• There is NO official Otland's Discord server and NO official Otland's server list. The Otland's Staff does not manage any Discord server or server list. Moderators or administrator of any Discord server or server lists have NO connection to the Otland's Staff. Do not get scammed!

[USA][7.4] Miracle 7.4 - Launch on May 28th

Server Website/AAC
Server Address
Server Port
Client Protocol
Beware of Elite Monsters!
Dear Players,

With today server save we have implemented the newest feature for the server: elite monsters!
After completing their bestiary stages, you will be able to face their elite versions with certain chance after killing them. They are quickly, strongest, carry more loot and give more experience! Also, they have uniques loot as well! Find it out!

In addition to this new feature, we have fixed the following issues with this update:

• Fixed mouse cursor that sometimes remained as a hand and did not return to normal
• Fixed a bug in the bestiary tracker that sometimes stopped opening
• The level showed in deaths on website is now correct
• Fixed trap, now it is closing correctly when moving to the backpack.
• Added an option to the graphics: sync fps while walking (this option may correct some fps problems when walking).
• Fixed a problem with the stack that would show a black screen when there were many players or monsters stacked.
• Now the layout of the containers is like the original tibia retro, we should make optional in next updates to players be able to choose what they like.
• Increased supply backpack slots 30 -> 32
• Added quiver as rare elf scout loot: 0.15%
• Improvements on IA on ranged monsters
• Now the bestiary counts kills if your summon kills the monster

After this update, you should receive a warning that your client is outdated. We ensure that you need to download the new client on the website: Downloads - Miracle (https://miracle74.com/?subtopic=downloads)

Before execute the new client, run clear.bat file inside client folder, to clear the client cache files.
If you have futher questions or issue, feel free to contact us on tickets!

Playing for more than 48 hours i might consider somethings:

  • There are some lack of runes on market
  • Client has no lags, ping is good.
  • Never had issue with crashs or rollbacks.

Server is good and that admin really fast on the fixes, i'll try to bring some players for the server.
It is been a while since I've experienced such a well done server on it's initial release.

Admin here is truly hard working and skilled developer, fixes are quick and it is just a pleasure to play here.
So far its been really good, surprised not to see more people but im convinced its gonna bloom once people find out about it.
Just started today will re-edit this post with feedback after a week or so, but just from the first couple hour's very nostalgic in the best of ways.

This OT could possibly be the needle in the haystack I was searching for, it def. has that hardcore vibe feel I remember from growing up in the early 2000s playing Tibia. Yeeh its playing on that nostalgic feeling which is why I will give some better feedback next week want to get my hands dirty in the game!! finally excited.
Thanks for the feedback! We really appreciate it.

The server still remains 3 days of premium time for new accounts, it's your time to enjoy us!
Dear players,

This update will be separated in two parts, this one contains some fixes and improvements. The next one will contain some new
features, however we need more work on it to ensure it's 100% to publish.

With today's server save we have fixed/improved:

  • Now quivers could be dropped with attributes (A list of them will get updated on website soon)
  • Decreased chance of all leech attr chance in half. All weapons in-game got updated automatically.
  • Removed defense attribute from distance weapons
  • Fixed a bug to send parcel after entering names with additional space
  • Fixed some house tiles in ankrahmun that were blocking the characters
  • Now stackable items can be purchased in trade up to 2000 units
  • Fixed bugs in the trade where it was not possible to sell items in quantity, and sometimes caused some problems when buying with a full cap
  • Fixed some more visual bugs in the trade window
  • It is now possible to buy backpacks of stackable items using keywords (e.g. buy backpack of arrow) and backpacks in quantity (e.g. buy 2 backpack of arrow)
  • Removed illusion area of new hunt in carlin ghostland that was causing wrong behavior on push items
  • Fixed triangle tower lever
  • Dwarven Ring now has the correct duration (60min)

- Increase chance to elite appear:
- Nv1 1% -> 1.6%
- Nv2 0.6% -> 1%
- Nv3 0.2% -> 0.4%

- Increased elite de-spawn time:
- Nv1 10min -> 15min
- Nv2 20min -> 30min
- Nv3 30min -> 60min

Loot changes:
- Necromancer:
- Training Rod (Added): 0.3%

- Witch:
- Training Wand (Added): 0.2%

- Warlock:
- Training Wand (Added): 2%

- Banshee:
- Training Rod (Added): 0.5%

- Elf Arcanist:
- Training Rod (Added): 0.1%

- Minotaur Mage:
- Training Wand (Added): 0.1%

- Hero:
- Training Sword (Added): 1.2%

- Orc Shaman:
- Training Wand (Added): 0.05%

- Orc Spearman:
- Training Spear (Added): 0.06%

- Orc Berserker:
- Training Axe (Added): 0.5%

- Minotaur Guard:
- Training Axe (Added): 0.1%

- Hunter:
- Training Arrow 7x max: 30% -> 20%

- Elf Scout:
- Training Arrow 4x max (Added): 3%

- Orc Warlord:
- Training Sword (Added): 0.8%

- Bandit:
- Training Club (Added): 0.1%

- Orc Warrior:
- Training Sword (Added): 0.06%

We are constantly improving the server based on the community feedback.
We invite you all to join the server: https://miracle74.com

Our community is very receptive to new players, they are even streaming on discord :)
Last edited:
1 Week - Review "Potential"
I will review the server based on the following three sections:

1. Server: 9/10
  • No LAG - I'm impressed to report that since I started playing on this server, I've experienced zero lag spikes or disconnects! The server performance has been consistently smooth and stable.
  • Working Economy! - How rare is it to actually see people selling not 20 and 40 bps of <insert rune> but instead 3 bps of UH, 2 bps of GFB? It's insanely rare due to how corrupted with botters 7.4 these type of slow rate/ low rate servers attract.
    But I can tell you on here.. Botters do not last long and that's all to do with the due dilligence of the Staff & whatever tool's they use to stop such people who look to gain them advantages, don't trust me trust the evidence.
  • NOSTALGIC! - Miracle 7.4 recaptures the essence of the Tibia I remember from my teenage year's from the early 2000's, The classic gameplay and the extensive grind and risk reward of the hunt is captured on this server from the moment you step out into Rookgaard.
  • TOMBS! - By far the biggest negative addition added to Tibia (In my opinion) which the side effects brought AoE farming, Massive Exp/hr the likes we have never seen before even to this day on 7.4 - 8.xx servers we still see tombs being the biggest and most common places to level. Which in return killed the Tibia we knew and grew to love... tThe slow grind how now became, let's make backpack of GFBs and go tombs for most efficient experience per hour. (Most people argue that's just the meta of gamers now, but it does not have to be..) & the staff have struck a perfect balance with the Tombs, ensuring that they compliment the existing game world without overpowering it. (One tomb opens per day and broadcast which one it is along with a NPC who will inform you).
  • Attribute System - The attribute system introduced here adds a new layer of depth to equipment and weapon's which we grew up with, the system itself is a nice addition that can add that layer without BREAKING the game and I liked how most the early equipment that players would loot quickly within a few days like Plate Armor, Plate Legs, Scale Armor & Brass legs you could possibly loot it with the - Weight attribute or the + Max Health attribute. These type of new additions add Quality of Life and SPICE that thrown along nostalgia can gel perfectly.
  • Bestiary & Charms - Have not been able to experiment currently with this one at the moment due to fact IT IS A CHALLENGE. You must kill 2500 creatures to earn a set amount of charm for possible chosen passive on a select monster you have mastered. The amount of kills is fine, it is hard to complete but the grind is there.. I would like to see them take the ELITE monsters they introduced and possibly give if you kill a black elite = 5 bestiary or number can be changed around and kill a yellow elite 3 bestiary points.
2. Shop: 6/10
  • Premium & Cost Of Server - As a westerner the prices listed currently you can purchase a premium amount of points for $5.55 USD for reference a Big Mac cost you $5.29... the price and the combo packages are highly appealing no complaints.
  • P2W? - The staff impressed me with the shops commitment to keeping a fair and balanced server, in a time where pay2win models have become the norm (you know what servers you are!) this server has refused to introduce any game-affecting items or advantages for sale either through exp scrolls, donation items or runes. Nothing that can give players an unfair edge can be purchased with money.
  • Quality Of Life - A BIG ONE! in a time were games are being thrown at you left in right you are relying on the niche amount of people to be attracted to your server through the nostalgia and the new additions you decide to add to the game - my low rating of the shop solely falls on the QoL items offered in the shop either through the droppable gold pouch or the ring of light which only last 60 minutes in a server where it's been out for 18 days not one person own's a AOL, YES I agree the thrill of risk vs reward is part of the niche appeal to 7.4 but in a server were the biggest amounts of money is made from lootbags & new rare items GOLD should be a non issue to acquiring by either a right click and it added to your PERMENANT BAG that upon death you drop the amount of gold you have not deposited but to lose your gold & gold pouch bag (350 miracle coins) it just does not make any sense.

    I do applaud you for not adding house depots & house NPCs and etc, thank you from all of us.

3. Staff/Website & Discord: 6/10
  • Staff? Haven't Seen Em! - The only person on the official discord I see discussing changes & communicating with the community is
    Kanohn who has done an amazing job of always answering peoples questions, communicating on the suggestions thread & responding to issues or bugs found within the server if one comes abound but beyond that no word on how many staff actually participate in Miracle 7.4
  • No Website Patch Notes - A new player visiting the website for the first time would only be greeted with the latest news, no idea that since May 28th 2024 the server has had 8 patches some with quite lengthy patch notes, a section for "Patch Notes" should be its own section on website or "changelog".
  • Discord - Professional looking discord a little unorganized in some categories "Suggestions" is a little bit of an eyesore to look at and "Server Info" has outdated information.
  • Website - Already mentioned above could use "changelog" but besides that the streamer section if you click any of the listed streamers you will see them playing anything BUT Miracle 7.4, we have hit an age of streaming where big time Brazilian streamers for some unknown reason are being paid to promote 4-5 open Tibia server's at a time. The Game Wiki section could use Monsters Tab and Custom Hunting spawn if some have been added, Edron Ghouls for example.

Overall the experience has been rather fun and I'm finding myself enjoying the slow grind of the server and the community so far has been nothing but inviting and dare I say peaceful! - I see myself playing many more months on the server.
So far its been really good, surprised not to see more people but im convinced its gonna bloom once people find out about it.
This ots should get more ppl, there are much content and balanced things for 1x hardcore server, it's kinda enjoyable

The kills for red skull have been adjusted for the original 7.4:

Frags to Red Skull:
Daily: 3
Weekly: 10 -> 5
Monthly: 20 -> 10

Daily: 6
Weekly: 10
Monthly: 20

  • Now its possible to move map, inventory, skills buttons and health windows to other panels
  • Fixed a problem that some inventory and other panels were not saving its location
  • You can now extend your minimap horizontally, by just clicking on 'show horizontal minimap panel' in options - interface.
  • Fixed health circle in client having delay to update health
  • Store has been reworked its design
  • Added grass and dirty tiles to the house decorations category in the store
  • Fixed some store items descriptions
  • Fixed a rare crash bug on the server
  • Now the !frags command will be correctly showing frags for banishment
  • Now server is applying correctly the auto-ban for excessive kills
  • Fixed NPC Dalbrecth to isle of the kings
  • Fixed a bug in the tables' HD sprites

Yours sincerely,