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[USA] DeathZot 8.60 | Custom

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You make no sense, what does real Tibia has to do with your server?

I am pretty sure if you make botting unacceptable there will be more people who plays this game manually.

Have you seen lordaeron when elf made it? It had hundreds of players although there weren't a possible way to bot.

Get your facts straight, this isn't rl Tibia, this is DeathZot.

You make no sense, and you should stop posting before someone thinks you're mentally ill.

Lordaeron when elf had it, referring to what it was, in the past. Look at it now, theres 70 people playing despite all the work put into it. Look at the USA Server list, theres about 15 servers now because, once again Tibia (as a whole) is dying. OTFans was shutdown because of the inactivity. And yes this is DeathZot, it's my server. And from what you're saying, you clearly are mad, or something. Someone who doesn't care wouldn't waste this much time auguring about something that is so pointless. Go make your own server, make it anti-bot and see how well it does, I'm dying to see how 'successful' it is :)
Lordaeron when elf had it, referring to what it was, in the past. Look at it now, theres 70 people playing despite all the work put into it. Look at the USA Server list, theres about 15 servers now because, once again Tibia (as a whole) is dying. OTFans was shutdown because of the inactivity. And yes this is DeathZot, it's my server. And from what you're saying, you clearly are mad, or something. Someone who doesn't care wouldn't waste this much time auguring about something that is so pointless. Go make your own server, make it anti-bot and see how well it does, I'm dying to see how 'successful' it is :)

Why are you taking it from a different perspective?

If you want to create a "special" server, you're not supposed to compare yourself with a bad thing, infact you're supposed to compare yourself with something better.

From your angry reply I can see that you're a childish person that I wouldn't want to meet in person, "It's my server, I do what I want and if you don't like it you can gtfo"

Get some attitude before trying to reply to angry customers, maybe infact you just lost like 4-7 players from this.

But don't forget what happens when you only care about money and not about the quantity of players.

Soon this will be a server ruled by botters and finding no one to speak to, here's a scenario "I go to a spawn, I can't hunt because there is a guy who has been botting for 10 hours straight, I try to kill him but he has best gear in-game by donating, he simply owns me in few hits."

Money is what you want as I can see, but trust me your server will eventually die this way.
You guys continue to complain about donations? You realize donations are called donations for a reason? "A donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause." "CHARITABLE, meaning you shouldn't expect something in return. People should donate to the server to keep it running, so you can enjoy your time continuing playing. Also donations aren't as overpowered as you guys think they are. Every donation item you can obtain in-game, and sure its crucial advantage to pay and get ahead early.. but honestly what open tibia server doesn't have donations that actually have a fan base larger than 5. It's obviously possible to keep up with the people who donate if myself, eternal, and ekochaos killed many people who put hundreds of dollars into items and experience. You just need to stay dedicated and out smart your enemy by simple things. For an example, where you hunt plays a big part in this server. If you can out level your enemy your in a good position already.
You guys continue to complain about donations? You realize donations are called donations for a reason? "A donation is a gift given by physical or legal persons, typically for charitable purposes and/or to benefit a cause." "CHARITABLE, meaning you shouldn't expect something in return. People should donate to the server to keep it running, so you can enjoy your time continuing playing. Also donations aren't as overpowered as you guys think they are. Every donation item you can obtain in-game, and sure its crucial advantage to pay and get ahead early.. but honestly what open tibia server doesn't have donations that actually have a fan base larger than 5. It's obviously possible to keep up with the people who donate if myself, eternal, and ekochaos killed many people who put hundreds of dollars into items and experience. You just need to stay dedicated and out smart your enemy by simple things. For an example, where you hunt plays a big part in this server. If you can out level your enemy your in a good position already.

Please, get a level 1.5k donator vs a level 2k non donator.

and if the 2k wins, I will admit that I was wrong and I will not continue to argue.
Please, get a level 1.5k donator vs a level 2k non donator.

and if the 2k wins, I will admit that I was wrong and I will not continue to argue.

First of all, tibia isn't a 1v1 game anymore like it was back in 7.72 and before.
First of all, tibia isn't a 1v1 game anymore like it was back in 7.72 and before.


Get 5(level 1.5k) donors vs 5 (level 2k) non donors.

What is your excuse now?

Trust me, I like this server and the vocation system, but if somethings are changed this server will get better.

Get 5(level 1.5k) donors vs 5 (level 2k) non donors.

What is your excuse now?

You're thinking too in-depth to the ratios. I will just tell my team to buy magic walls and magic wall line the other team and trap 1 by one. No matter how much equipment you have 5 people on 1 person..yeah, i think we know the outcome.
You're thinking too in-depth to the ratios. I will just tell my team to buy magic walls and magic wall line the other team and trap 1 by one. No matter how much equipment you have 5 people on 1 person..yeah, i think we know the outcome.

That's because you're saying that the donor team are a bunch of noobs who can't also magic wall?

I am wasting my time arguing with you.
Why don't u just donate? You can sit back and watch as I and my team will keep up with these donators. Pretty much if you wanna argue about donations.. nobody is going to host a server for free. It's just not going to happen. If both teams are in the same skill gap..ofc the donators will probably win. This is synthetics choice to make the donations the way they are and there is nothing you or i can do about this. I think synthetic should come up with ways to make donations not as crucial, but i can't think of many ideas, so if you can maybe you should suggest some.
Why don't u just donate? You can sit back and watch as I and my team will keep up with these donators. Pretty much if you wanna argue about donations.. nobody is going to host a server for free. It's just not going to happen. If both teams are in the same skill gap..ofc the donators will probably win. This is synthetics choice to make the donations the way they are and there is nothing you or i can do about this. I think synthetic should come up with ways to make donations not as crucial, but i can't think of many ideas, so if you can maybe you should suggest some.

I would play and donate if botting is against the rules.

I never said that there shouldn't be donations, but you can't just put the best available gear in the server on the shop page and not expect some people to rage about it.
I can agree with that. Donation rewards are pretty annoying to play against. Botting has been a big problem in tibia for a long time now and there is nothing we can do about that. The general population on tibia bots now. How do you think he should deal with that?
Lets make it simple.
Synthetic fucked it up by not giving atleast the equipment (Helmet, armor, shield, legs, boots, ring) Back to non donators.
Donators will have a HUGE +. Specially cuz he gave xagul a FUCKING gamemaster.
I love deathzot, but this is too much. I didnt work my fucking ass of getting items for an idiot to dupe and make me lose the motherfucking items.
I have far better things to do then get another set and lose it after 2 mother fucking weeks.

Syn. You are a solid Gm/Owner.

But you will never be Bill (Death for those who dont know him).
He is a true owner of Deathzot, who knows how to keep it FUN and shit.

I would like to see deathzot succeed. But i bet ill see it in 2 months having 3 players. "(Xagul, Xagulz), Archlord, Eternal".
Others will quit cuz u behaved like a fucking moron and gave them shit back.
Dont say you didnt cuz i know u did, and i saw the items.

Why the fuck should i try to get higher or stronger then them ? They have fucking T4 sets, T4 weapons.

All i can say is FUCKING LOL.

Thanks, thats the last of me. Bye
I can agree with that. Donation rewards are pretty annoying to play against. Botting has been a big problem in tibia for a long time now and there is nothing we can do about that. The general population on tibia bots now. How do you think he should deal with that?

It's not going to be dealt with. There is just going to be things that botters will not benefit from I guess. I was told this server was made 8.6 for the soul reason of being able to use elfbot. I don't care anymore, it doesn't matter now.
I do not understand how people put botting and donating into the same category? They are 2 completely different things, if you dislike the donations then say so. If you dislike botting then say so. If you dislike both then say so. But stop saying, "donations op because of botting..." Those 2 topics have nothing to do with one another.

1. Yes botting is an advantage in some ways.
2. Yes donating gives you an early advantage.
3. Yes a person that donates and bots has an even larger advantage over a 100% non botter that does not donate.
4. Yes, it is your fault if you refuse to use a bot on 8.6 where every bot is free and costs nothing to use and is allowed thus not putting you at risk for banishment.

Basically what I am saying is if you think botting is so crucial, go download one for free and use it. I personally feel like botting is a waste of your time. Simply hunting when you are at full stamina and then killing bosses/trading tier equipment while you await full stamina is much better in the long run since the server is very equipment oriented. A person botting 24/7 is not going to have the equipment you have if you play smart. I do understand that people can donate for t4 BUT tier 4 is a brick wall. Once you reach tier 4 you will not get t5 unless you kill bosses, craft runic, and trade unneeded pieces, and yes I do mean you will NEED to do all 3 of those things if you ever plan on getting T5. If you want to donate for t5, you will not only have to donate over $1000 but you will also have to reach the level required to get to the area where the t5 is merged AND you will have to find it. Its not just as simple as donate > merge > profit.

I would also like to point out that when playing Xagulz before the wipe, I was pretty close to earning my first T5 piece. I was not yet at the area that contains the T5 merging altar. This means that any normal person on this server has the potential to earn t5 at the same stage of the game as a donated person since you must both acquire 7 t4 items AND reach X level AND reach ____ area to merge it.

The not so TL;DR:

You donate for T4, then you are stuck in T4 for a very long time which allows basically everyone on the server to catch up and earn their T4. You can donate $1000 for 7 t4 sets and $500 for level 6,500 and still not have the ability to make that t5 item. That $1,500 is going to take a hell of a lot longer to earn in real life than its worth on a video game, I really don't see the logic behind anyone doing such a thing unless they are filthy rich and have more money than they know what to do with, at which point I ask why they would waste their time on tibia when they could go do anything they want in the world with that kinda money. With that in mind, is it really that big of a deal to any of you? Even with full T5 and level 9999999999 they still can only kill you 20 times a day before red skull (maybe lose all the equipment they just paid for), and if they continue on they get banned for a week for excessive player killing.

Stop complaining and enjoy your time on the server and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.

I would also like to point out that Eternal's botting was put to a stop before the wipe when he was killed down to lvl 4k~ 3 days in a row. The community can combat botting/power abuse if they work together, that is how tibia is played, that is how it has always been played, and that is how tibia will always be played.
I will give it one last try, but if I find that almost everyone is offline (botting) and there's not a single person to talk to, I will think otherwise.
I will give it one last try, but if I find that almost everyone is offline (botting) and there's not a single person to talk to, I will think otherwise.

There are a lot of people in game-chat, before the wipe there was always an active game-chat. I think you are slightly exaggerating if I am honest.
Can't we all just get along? :] Seriously what's the point of fighting about someones server? If you don't like how it's ran you have the choice to quit at any given time you pick. You don't need to badger him because he does something you don't agree with when it's his server to do with as he please. If you want things done your way your always more then welcome to open your very own server and run it as you see fit. And if you do quit your just making yourself look ignorant by continuing to post useless shit about how bad the server is because it's not ran how you want it to be ran.
I will give it one last try, but if I find that almost everyone is offline (botting) and there's not a single person to talk to, I will think otherwise.

Theres like 10+ ppl in the game chat lol

EDIT ; SYN wth did u do with dem ninjas? LOL
They're op now. 10% as - is nothing . And they have the same hp as guardians and hit 30k+ every 0.5 sec on lvl 600.... GJ
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Ninjas need a nerf ;S 60% evasion chance at 2k? And same health as gaurdians.. being able to block 3 banchees..
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