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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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We still going to get the update with oblivion? No lag as yet and nowhere to hunt

no because I had to spend 8 hours last night dealing with shit so I'm going to hopefully have it released before I go to bed tonight
no because I had to spend 8 hours last night dealing with shit so I'm going to hopefully have it released before I go to bed tonight

So am i going to remain ip banned forever just for saying wipe lol? cool
So am i going to remain ip banned forever just for saying wipe lol? cool

Syns 8.0 dzot was perfectly fine lol. It was bills 8.0 that restarted everyday with a completely new character and account database.
Hey, I just wanted to let you know, even tho people like Obama get pissed, or people flame a lot, they are all as happy as i am that you host the server at all.

As to people that say stuff like "Donate if you're a noob" or you have to "Donate to keep up" or something else that bashes people who donate: Fuck you. Do you think it's free to host this game you all spend so much time/energy in? No. Personally: I'm going to donate to help. Sure, I'll get the donation points, but honestly, i probably won't use them for anything worthwhile. Maybe some outfits.

To Syn: Thank you. You're only one person, and you're doing what you can, when you can. I only hope you know that even if the people who flame love the server. They have to, to feel so strongly about it.
To Syn: Thank you. You're only one person, and you're doing what you can, when you can. I only hope you know that even if the people who flame love the server. They have to, to feel so strongly about it.

I agree... it costs money for the server and he puts a LOT of his time in making new stuff for us.... Donations help keep him floating so he doesnt have to pay for the server costs and maybe even get him something nice on the side...
I agree... it costs money for the server and he puts a LOT of his time in making new stuff for us.... Donations help keep him floating so he doesnt have to pay for the server costs and maybe even get him something nice on the side...

Like the greatest, fattest dinner ever at taco bell? That's what we do in 'murica.
Hey synthetic, My character got deleted for no reason. Could you msg me or log into game.
Please Syn unban my account and ip, come on i just wanna get back to playing.. i didn't knew saying wipe in joke manners would upset you so much to the point you perma ip ban me and give me a month account ban, i apologize please.
Syn i think ur doing a great job with the server and hopefully every thing plays out right, your just having some really bad luck =/
he is Syn the Tyrant and you will never get it back.

lol Clear this thread. It is full of nonsense. Server is fine just needs to move on with content.
so 2 people Correctly deleted is fine, yes. But are 2 other people Banned and deleted unjustifiably just fine too?
so 2 people Correctly deleted is fine, yes. But are 2 other people Banned and deleted unjustifiably just fine too?

Dude he is working on it, gota remeber here now its only 1 person doing this all, Not like there is a team out there all having access to this shit lmfao, just gota give it some time, he is also busy alot of the times for buggs and patches to the server AND w.e other things he has in his own life, he has a life btw just can expect him to do every thing on a dime and the way u whant it, its also sickening and toxic to the forum to see your damn posts on every page of the damn link!
Dude he is working on it, gota remeber here now its only 1 person doing this all, Not like there is a team out there all having access to this shit lmfao, just gota give it some time, he is also busy alot of the times for buggs and patches to the server AND w.e other things he has in his own life, he has a life btw just can expect him to do every thing on a dime and the way u whant it, its also sickening and toxic to the forum to see your damn posts on every page of the damn link!

are you fucking Derp in the head? he knows exactly who is Deleted and Ipbanned and is handling it pathetically. hes seen posts. He did the deletions and IP bans himself. your a damn moron for even posting some kinda trash like that. He doesnt want to take action for his Unjustified action he took earlier. just cause you weren't butt buddies with the people he dropped doesnt mean they need to be ignored.
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