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God is definitely real...?

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Have you seen any?

I've seen a ghost before.

Ghosts... I can't explain something that doesn't exists.

You're trying to explain god. Which makes him exist, 'eh?

If ghosts were real, then why did they have to make casper the ghost with a computer?

That's fucking ridiculous. We all know Casper is fake and created for entertainment value. Yet, it is so popular because it is based on an extremely rare phenomena.

"Appending Doom", just bunch of crap.

You've never heard of someone with a case of appending doom? I know I'm not using the "scientific term" but it's not coming to me right now.

I wonder... if you believe in god then wont you have to believe in santa claus too? Both have equally high chance of existing, don't they? Not to mention that they both supposedly perform miracles that no one actually notices.

You shouldn't talk until you know the real story behind "Santa Claus".

Conclusion: I am right.

Discussion is closed.
This just shows how close-minded you are :p

Wow, Red.

You really know how to back up your statements, I admire you for that. :thumbup:

I can really see that your raised as a noob swe kiddo...
I don't believe in God but you should seriously take some readings or even listening to classes before you start make such statements.

And also, just because you do not believe in God, do you have to be so offensive? Everyone has to listen and believe what you think?

Everyone has theyr own religion and God's for theyr own purpose.
I don't believe in God, the only God i believe in is myself.
But that does not mean I will go out and say such arrogant things to all those believers. Put yourself together already...


That was probably or atleast one of the best posts in this discussion o,o.
@up at Neon
"People in Iraq, for example... They pray much.
Look at the country... Wars like every day, every day on the news: 100 people in Iraq died yesterday because of Suicide bomber."

Dude, you have any kind of social handicap or whatsoever?
They obviously pray because they want a better country.
You even have any clue WHY God should exist?
In my understandings, a HUGE part of "God" thingy, is all about HOPE.
When you see your parents getting killed or somewhat like it, then still, they have God to believe in, theyr last hope, which will never die.

Have you never thought of how many peoples in sweden who commit suicide? Just because they lost their hope.

Think twice before you post, seriously.

Yeah, Neon, what are you going to do when all of your friends die?
Just go to their grave and pray nothing or not go to church?
Only reason you guys don't see god or anything is b/c you guys don't believed in him. If you don't believed then you won't see him. Everyone will die in the world. It was his time to go. His mom seen him how he suffer and decided to take him with her. It is pretty hard to believed that god does exist. If you guys keep praying and believing in it then you can feel god by you.
Ok I agree with Neon on this one, most of peoples points backing God are complete bullshit lol.

Not going to quote people just stuff i've seen in this thread.

"I've Seen a Ghost" Oh yeah? What the fuck did it look like?

And about the whole Virgin Mary thing...Where is this article saying NASA thought it was made with lasers? I want to read this.

"God does not equal Santa Claus" Why the fuck not? Same concept...can't disprove or prove him...I see no difference. Please explain why Santa is fake and God is real.

What are you going to do if all your friends die? I'm probably gunna wonder why all my friends died all of a sudden and goto the police and report it, getting justice. If it was natural causes then that kinda proves if God does exist he is an asshole for killing my friends... But that proves nothing. People die.

Ghosts? People believe anything that makes something easier to understand.

Its ridiculous that our society still believes in a make believe fairytale that has been around since people were barely able to communicate. The only reason religion was created was because people want answers to everything and anything they can't answer they make up some ALL POWERFUL being that answers it for them. UNTIL later when we become smart enough to understand it, then we disprove religion MANY TIMES. Like the Bible saying how old the Earth is. Then we prove its much older with science.

Questions that we try to make ALL knowing answer to:

What happens when we die? We don't know so we make up a story.
What started this all? Again we DIDN'T know until recently, GOD was supposed to have created it but oh wait, we have the BIG BANG theory now? hmm awkward. so that raises another question
What started the Big Bang? God. Thats our answer now that we discovered it...


@up - So you see him since you believe huh? Why don't you draw a picture of him from memory for me. Or ask him to pose for you while you take a picture..
Ok I agree with Neon on this one, most of peoples points backing God are complete bullshit lol.

Not going to quote people just stuff i've seen in this thread.

"I've Seen a Ghost" Oh yeah? What the fuck did it look like?

Take my word or not. I can't use something alive to even describe it. Maybe one day you'll understand.

"God does not equal Santa Claus" Why the fuck not? Same concept...can't disprove or prove him...I see no difference. Please explain why Santa is fake and God is real.

I used Wikipedia to explain to you the source of the idea of Santa Claus. Historical evidence shows that he was created by humans, and they admit this. This is not the case for God. Trying to relate the two is absurd. Please, you can try and look smart by testifying everything someone says, but answering questions is what is taken to heart.

What are you going to do if all your friends die? I'm probably gunna wonder why all my friends died all of a sudden and goto the police and report it, getting justice. If it was natural causes then that kinda proves if God does exist he is an asshole for killing my friends... But that proves nothing. People die.

Haven't I been saying this? 100 people dead in Iraq makes the news, but IT SHOULDN'T. A PERSON DIES ROUGHLY EVERY 7 SECONDS. People all die.

Ghosts? People believe anything that makes something easier to understand.

So quick to testify, how about you explain why ghosts aren't real, then. Not everybody is "insane". I've been to a manor that had 2-3 previous owners die in it. And there's a knitting basket in the middle of the dining room, if you move the basket, the next day it will always be back where it was the previous day, regardless if anybody is in the house or not. Explain how things move randomly, but excessively to 100% accuracy. Happens every time. Now, of course you can say, "Oh, you're making that up.", but what inclination do I have to lie to you? And why would I lie and say it's a ghost that likes to knit. Believing me or not is YOUR issue, not mine. I'm just justifying my opinions, because I know I'm right.

Its ridiculous that our society still believes in a make believe fairytale that has been around since people were barely able to communicate. The only reason religion was created was because people want answers to everything and anything they can't answer they make up some ALL POWERFUL being that answers it for them. UNTIL later when we become smart enough to understand it, then we disprove religion MANY TIMES. Like the Bible saying how old the Earth is. Then we prove its much older with science.

The bible doesn't have an author, it has many. Fairytales have one author, and maybe an illustrator :p
Don't compare them, they aren't the same. Thank you.

Questions that we try to make ALL knowing answer to:

What happens when we die? We don't know so we make up a story.
What started this all? Again we DIDN'T know until recently, GOD was supposed to have created it but oh wait, we have the BIG BANG theory now? hmm awkward. so that raises another question
What started the Big Bang? God. Thats our answer now that we discovered it...

Going off the same logic your agnostic friends are going, "We never saw the big bang. Therefore, it is not real, and neither is air."
Perhaps there was a big bang. But what created the matter that started it? As for god creating the earth, ever heard of a metaphor? Bibles full of them, that's why most naive people don't read the bible, they can't get a grasp of anything it says.


@up - So you see him since you believe huh? Why don't you draw a picture of him from memory for me. Or ask him to pose for you while you take a picture..

That's not justifying your statement, that's called being arrogant.

Yes you do, but it's colorless. Learn about the gas phase.

Oxygen is actually blue.

I'm talking about the colorless (aka Transparent), odorless, and tasteless abundant compound called Air. I never said anything about Oxygen :eek:


Edit: Starting to get lazy, it's late, reading less x_x
Suddenly topic changed so fast into a heated argument.

What's next?

Religious bloodshed.
Take my word or not. I can't use something alive to even describe it. Maybe one day you'll understand.
It just so happens to be undescribable eh? You know what else is undescribable. Something that doesn't exist.

I used Wikipedia to explain to you the source of the idea of Santa Claus. Historical evidence shows that he was created by humans, and they admit this. This is not the case for God. Trying to relate the two is absurd. Please, you can try and look smart by testifying everything someone says, but answering questions is what is taken to heart.
Santa was just an example, the idea of God was created by humans as well. Waaay back when our minds started to wonder about the world.

Haven't I been saying this? 100 people dead in Iraq makes the news, but IT SHOULDN'T. A PERSON DIES ROUGHLY EVERY 7 SECONDS. People all die.
Then why would you pray for someone to live knowing he wont do anything about it, why would you pray at all. That has nothing todo with God though, people just die, like any other creature.

So quick to testify, how about you explain why ghosts aren't real, then. Not everybody is "insane". I've been to a manor that had 2-3 previous owners die in it. And there's a knitting basket in the middle of the dining room, if you move the basket, the next day it will always be back where it was the previous day, regardless if anybody is in the house or not. Explain how things move randomly, but excessively to 100% accuracy. Happens every time. Now, of course you can say, "Oh, you're making that up.", but what inclination do I have to lie to you? And why would I lie and say it's a ghost that likes to knit. Believing me or not is YOUR issue, not mine. I'm just justifying my opinions, because I know I'm right.
There is always an explanation for everything in the world, we just don't always know the answer. God and ghosts are just "filler" if you may, to make us satisfied with what we know. So in a way God is keeping us ignorant, if we are satisfied with believing he made everything we would never explore what actually happened. And about the basket thing. Many variables could have been in play. Don't know the place so I am not going to comment on it.

The bible doesn't have an author, it has many. Fairytales have one author, and maybe an illustrator :p
Don't compare them, they aren't the same. Thank you.
That has nothing todo with anything. The Bible is made by people...So what makes it so different than a Fictional book?
Its a bunch of stories made up by people. Its a book. Nothing more.

Going off the same logic your agnostic friends are going, "We never saw the big bang. Therefore, it is not real, and neither is air."
Perhaps there was a big bang. But what created the matter that started it? As for god creating the earth, ever heard of a metaphor? Bibles full of them, that's why most naive people don't read the bible, they can't get a grasp of anything it says.

Air is real because we can feel it, but we can't see it because the molecules and the matter air is made up of does not allow us to see it. Colors are showing what they reflect. Green reflects green and thats why we see that color. Air doesn't have a color so it's not reflecting anything therefore you can't see it. Now you're probably going to say God is colorless then, well man has certain ways of detecting invisible things such as infrared, heat vision, xray, radar, sonar, etc. Many different things that would have found any supernatural force on our Earth. About the Big Bang, no we did not see it, I didn't say it existed, I said we have discovered the theory, just like the theory of God. It all can't be proven right now, maybe one day when we have more proof.

That's not justifying your statement, that's called being arrogant.
Theres nothing else to add to it, its a true statement, we make up an imaginary friend to comfort our minds.

I'm talking about the colorless (aka Transparent), odorless, and tasteless abundant compound called Air. I never said anything about Oxygen :eek:

Air is primarily made up of nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). The remaining 1% is made up of argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%) and other trace gases (0.003%). Water vapor (water in its gaseous state) is also present in air in varying amounts. Also Air is not a compound its a mixture...
Mixture: is a combination of two or more elements
Compound: definite proportions of elements that cannot be separated by physical means

EDIT: @up, its not heated. Im having fun ^.^ I don't have anything against anyone that believes in God, I just like to express my PoV.
Everyone got their own ideas, beliefs, etc... I guess this is just a bunch of spam, if a moderator is in agreement with me on closing the thread. Go ahead _/

I never believed in god. Why? because there is no proofs AT ALL!

One more thing, In the age of Aztecs, Mayas they believed in so many gods, like the God of Water, God of Fire... etc. Now we know there is not such "Gods" because we know the reason of water, fire, etc.

I used Wikipedia to explain to you the source of the idea of Santa Claus. Historical evidence shows that he was created by humans, and they admit this. This is not the case for God. Trying to relate the two is absurd. Please, you can try and look smart by testifying everything someone says, but answering questions is what is taken to heart.
Really? At some point in the history some HUMAN should have started talking about a god.

But well, everyone has their own ideas about god. I just think the bible was written to give people with a rough life some hope and something to live for.

So I think God exists, in peoples minds.
You don't see air, and we know air exists.

I've had a prayer answered once.

There are proven prophecies in Revelations that prove he's real, along with the supernatural (such as ghosts, and sense of appending doom)

Just because you can't see it doesn't make it not real.


(Sorry for quoting a post on page 3, couldnt bother reading longer)

How many times did you pray before you had one 'answered'? It's just logic that 1 of 10000 could be 'answered'.
Afffffffff :/

Everyone has religion or not ? Why do you thinking it ? Simply leave them alone :)

I think there is no god
Mainly one, it has been scientifically proven about the Big bang
and the fact that
If god was the first person on earth or w/e
wtf CREATED HIM did he just float around in space
because we all NO

Also apparently god created earth with a drip of his eyebrow ?? wtf magic WOW ill just create a big universe shall i
so that i can destroy everything i created, and kill everything on it
big woop who CARES

No offense meant to anybody, just saying why I don't believe in god.
Hm, so let's say that God exists. Then which God is real? Greek gods? Roman? Chinese? or Jesus? Every religion says that there's only one or more specified beings that have unusual abilities.. whatever.
IF I would belive in any god, I would belive in the Greek Gods. Because They're cool :) And I like their mystic things :)
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