YO AS YOU GUYS KNOW I WAS A PVP LEGEND ONE OF THE BEST, if not the best at like 2012~2014. Even at the time when the competitive was at its best when it came to oldschool tibia pvp.
Even if you think I was a bit thick-headed with my ego,(which I was, and totally a irritating prideful bastard to a lot of ppl ha-ha).
Well... yeah. I was atleast considered top 3, and there was a big poll about it on otlands.
Now that I have your attention. What's most awesome about my life is that I was thrown out of home, ended up selling some but mostly taking drugs for a few years. Mostly joints 5-15 each when I had it and a-lot of painkillers.. way too many. Which I many times almost overdosed on and died. Have you seen Painkiller on netflix? That stuff is real man, go see it, it'll give you a good reflection.
Shows you the many sides to how money can ruin lifes.
Real shitshow.
Notice how I said: Can.
Of course money can save lives, but usually we use or get money for our own good.
And often to satisfy ourselves, we gotta empty something, or somebody else.
Anyhow, I think it's kinda funny how my online-name always was Shine. Because one night I did encounter the light that shines up every life. I was on the verge of just giving it up because everything was just so lame with life, the world, the same shit circling around, failures and the agony that comes with it. The pain and the emptiness rather than just taking my life I decided for the first time in my life to randomly say, "Jesus" like genuinely say it as He was there and at that moment I surrendered to God and by prayer, poured out my heart, saying to God if you truly are real, have all of me.. and take me out of this.
Why'd I say Jesus? Well I got that thought, looking to the heavens from my window, heavily depressed.
I had that thought pressuring me (Pray to Jesus).
I never cared about God before, not in this way. I did wonder about God's existence from time to time, to get me out of critical situations like when I was about to be killed or if He was gonna hear my prayer about making me a famous music artist or something like that. (and I did actually upload about 80 songs to soundcloud) but removed mostly all of them and now its on spotify, still only a select few songs I chose to be left out there).
But this prayer was solely about God and my life for Him.
I was giving myself to God if He truly exist and soonly after this prayer I fell asleep and I had a dream where I saw Jesus in a blue divine light coming forward to me and putting his hand over my head, telling me (in a assuring and authoritative way) - "Don't worry, it's gonna be alright"
I woke up crying being felt with emotions throughout my whole soul that I just had an encounter with God. And from actually at that time feeling dead (trying different drugs to get my mood up.. - which didn't work at that time cause I was so down) From being really rejuvenated and excited, empowered and ready to spring up from bed to find out who Jesus is.
Why am I writing this?
Cause I got to tell you the truth.
You can react however you want, I just wanna be loyal to the one who loves me more than universe itself.
Who did give Himself up on a cross to die for a pathetic sinner like me.
and the way he did that.. - heartblowing. Haha. heartblowing..
Also Tibia has been a really big part of my life when I was little, this shit ruined my life, kept me in my room for days, months and years.
But it has its up and downs. I just couldn't control it.
Man could anybody? At 2004-2006. It was just so freaking fun.
So Yeah the community here means alot to me, because I really resonate with you guys, in one way or another we are or used to be big suckers for this pixel game. Simply because it really is an amazing game.
But life isn't about games. It isn't about me. It's about God.
And your life was made to live supernaturally with God. It's super rare for you to encounter a true christian these days.
A true Christian actively exposes the darkness in this world by showing the glory of God, or the heart of God I would say, by miracle manifestations or just genuine approach to life that can only be led by the Spirit of God.
Yes Christians, all Christians should drive out demons out of people (not talking bout catholic horror movies, but I did have to do it to my cousin 3-4 weeks ago and he was swept away by how the demonic forces left his body and he could feel the presence of God so strong)
and all Christians should heal people as that is a pleasure and an eagerness for God to encounter those whom believe in His powers to restore.
The one miracle Jesus aswell talks about that we Christians should do, I have not yet manifested, but it is the whole bible in its biggest essence - Making dead people alive.
Anyway that's enough essay for today. Most of you people will probably never experience GOD and most of you people hate God. That's all common bible knowledge that the church doesn't wanna hear of.
But the one puts himself lowly but before God in asking of forgiveness, shall be saved. That's why Jesus said whores and tax collectors will go before you pharisees into the kingdom of God.
For there is no one righteous before God, everyone is guilty, even one whom may have studied the bible throughout all his life and tried to live up to its commandments, can in no way attain eternal life. But the sinner who has commited horrendous sins deserving of hell over and over, but still cries out to God for forgiveness, will in all ways attain eternal life.
Because that is what Jesus Christ (God) died for.
Now no one answer me here. Because I believe that would be rude to the the thread, if you want to, you can message me in-game or pm
I will try to play a little while here and there on this serv. Hopefully =)
I thought I was just gonna write a couple sentences about my encounter that night and that's it but it didnt end up so.
Maybe someone of you needed to hear this.