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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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Near the end he opened a shop to the north west of the temple that sold runic/falcon amulets. Which is probably where your friend got it from. Falcon cost 100m and Runic was like 50m I think.
Obama guy, Eternal, Thoren, Xagul, Koodles, Twakwakejs(somethingofthesort), Canop, Archlord. Need I go on? :]

Funny but i haven't donated on an ot for 2-3 years, and won't start doing so either. :cool:
yeah i never donated, despite what you or anyone thinks. Ill be starting the same as most of you :p
Quick suggestion, but you should make the Lucky Amulet regen soul as well. Mining is a bitch to do without it.
Well i only donate to help the server grow... If it wasnt for us donating it would of took syn longer to get a pc....
Well i only donate to help the server grow... If it wasnt for us donating it would of took syn longer to get a pc....

Yep. Literally every donation benefits the community in one way or another.
Which three? Because I know Koodles, Canop, Obama, the T guy I can't remember his full name because it was stupidly long(unless he was the same person as Koodles), Arch(unless you could get the vampire lord looking outfit from addon tokens, Tion, Joe, and a few others I can't remember.
Which three? Because I know Koodles, Canop, Obama, the T guy I can't remember his full name because it was stupidly long(unless he was the same person as Koodles), Arch(unless you could get the vampire lord looking outfit from addon tokens, Tion, Joe, and a few others I can't remember.
Arch didnt donate... he got it from an event
Which three? Because I know Koodles, Canop, Obama, the T guy I can't remember his full name because it was stupidly long(unless he was the same person as Koodles), Arch(unless you could get the vampire lord looking outfit from addon tokens, Tion, Joe, and a few others I can't remember.

for those who dont know i won an event synt pulled 2 days ago, and i was not the only winner .. Radenk,madness,and 2 more guys won! Some of you know me from madness and you damm sure knows i never donate lol.
The event was about finding the name of the boss located below t1 helmet. (Agnim).
Which three? Because I know Koodles, Canop, Obama, the T guy I can't remember his full name because it was stupidly long(unless he was the same person as Koodles), Arch(unless you could get the vampire lord looking outfit from addon tokens, Tion, Joe, and a few others I can't remember.

thanks for spelling my name wrong *vion;`(. Plus i helped many low lvls giving t1 items for low prices and even for free.
thanks for spelling my name wrong *vion;`(. Plus i helped many low lvls giving t1 items for low prices and even for free.

Lol same here, i gave out a smiter(donated), t2's, t1's That unique axe, and alot more to players....
Which three? Because I know Koodles, Canop, Obama, the T guy I can't remember his full name because it was stupidly long(unless he was the same person as Koodles), Arch(unless you could get the vampire lord looking outfit from addon tokens, Tion, Joe, and a few others I can't remember.

again, just to clarify... i didnt donate. nothing against it, i just have 2 kids. so no money to do so.
I sowwie. It's hard to remember all the names when you don't see people around much. xD I just couldn't remember if it was Vion or Tion.
archlord is the nastiest donator around. i speak the truf. as for the server, i think people cry too much. it was obvious that a bug was found and nothing was able to be done to take back the disastrous consequences of it. all these people crying "it only be up 2 wek, i cry in my corner boo hoo hoo hoo hoo" are missing the obvious reason it was done now. there were changes that had to be made and balancing that needed to be added. i'd rather it happen early in the server rather than wasting a couple months for nothing. look at it as an exploring era and now you get a chance to see the real server in all it's glory. you all need to just stfu and appreciate what an amazing server this lad is offering. jeesh.

I've decided to disable T3 and T4 set from the donation shop until November 23rd. I feel it would create a huge power spike for donators vs. non-donators and I want DeathZot to have a balanced donation system and don't want the server getting out of hand the first week. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I've decided to disable T3 and T4 set until November 23rd. I feel it would create a huge power spike for donators vs. non-donators and I want DeathZot to have a balanced donation system and don't want the server getting out of hand the first week. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I'm ok with this, but this is only in the donation shop right?
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