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[7.4] <Faloria> Coming SOON! Thoughts?


Faloria owner
Jan 14, 2009
Reaction score
So we've decided to make another project together me (Amoaz) and Znote. We will once again run a 7.4 server, simply because its the client we love the most! We have already started developing some time ago, but its not finished yet.

We have taken some parts from the old, well known server were we both were key people, called Mastercores, and we are now polishing it, to be even better then it once were.

Some parts were a huge success, such as the Golden Account which, for example, would let people hunt with shared experience and have full light at all times, along with some other benefits. We also had the hidden Spike Sword quest on rook, which never got completed (?), but perhaps someone manages to solve the puzzle this time? The tutor test on the website, which allowed active and smart players to work with us, assisting new players and hel the community grow. None of the good features of the old Mastercores server will be edited or removed, but we do of course want your opinions on the good and bad parts and how you experienced them while playing Mastercores.

The main problems with the old Mastercores was the owner and the unreliable sources, the two most crucial things. The server engien is being reworked, and will hopefully be alot more powerfull then the old one once its done. As for the old owner (Im sorry but I have to say this, even though its obvious for most of you) is not a part of the team. The main developers will be me, Amoaz and my faithful companion Znote :3, and we will do our best to satisfy the community with a top server.

For those of you who never got to play Mastercores, or wonder what this is all about ill make a short summery;
Mastercores was a pretty much flawless 7.4 server (books, npcs, signs, house names, map, quests, etc) which got very populair during February until Mars, peaking almost 600 players. The server is ment to be kept as close to the original times as possible, giving you one of the best old-school Tibia experiences while playing. The server however got shutdown when the owner and hoster Erik/RealOTs/Mikael decided to do so, and all players went to Tibianic.

For those of you who still dont really know what happend to Mastercores, I would recommend you to read this: Mastercores death

The server will of course have a custom client and also a great anti-bot system, which I cant go into details on.

The server will not be nothing like Mastercores, it will be even more awesome. The only reason why I brought it up was to get your memories from the server back, so you could give us your feedback on it.

Now, we'd really love some feedback from everyone who played it before, what did you like with it? What did you dislike? Was there any annoying bugs you ran into, or was it just a great experience? We want all feedback and we will try to answer any question that you got, as long as it has to do with our new server.

PS: Questions about release date will be ignored. It will be announced once we know ourselfs.

Developers: Amoaz, Znote
GMs: StIX, Peroxide

i think maybe because of the new members of their team
looking forward !
i will choose for this because its 7.4 and its znote and amoaz ^^.

realots will be 7.7, dont really like that client but people will have to choose what to play
Enough with the offtopic, any more and infractions/warnings will be given! Any posts with mentions of other servers will be deleted (this includes those that only say the name of the server), this is a discussion thread about Faloria, not other OT's.

Seems somewhat promising, I know you and Znote work pretty well together so it'll be an interesting result :)
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i think RealOts has an advantage because of Iryont hosting it now, you know his servers wont go down, with Mastercores/Faloria you know what happend in the past.

anyway good luck to StiX and Peroxide, idc about Znote and Amoasz they worked with Erik/Maikel that should speak for itself.

//@Peroxide, sorry bro i didnt see ur post until this was posted :huh:
Haha, Just noticed I'm going to be a Gamemaster on Faloria 7.4 ;)
Will be a pleasure to help out :D
Enough with the offtopic, any more and infractions/warnings will be given! Any posts with mentions of other servers will be deleted (this includes those that only say the name of the server), this is a discussion thread about Faloria, not other OT's.

Seems somewhat promising, I know you and Znote work pretty well together so it'll be an interesting result :)

It's too bad there's no cleaning up in the other server threads they are literally full of advertisment of other servers =|

So what is the exp rate? Sorry if it says in first post i'm kind of in a hurry. ^_^
It's too bad there's no cleaning up in the other server threads they are literally full of advertisment of other servers =|

So what is the exp rate? Sorry if it says in first post i'm kind of in a hurry. ^_^

There's a serious need of new or more active moderators on these forums. Not saying the current ones are bad, but the threads I'm in, is full of off-topic posts without ever anyone being removed.


I'm really looking forward to playing aswell. I keep bothering Amoaz on skype to put it up, and I shall continue so til I get to pk everyone in DQ the first day
It's too bad there's no cleaning up in the other server threads they are literally full of advertisment of other servers =|

So what is the exp rate? Sorry if it says in first post i'm kind of in a hurry. ^_^

You will always gain 1x experience from creatures, but how much exp you need for each level is a lot less than original tibias.
For example, you'll gain level 8, 17 times faster than original Tibia.
At level 15 you'll leveling 12x faster.
And around level 50 you'll level 3 times as fast.
But at level 100, you'll only level 1,6x faster.
And at level 200 you'll level 0.8x speed (20% slower than original tibia!)."

Same as on old Mastercores!
looking forward to this more than to xmas and my birthday together :3
most enjoyable server i ever played, mb u should fix that u could stairjump monsters too esay they never atked or used spells when u were fast enough thats the only thing that bothered me
looking forward to this more than to xmas and my birthday together :3
most enjoyable server i ever played, mb u should fix that u could stairjump monsters too esay they never atked or used spells when u were fast enough thats the only thing that bothered me

I don't think he should change much, as mastercores was -the- server except for lagg and crashes. Since crashes mostly are fixed by countering ddoses, and thus the same with lagg, I don't think he should change much at all except for being a better hoster than Erik was.

Thou, alot of people have been complaining on a certain issue with some of the oldschool server that came out. All, of them, almost. Everyone except Antica. On antica the gameplay were great because there were never lagg. Including stair delay. On most server when yougo down a stair you have to wait 0.5-1 second, if not you'll bounce right back up again. Not on Antica. And that felt great. Please make sure there's no damn stair delay here too.
looking forward to this more than to xmas and my birthday together :3
most enjoyable server i ever played, mb u should fix that u could stairjump monsters too esay they never atked or used spells when u were fast enough thats the only thing that bothered me

High expectations, hopefully we can match them! :)

I don't think he should change much, as mastercores was -the- server except for lagg and crashes. Since crashes mostly are fixed by countering ddoses, and thus the same with lagg, I don't think he should change much at all except for being a better hoster than Erik was.

Thou, alot of people have been complaining on a certain issue with some of the oldschool server that came out. All, of them, almost. Everyone except Antica. On antica the gameplay were great because there were never lagg. Including stair delay. On most server when yougo down a stair you have to wait 0.5-1 second, if not you'll bounce right back up again. Not on Antica. And that felt great. Please make sure there's no damn stair delay here too.

Its no stair delay at all, and we will probably keep it like that.
There's a serious need of new or more active moderators on these forums. Not saying the current ones are bad, but the threads I'm in, is full of off-topic posts without ever anyone being removed.

Report it, that way it's guaranteed to be looked it and evaluated.
Should be fun I'll definitely be playing it again. One thing though that really puts me off 7.4 is how terrible and expensive the manas are... I really think the manas should be based on 7.6 and above. Also, will their be a custom client with dx9 support? (Might have already been answered but didn't read the whole thing)
High expectations, hopefully we can match them! :)

Its no stair delay at all, and we will probably keep it like that.
Nah it is... I'm guessing (guessing) mastercores is based off of avesta..

if so it is using the 8.0 stair delay thing.

You gotta go in the sources and change stepticks or something to 1, instead of 2. I had to do this for my old server.