-tibia, it's not the same and I think you're having a hard time accepting what has happened to it. You're stuck in the past, TIBIA WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. I think you need to move on with your life, because it's pretty obvious how oblivious you are to the fact that it's a dead game.

You make no sense, what does real Tibia has to do with your server?

I am pretty sure if you make botting unacceptable there will be more people who plays this game manually.

Have you seen lordaeron when elf made it? It had hundreds of players although there weren't a possible way to bot.

Get your facts straight, this isn't rl Tibia, this is DeathZot.

You make no sense, and you should stop posting before someone thinks you're mentally ill.
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