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[USA] [8.60] Almyria Online (Beta)

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Dude who does stuff
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
United States


~ Currently In Beta Season Phase ~

We're excited to announce that Almyria Online is now open to everyone for beta playthrough!

Dive into a unique gaming experience with a map that's a nostalgic mashup of three classic worlds – Evolutions, Yurots, and Armonia.

Game Details
Client: 8.60 custom
World Type: Pvp
Experience: 5x
Skills: 5x
Magic: 5x
Loot: 2x

Begin your exploration of the world of Almyria on our website:
Join our discord

Custom map, over 50 quests, custom monsters, item abilities with rarity tiers, titles displayed with name, task system with bosses, monster levels, item renaming, random boss spawns, travel system, emoticons, colored messages, loot goblins, unique trainer system, advanced dicers, autolooting memory system, gift bags, universal depot, hourly npc sold ability items, and much much more!

This is an extended beta, can be treated a season, so you don't have to worry about a reset anytime soon.
Hope you enjoy the server!


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Finally something different! Good Luck mate
Thanks! First couple days have been great so far, we have a consistent returning player base. Hope to continue to see more players join in and check it out!

What about custom classes and spells?
Custom spells will definitely be something I will focus on in the future after we get the current mechanics solid. However, I have no intention for custom classes as of now.
pretty enjoyable beta so far.
Owner is very responsive and is taking care of critical stuff, but also is very open for feedback. I enjoy it and can recommend to test it out if you are bored nowadays :)
Lots of progress in the server. Majority of bugs are sorted out at this point and working on lots of great system changes based off suggestions. Thanks to all the great help from our awesome community of players.

Just a few of the recent changes include:
  • New task family system added
  • Task mini bosses buffed
  • New additions of rotworm and tarantula spawns
  • Bot removed from the server and only allowing non-kick training and autolooting
  • Melee/distance damage min and max values optimized to reflect real tibia
  • More titles added including alpha tester exclusive title
  • Major spell balancing
  • Rarity color coding system with loot message color highlights completed
  • Blessing cost balanced
  • Promotion cost balanced
  • More skinnable items
  • Lots of bug fixes

Come check it out and give your feedback!
New ability system re haul completed! The system has been completely revised and has solved many major issues. I'll just go over the major points below:

First, items with only one possible value will not be considered as rare as before, so you no longer will see higher tier items just because it had weightless on it. Along with this the rarity tier system has been reconsidered to achieve a much more accurate result.

Next, an existing ability safeguard has been added, so if an item already has drown protection then it will not be able to receive drown protection again as an ability. This applies to regeneration, absorb damage, elemental damage, skills and speed.

Lastly, hourly items now cycle through categories. You will never again see items of the same type right after another in hourly item cycle. Also, legendary and mythic have been removed from possible pool of hourly items and can only be found within loot or quests.

There much more optimizations made within the system and more than I can cover here. Please expect a few bugs as we continue with testing but either way I hope you enjoy the system!
Congrats to all the participants in our recent picture contest!
The winning screenshot goes to Fearbear! Their capture truly stood out from the crowd.
Our community is constantly growing, and we're excited to keep hosting contests like this in the future. Stay tuned for more opportunities to showcase your skills and win awesome prizes!

A huge thanks to @Levi999x for hosting the contest.​

This looks solid ! Wish i could play but have no time to play 100% manually and bot was removed recently
This looks solid ! Wish i could play but have no time to play 100% manually and bot was removed recently
Thanks! We actually did re-introduced a custom bot module to our client. It just includes the bare bones bot features but it definitely helps considering we all don't have time like we used to to commit to training.

The forge update is finally here! With it brings lots of new options to enhance your game play experience. Here are some key features that come with this update:
  • Sacrifice for Materials: Get rid of all your spare ability items! Now you can sacrifice them to obtain valuable forge materials.
  • Material Tier Conversion: Take your materials and convert them to a higher tier, however the amount will be lesser than before.
  • Item Augmentation: Utilize your collected materials to augment items with powerful abilities.
Look out for the new NPC located just outside the eastern gate of Enigma!

Thanks everyone who was a part of the house deco contest!

Congratz Reirin for the first place of the house deco contest
Congratz Sierraleone for the second place of the house deco contest
Congratz Dizix for the third place of the house deco contest

You can see all rewards below on the picture! 🙂

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