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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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I'm going to continue to play all the classes and get left behind in levels! Yay!
Full t4 4 days ago ;) 0 donations :)

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And im pretty sure people are not understanding what this wipe means.
It means: 40 people in the same demon spawn again, But the difference is, that this time the elvel gap that existed from xagulz to us will be EVEN bigger, just by other people. They donated smiters, they got full t4 stuff.
They will leave demon spawn in under 10 mins and go to the island of bullshit 300 monsters, bot there for about 1-2 hours and there we go level 700, I think peopel will get lvl 2 k in the first day. Thanks again to synth for not rolling back 12 hours and taking off the mistake caused by a douchebag, Instead of just taking everyones 2 weeks he WASTED on your shit. Thanks.
Full t4 4 days ago ;) 0 donations :)

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And im pretty sure people are not understanding what this wipe means.
It means: 40 people in the same demon spawn again, But the difference is, that this time the elvel gap that existed from xagulz to us will be EVEN bigger, just by other people. They donated smiters, they got full t4 stuff.
They will leave demon spawn in under 10 mins and go to the island of bullshit 300 monsters, bot there for about 1-2 hours and there we go level 700, I think peopel will get lvl 2 k in the first day. Thanks again to synth for not rolling back 12 hours and taking off the mistake caused by a douchebag, Instead of just taking everyones 2 weeks he WASTED on your shit. Thanks.

u missed the thing with the poll, Its impossible that it had over 60 players voting. Cuz dzot didnt even have 50 players when all was online with mc's like etc obama 6 chars online at same time. So sayin it was a poll is just bullshit.

And hopefully syn wont lie about he are getting his new host computer this time like he did last time. Anyway i wont play like i said before cuz its to laggy and not worth that shit. And no comment about those who get t4 in the first hours.
u missed the thing with the poll, Its impossible that it had over 60 players voting. Cuz dzot didnt even have 50 players when all was online with mc's like etc obama 6 chars online at same time. So sayin it was a poll is just bullshit.

And hopefully syn wont lie about he are getting his new host computer this time like he did last time. Anyway i wont play like i said before cuz its to laggy and not worth that shit. And no comment about those who get t4 in the first hours.
Gotta get dat T4 playa, get muh flava-flav on, playa.
I wish I could freaking pass out for two hours.
Full t4 4 days ago ;) 0 donations :)

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And im pretty sure people are not understanding what this wipe means.
It means: 40 people in the same demon spawn again, But the difference is, that this time the elvel gap that existed from xagulz to us will be EVEN bigger, just by other people. They donated smiters, they got full t4 stuff.
They will leave demon spawn in under 10 mins and go to the island of bullshit 300 monsters, bot there for about 1-2 hours and there we go level 700, I think peopel will get lvl 2 k in the first day. Thanks again to synth for not rolling back 12 hours and taking off the mistake caused by a douchebag, Instead of just taking everyones 2 weeks he WASTED on your shit. Thanks.

Ultimately, it is my server and I do get the final say in whats going on. When there's a majority of the players voting for a wipe, it's pretty clear its in the best interest for the server. If you don't agree with it, don't play.

u missed the thing with the poll, Its impossible that it had over 60 players voting. Cuz dzot didnt even have 50 players when all was online with mc's like etc obama 6 chars online at same time. So sayin it was a poll is just bullshit.

And hopefully syn wont lie about he are getting his new host computer this time like he did last time. Anyway i wont play like i said before cuz its to laggy and not worth that shit. And no comment about those who get t4 in the first hours.

1 Vote per IP, and you had to be level 500+ to vote

Can you tell me what I lied about?

Gotta get dat T4 playa, get muh flava-flav on, playa.
I wish I could freaking pass out for two hours.

Why aren't more of my players like you! Some people need to just chill out!
Ultimately, it is my server and I do get the final say in whats going on. When there's a majority of the players voting for a wipe, it's pretty clear its in the best interest for the server. If you don't agree with it, don't play.

1 Vote per IP, and you had to be level 500+ to vote

Can you tell me what I lied about?

Why aren't more of my players like you! Some people need to just chill out!

early in this thread u said u was w8ing on your computer parts to arrive, Still none have seen a shit about your so called new computer. As you said some posts ago u still use your crappy laptop that almost die everytime u look at it. With that info i would say u lied about that part with your so called new host computer
Syn you need to add more of a 500-1k areas. Because as it is there isn't near enough room for everyone. ]: Or expand pandora/whatevertheotherplaceiscalled? so it's actually useable by more then 2 or 3 people. The ice one I forget the name of could use a floor or two up or down so people will actually use it and not just bot orcs 24/7.
early in this thread u said u was w8ing on your computer parts to arrive, Still none have seen a shit about your so called new computer. As you said some posts ago u still use your crappy laptop that almost die everytime u look at it. With that info i would say u lied about that part with your so called new host computer

Yeah, about a month ago and it's pretty apparent that the server didn't work on them and I told everyone that? The only time you've come to this thread since server release was to bitch. and my 'crappy' laptop is a lot better then whatever computer you use :) Please don't bother returning to the server
Yeah, about a month ago and it's pretty apparent that the server didn't work on them and I told everyone that? The only time you've come to this thread since server release was to bitch. and my 'crappy' laptop is a lot better then whatever computer you use :) Please don't bother returning to the server

Pretty funny im not allowed to call your laptop crappy when its u that threw that word up when u said it destroy your laptop. And no i havnt seen 1 single post about your computer couldnt handle it, i got info from xagul yday that your dedidacted didnt work with your server. And last time i checked dedicated aint your own computer with 75 down and 25 up.
ok so it seems the biggest concern of the players is that all the donation players decided to wipe so they had a HUGE advantage at the start of the server. Which would be the case but why not do the obvious and repeat the donation timeline of the last era. Basically just wait til week 1 or 2 to allow donations so in the beginning everyone is truly equal at the start. This way, instead of having a great boost in the beginning, they will have a seemingly smaller boost later.

I also voted to not reset, knowing a lot of people put LEGIT time into getting their stuff and levels. In hindsight it would be better to wipe due to all the discovered bugs and broken shit, it would give a fresh start on an equal playing field (that is if you wait on giving out donations) to those players who didnt abuse or get high enough quickly enough to get an advantage b/c of a broken exp gain or item drop. like when orc leathers started at 1.7m in the beginning. most players only experienced them at 230k. but the few who got away with that much money per, got to buy off a lot of t1 get great houses and overall a firm lead. Overall a wipe is good. I do think, however, the better scripters and anyone who can black hole will be the ones running the server.
Gotta get dat T4 playa, get muh flava-flav on, playa.
I wish I could freaking pass out for two hours.

haha grant always stays positiv no matter what :D


Also i like Koodles idea,,,stall donations for like 7 days .. so you can let it be balanced a bit, it's not like someone will get an t4 set within 7 days "legit way".
wow so ninja's atk even SLOWER and have less health now...? how does that work...? they were already hard to play as was...

WHOOPS! uhhh i just woke up and missread XD
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haha grant always stays positiv no matter what :D

It's a gift mayng. The servers fun, I enjoy it even at a lower level. Leveling up is only part of the journey, if you're looking for a competitive PvP game, Tibia probably isn't the best choice.

I disagree with the donation staggering idea. Some people may have donated yesterday before the wipe and would in turn now have to wait another week in order to use said donations. I know it might seem unfair to players who haven't donated, but the entire reason perks like that exist is to encourage and reward donations. Since noone has to actually pay to play this server, the ones that help support it should have added features. Look at all the free to play options out there, EQ2 or SW:TOR for example. Noone has to pay to play them, but the people that do pay out and help support the game are rewarded for doing so. Telling him to discourage donations is like telling a store to discourage paying.
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It's a gift mayng. The servers fun, I enjoy it even at a lower level. Leveling up is only part of the journey, if you're looking for a competitive PvP game, Tibia probably isn't the best choice.

true .. When i want some pvp i just open League of legend and start a few matches.

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wow so ninja's atk even SLOWER and have less health now...? how does that work...? they were already hard to play as was...

You should go read what he wrote one more time <_<

3.Health per level increased to 15, from 10

he made speed slower but gave us 5 more hp each lvl.
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