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Real maps must die for the ot community to come back.

Get realmap servers to advertise, OTland.
I think people are too busy trying to make something different than Tibia, they're practically making a different game.

I've stuck around Tibia this long, because i enjoy TIBIA, yes it's interesting to see what other people come up with, different ideas (most of them you got to admit come from other lame games, Runescape - MU online) which are all cool & fun, but no matter how many times i see them, i still play tibia because i actually enjoy Tibia for what it is, and if you don't actually enjoy tibia, why are you here :s

I see absolutely nothing wrong with creating new systems and ideas as long as it is fun. Who cares if it comes from Runescape or Mu or whatever? I love tibia since 7.4 but it is the same old thing since then, no matter how many new content is added, its still the same thing! The idea of creating a custom project, is making it custom, different from the real thing, and mainly fun, and if someone thinks that Tibia with wood chopping/mining bullcrappie is fun, he should do it!

Pokemon online is something 95% different from real Tibia, and it has been more sucessfull than any other ot around. The point is not making something that people already like, but something that people will like, you just have to be good in making shit.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with creating new systems and ideas as long as it is fun. Who cares if it comes from Runescape or Mu or whatever? I love tibia since 7.4 but it is the same old thing since then, no matter how many new content is added, its still the same thing! The idea of creating a custom project, is making it custom, different from the real thing, and mainly fun, and if someone thinks that Tibia with wood chopping/mining bullcrappie is fun, he should do it!

Pokemon online is something 95% different from real Tibia, and it has been more sucessfull than any other ot around. The point is not making something that people already like, but something that people will like, you just have to be good in making shit.

Yet the woodchopping/Mining has never been popular (Then people want to cry that there server is getting no population), Pokemon is a good example of a successful 95% custom OT, but none of it is really custom as the whole idea is stolen from "Pokemon".
The reason the Pokemon OT works is because it's incredibly popular globally am not going to lie, but there are also no other Pokemon online games, there are 2 others (That i know of, i haven't checked recently), a 2d one which i don't even think is up anymore(Which was crappy) & the one being hosted in Korea fully 3d, which no one in the US or America can enter.

Apart from Pokemon, there has not been to my knowledge a fully customized OT server that has been successfull.
The OTs that have been custom and successfull have kept to what Tibia is, capitalized on PVP etc, & most of you know what OT am talking about here.

I have nothing against you making what you want, but if you're going to do it, don't then come to the forums crying that you're getting no players and rlmap servers are hogging everyone, because sadly you can't have the best of both worlds... You either make something, good/or steal a popular idea & make that or continue with your crappy Chopping, and MU level reseter ideas & get no one, simples mmskkk.
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Yet the woodchopping/Mining has never been popular (Then people want to cry that there server is getting no population), Pokemon is a good example of a successful 95% custom OT, but none of it is really custom as the whole idea is stolen from "Pokemon".
The reason the Pokemon OT works is because it's incredibly popular globally am not going to lie, but there are also no other Pokemon online games, there are 2 others (That i know of, i haven't checked recently), a 2d one which i don't even think is up anymore(Which was crappy) & the one being hosted in Korea fully 3d, which no one in the US or America can enter.

Apart from Pokemon, there has not been to my knowledge a fully customized OT server that has been successfull.
The OTs that have been custom and successfull have kept to what Tibia is, capitalized on PVP etc, & most of you know what OT am talking about here.

I have nothing against you making what you want, but if you're going to do it, don't then come to the forums crying that you're getting no players and rlmap servers are hogging everyone, because sadly you can't have the best of both worlds... You either make something, good/or steal a popular idea & make that or continue with your crappy Chopping, and MU level reseter ideas & get no one, simples mmskkk.

You will never see me whining about this on forums, I still havent completed my project. Instead of simply giving up and bowing my head to the "no one can do it" idea, Im trying my best to make a project thats perfect to my point of view and accomplishing my own objective. So basically you said: do as everyone else or fuck off with your inovative ideas, pretty close minded dont you think?

Will it have a lot of players? We will see. Even if it doesnt, I will have completed my own project and that alone will be a huge satisfaction. Thats basically like every custom project owners feel like, you cant change this with your long posts.
You will never see me whining about this on forums, I still havent completed my project. Instead of simply giving up and bowing my head to the "no one can do it" idea, Im trying my best to make a project thats perfect to my point of view and accomplishing my own objective. So basically you said: do as everyone else or fuck off with your inovative ideas, pretty close minded dont you think?

Will it have a lot of players? We will see. Even if it doesnt, I will have completed my own project and that alone will be a huge satisfaction. Thats basically like every custom project owners feel like, you cant change this with your long posts.

I think you're pretty close minded for thinking someone else is close minded for not accepting your ideas & for twisting my words, but we wont go into that, as i'd rather not get into an arguement about how stupid, we are. The fact you wanted to go down this road already prooves something.

Also you need to look up the meaning of "innovative" as it's clear you don't know the word & that what is being made (And what we talked about in this thread), is not innovative, just a stupid replica, perhaps use a different word for your "innovative copying".
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Ok, go touch in wound.. Why you guys really hate real maps? I really don't understand, just because they download a server and run, and get 200-400 players online, and get $1000/month, just because that? Seems jealous, and it's sux. By the way, someone can explain me why you guys really think custom server k00l, plix I don't understand that too, I really prefer real maps, have my favorite hunts :)
Ok, go touch in wound.. Why you guys really hate real maps? I really don't understand, just because they download a server and run, and get 200-400 players online, and get $1000/month, just because that? Seems jealous, and it's sux. By the way, someone can explain me why you guys really think custom server k00l, plix I don't understand that too, I really prefer real maps, have my favorite hunts :)

Nothing to do with cool, i honestly just think it boils down to them putting work into something that doesn't grab peoples attention, yet something that has had no effort put into it gets 200-400 players.

Custom servers are nice, and they can be a lovely change of pace in tibia sometimes, but no one really takes the time to balance anything, & half the time the people making them are those that actually dislike Tibias PvP/Loss system, ending up where they don't focus on it at all, making there server all about questing/Gaining items/Levels etc
Might aswell go play Diablo 3. -& this is what people don't get (It seems), there are now better games out there than what they are creating on there "Custom Servers".

I don't object to there creation of it, like i said before & what Siegh failed to pick up on.
It's the fact you make them, then blame others (Rlmap players) for not playing them.

Create shit all you like, innovative or not, just don't expect everyone else to like it, otherwise you'll just be sad panda..
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Nothing to do with cool, i honestly just think it boils down to them putting work into something that doesn't grab peoples attention, yet something that has had no effort put into it gets 200-400 players.

Most of the rl maps which has over 400 players, put effort into it
Nothing to do with cool, i honestly just think it boils down to them putting work into something that doesn't grab peoples attention, yet something that has had no effort put into it gets 200-400 players.

Custom servers are nice, and they can be a lovely change of pace in tibia sometimes, but no one really takes the time to balance anything, & half the time the people making them are those that actually dislike Tibias PvP/Loss system, ending up where they don't focus on it at all, making there server all about questing/Gaining items/Levels etc
Might aswell go play Diablo 3. -& this is what people don't get (It seems), there are now better games out there than what they are creating on there "Custom Servers".

I don't object to there creation of it, like i said before & what Siegh failed to pick up on.
It's the fact you make them, then blame others (Rlmap players) for not playing them.

Create shit all you like, innovative or not, just don't expect anyone else to like it.

Who cares about effort? It's simple, get a good dedicated, get 5 teams to wars, and more teams/random fags(players) will comes. Just that. Simple. But you guys REAALLLY love the idea about custom server.

Real maps are nice too, you can put a custom peaces. I'll not read the rest of that you said. :/


80% of the people who host, leech there things off this forum. (Exept the Map, but that's also stolen so again wtf?)
Yea there are afew hosters that actually script there own things in, but most of the things you see are from here.

Stop using "you". I already know. This is why they dislike it.

Made it simple for you.

Sorry, we are serious or you REALLY think, we gonna find A CUSTOM AREA to hunt? Spend an hour of our life to find a F*CKING HUNT? What about my pacience? What problem leech things off of this forum? It's a free community? Make hard for me plix.

Create shit all you like, innovative or not, just don't expect everyone else to like it, otherwise you'll just be sad panda..

Who F*CKING care about innovative? JESUS CHRIST! IT'S OTSERVER, IF YOU REALLY WANT GET INNOVATIVE GO TO A TIBIA REAL, AND YOU GONNA GET SO MUCH INNOVATIONS! Why panda? I hate panda :/ I hate Bogart just because that =(
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Most of the rl maps which has over 400 players, put effort into it


80% of the people who host, leech there things off this forum. (Exept the Map, but that's also stolen so again wtf?)
Yea there are afew hosters that actually script there own things in, but most of the things you see are from here.
Edit: Or are at least bought from someone here.

Who cares about effort? It's simple, get a good dedicated, get 5 teams to wars, and more teams/random fags(players) will comes. Just that. Simple. But you guys REAALLLY love the idea about custom server.

Real maps are nice too, you can put a custom peaces. I'll not read the rest of that you said. :/

Stop using "you". I already know. This is why they dislike it.

Made it simple for you. :peace:
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I think you're pretty close minded for thinking someone else is close minded for not accepting your ideas & for twisting my words, but we wont go into that, as i'd rather not get into an arguement about how stupid, we are. The fact you wanted to go down this road already prooves something.

Also you need to look up the meaning of "innovative" as it's clear you don't know the word & that what is being made (And what we talked about in this thread), is not innovative, just a stupid replica, perhaps use a different word for your "innovative copying".

Quoting you: "You either make something, good/or steal a popular idea & make that or continue with your crappy Chopping, and MU level reseter ideas & get no one, simples mmskkk. "

This is what I call close minded. I wont go deeper here since a worst topic popped already.
I am both-sided on this one.

I think it's fun to play a real map server, it totally depends on the intentions of the server.

Those who want to create a server for money = bad.
Those who want to create a server for fun = good.

It's always two-sided.
Quoting you: "You either make something, good/or steal a popular idea & make that or continue with your crappy Chopping, and MU level reseter ideas & get no one, simples mmskkk. "

This is what I call close minded. I wont go deeper here since a worst topic popped already.

Nothing closed minded about it, you either make something, Good/steal a popular idea & make that "Or continue your crappy chopping & Mu level reset ideas" which is pure copying and completely useless & get no one.

You my dear person, are dumb.
I dont have time to read through all the posts throughly atm but theres something that has to be pointed out. the reason you dont play custom servers is because there are no custom servers that fit your play style... if you read back, in multipul posts i say the reason people dont play customs is because there are no compairable custom server to the rlmaps that are being hosted. THIS is exactly what im talking about when i say " there are no fking compairable custom servers". if theres NO OTHER OPTION that FITS THE NICHE of rlmaps then theres ONLY ONE OPTION which would be rl maps... now if there were customs servers that fit that niche then people would play them. which is why i say people need to make compairable servers.

This is more than just a "kill all rl maps and stay the coruse" banter. the purpose of this thread was to shake up the way things are done, and ofcourse bring back some people into the community by shacking things up.

as far as "people dont come here because they dont liek the way cip is going" deal. i call bullshit. everyone i know on otland/otfans had played tibia, both past and present. perhaps because of tibia's massive decline in popularity over the few years it's changed, but i've never personaly seen someone on the forums that hasnt played tibia. I specificly remember there being a thread on otfans a couple years back asking why they came to otfans and i'm almost certain the very vast majority of people said because they didnt like cip for this reason or that. now thats not to say that they dont enjoy playing ots and that playing custom maps, but they still had the ideology that cipsoft fked up tibia. we old schoolers have had this mentality in our heads since wand rod update back around 2003-2005 ( i dont remember the year exactly, thats just a rough estimate).

Ok, go touch in wound.. Why you guys really hate real maps? I really don't understand, just because they download a server and run, and get 200-400 players online, and get $1000/month, just because that? Seems jealous, and it's sux. By the way, someone can explain me why you guys really think custom server k00l, plix I don't understand that too, I really prefer real maps, have my favorite hunts :)

You wernt around back in the day so i dont expect you to understand this concept but, we had pride in our crappy little servers back then. Some of the funnest servers i'd ever been on were by todays standards garbage, however the hosters and players had a diff mentality back then about how a server should be. To be honest, i think the vast majority of the new customs suck simply because they are far too complicated/complex. server makers and players then just wanted tibia slightly bent, now makers want tibia compleatly broken in half then sent through a shredder while the players just want tibia bent a little still or not at all. however, real maps arnt the answer to screwed up priorities... FIXING the screwed up priorities is the answer.

The problem with fixing the screwed up priorities is there isnt enough people in the community to do it effectivly, which is why i want real maps gone. The people hosting the click n runs dont give a damn about fixing the problems of whats left of out group, and the majority of real map servers are click n runs. If we expect anything to change we have to start at the base of the pyrimid, which is the community. If there are legit rl map servers that actually give a damn about the server then thats cool, but most of them dont. every argument for rl maps has a custom server counter argument, but no one is making servers to demonstrate those counter arguments. Its gotten to the point where theres rl map or entierly new games with tibia used as its platform.
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You have the word man..
Wtf are RL servers?
Seriously i hate seeing that the most servers with ppl are rl maps, the difference between top rl servers.. NOTHING
This is kinda sad
I played Unline.org a while ago i loved that server it was really fun :D
but now unline has only 30ppl on its kinda poor :c

I run my custom server while ago im from mexico, i made my server from 0, mapping, editing monsters spells bosses events
like 5 months of work, i put it on the list and for me it was succesful 40+ ppl playin my custom tp map mid-high exp, people doing my custom quests, pking in my custom city sometimes when a lot of ppl was online "30 players xD" i open quest and events and it was the rock! :D

I barely have 10 ppl playin ...


My question is this..
How to make a custom map server more attractive than a rl server.. I dont understand ppl who plays rl servers..
Rl map is like the fat wife you have, cmon you need something new hehe
i agree with this thread
and form point of view rl maps are FUCKING bad
why ppl play rl map ??
they just like to play a map they know

and its very sad to see very awesome custom servers die